First go w Dbol for blast after year cruise


Well-known Member
Seeing if my expectations are in line. Taken a year off anything more than 175 mg test/week. Also been about a year that ive been going through the motions in the gym. Just been maintaining i guess you could say. Reinvigorated to gain so giving it a go.

12-16 weeks
1-12/16 500-600 mg test with 200-250mg deca
1-4 dbol 25mg 2 hour pwo.

Currently 207lbs guessing 15% bf +\-

225 protein 3500 calories. Sticking to 10 min ss cardio 5 hours after lifting daily. Sauna 10-15 daily
To eod.

Thinking end goal 225-240 lbs with chest sticking out more than stomach lol. Hopefully.


1.5 gal water
Max 4 drinks on weekends if that
Milke thistle, nac, vit e and b w omegas for the liver.
Between deca, dbol, alcohol, and 1.5gal of water a day, that would turn me into a sponge holding a small lake in water weight.

Should definitely put on size and weight though.
Between deca, dbol, alcohol, and 1.5gal of water a day, that would turn me into a sponge holding a small lake in water weight.

Should definitely put on size and weight though.
What do you do to mitigate water retention. I dont feel like im prone to bloating in general. But idk. Booze is works against that but the liver is the main concern there obviously

In my experience, dbol is only useful for strength gains, makes you strong af instantly. Also good motivational/psychological effect.

Otherwise it's trash, all your gains will disappear as soon as you drop it. Also possible heartburn.
In my experience, dbol is only useful for strength gains, makes you strong af instantly. Also good motivational/psychological effect.

Otherwise it's trash, all your gains will disappear as soon as you drop it. Also possible heartburn.
Strength gains yes but doubting any muscle gained do to the ability to go longer harder will be kept. As long as the needed amount of testosterone is used to hold onto everything.
2nd day on 25mg of dbol. Workout both yesterday and today were extremely good. Felt like I could go all day. Strength isnt really something i can test as my hands and wrists are limiting factors so endurance is where I have noticed. Muscle endurance not cardio. Focus was on point very intense. But could be due to new pwo. Idk.
What do you do to mitigate water retention. I dont feel like im prone to bloating in general. But idk. Booze is works against that but the liver is the main concern there obviously

I'm no veteran but if you just keep e2 in check and focus on clean eating it shouldn't be too bad. These are actually modest doses compared to a lot of folks. I do recommend upping the cardio to 20 minutes a day for heart health. If you're aiming for 240lbs thats a hefty build and 10 mins might not cut it. But the sauna is a great addition. Wish my gym had one.
Seeing if my expectations are in line. Taken a year off anything more than 175 mg test/week. Also been about a year that ive been going through the motions in the gym. Just been maintaining i guess you could say. Reinvigorated to gain so giving it a go.

12-16 weeks
1-12/16 500-600 mg test with 200-250mg deca
1-4 dbol 25mg 2 hour pwo.

Currently 207lbs guessing 15% bf +\-

225 protein 3500 calories. Sticking to 10 min ss cardio 5 hours after lifting daily. Sauna 10-15 daily
To eod.

Thinking end goal 225-240 lbs with chest sticking out more than stomach lol. Hopefully.


1.5 gal water
Max 4 drinks on weekends if that
Milke thistle, nac, vit e and b w omegas for the liver.
More cardio.
Currently 207lbs guessing 15% bf +\-

3500 calories.

Thinking end goal 225-240 lbs with chest sticking out more than stomach lol. Hopefully.
More cardio.
Much more cardio.

And maybe start with lower calories? But that's personal preference and tolerance for fat gain.

Personally I'd start much lower with calories and increase by 100 every couple weeks to gauge fat gain.

12-16 weeks
1-12/16 500-600 mg test with 200-250mg deca
1-4 dbol 25mg 2 hour pwo.
You can run 600mg test and 250mg deca while keeping blood pressure, lipids (HDL, LDL and apoB), sleep, e2, and general health in check? If so, go for it. But 850mg AAS a week seems excessive (in my opinion). Sounds like you're already on TRT, so what's the rush? I like to remind myself "it's a marathon, not a sprint." I'd rather optimize for my health and well being rather than reach for the quickest results possible.
Seeing if my expectations are in line. Taken a year off anything more than 175 mg test/week. Also been about a year that ive been going through the motions in the gym. Just been maintaining i guess you could say. Reinvigorated to gain so giving it a go.

12-16 weeks
1-12/16 500-600 mg test with 200-250mg deca
1-4 dbol 25mg 2 hour pwo.

Currently 207lbs guessing 15% bf +\-

225 protein 3500 calories. Sticking to 10 min ss cardio 5 hours after lifting daily. Sauna 10-15 daily
To eod.

Thinking end goal 225-240 lbs with chest sticking out more than stomach lol. Hopefully.


1.5 gal water
Max 4 drinks on weekends if that
Milke thistle, nac, vit e and b w omegas for the liver.
Your goals seem realistic. Don't fall into the trap I have so many times. It's always been easy for me to get back to my previous max size (muscle memory). This made me lazy. I would take long breaks and just return to the gym and a cycle to get back to size. Then I'd start getting lazy again.

Stick to your goals and keep pushing it at the gym. This is my plan now. No more being lazy. I'm over 50 now and I've realized the gym is important to my mental health. So I'm gonna stick it out until at least I'm into my 60s if my health allows. So keep up the work and you'll hit those goal.

As to your hands, get some wrist wraps that you can wrap around the bar on that bumbell or barbell. I use wrist hooks for back day. If I didn't use them I wouldn't be able to even come close to the weight I can lift. My forearms are still 15 1/2" so they don't seem to impact or diminish their size.