First Log


New Member
Alright guys, been waiting on my cycle to kick in before I started this log to bypass all the boring stuff. Keep in mind that I have been cruising on 500mg a week of another labs Test E and just switched over last week. I have a few cycles under my belt but have always blasted and cruised. I do not believe it is healthier to come off and then restart. In my opinion you are doing more damage by turning your body on, then off, then on, then off. Its more taxing in my opinion. Any and all tips on this cycle are welcome as well as any lifting advice. My stats:

  • 23 years old
  • 6'2
  • 234 lbs
  • 12%BF
  • Lifting for 5 years
  • Pharmacom Mix 4 (Test phenylprop, Test Deconate, Nandrolone Phenylprop, Nandrolone Deconate) - Weeks 1-10 @ 1200mg per week
  • Pharmacom Tren Ace - Weeks 1-10 @ 350mg per week
  • Pharmacom Halotestin - Weeks 2-4 @ 20mg per day
  • Pharmacom Arimidex - @ .5mg 2X per week
  • Pharmacom Proviron - @ 50mg per day
Let me explain my cycle a little more. Im already a week in. I had started dbol 2 weeks back but dropped it yesterday because I wasn't seeing anything for it. So I threw in Halotestin and dropped the dbol. The arimidex I will most likely be running out within 4 weeks so I will be switching to CEM Exemestane. The proviron I will only be running for 4 more weeks unless I come up with some money to purchase some more. I just wanted to try proviron out for the first time.


I have quite a weird way of training. I do not take days off until my body tells me to or I literally cant make it to the gym in time because of work. I train what I want, when I want. What feels good that day is what I do. I am training mostly for powerlifting but it will be a combination of both that and bodybuilding. I will have 3 days a week specifically set aside for training my three main lifts. Bench, Deadlift, and Squats. Accessory training will also be thrown in on those days as well and I will go into further detail on what I do on those days. The rest of the days I will be using a bodybuilding style of training for the rest of my body parts. My main goal are getting PRs on my three main lifts.


I have no specific diet but I eat the same exact thing every single day. About 5000 calories. That is the sweet spot for me as I hold no fat but still am eating enough to put on some size.

  • Meal 1 - Mass gainer shake w/milk and peanut butter
  • Meal 2 - Tuna and brown rice . Oh, and poptarts lol
  • Meal 3 - Turkey, brown rice, vegetables, avocado
  • Meal 4 - Oatmeal, peanut butter, bananas, protein powder
  • Meal 5 - Mass gainer shake w/ milk
  • Meal 6 - Turkey and brown rice

And this just to cover the past week:

Mix 4 is very thick and has some decent PIP but still smooth if you know what I mean. Tren ace is very smooth and I get no PIP. The first night I had pinned the tren I had my usual tren dreams. I have had them every night this week as well as some mild night sweats. My libido is through the damn roof. Also starting to get very aggressive. As of right now I have had no weight gain and my strength didn't go up until yesterday. I will be posting a log for yesterday in a little bit as that is the first time I have seen some changes.
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This is a log for last night. May 11th.

Well about the day first... Aggression was through the roof as soon as I woke up. Pretty much being a dick to everyone at work but whatever. Got through the work day and headed home to meet my girl to go to the gym. Libido was through the roof so obviously did the deed before the gym... Probably not the best idea. Took 20mg of halo about 2 hours before the gym. After working all day and not taking any pre workout I was surprised to see I was amped AF walking in the gym. Worked on squats all day yesterday. Aggression was crazy in the gym too. Actually ended up getting into an argument with my girl at the gym over her not going heavy enough on the squats. Sometimes I probably push her a little too hard. She actually ended up dropping the weight. I was there spotting her but she got nervous and leaned forward so I couldn't help. It happens.


For the squats I do weight that has me failing at 3 to 4 reps. For curls and extensions I use the weight that puts me at failure between 8-12 reps. And for calves I try to fail right around 25 reps.
  • Worked up to a 1RM first. 7 sets up to 425. I could have thrown some more on but I had forgot to bring my belt so I didn't want to push it. Easy 425 though.
  • Box squats - 6 sets of 415
  • Pause squats - 6 sets of 245
  • Leg curls - 5 sets of 170
  • Leg extensions - 5 sets 190
  • Calves - 5 sets of 25 reps for all exercises. Standing calf- 345lbs. Seated - 315 lbs. Donkey calf raises - 315 lbs.
Thanks man. Goals are to:

Squat over 550
Bench over 415
And deadlift over 500.
Also to have added about 1 to 2 lbs of lbm after its all said and done.

Not real strong as I've always had a bodybuilding style of training but looking to switch that up now
@AintEvenAware Thanks brother, that was the last test, tren, sdrol cycle when I took that.

If you're anything like me... I recommend eating every single thing in front of you and lifting heavier than normal. I'm only saying that because I'm not really ever concerned about putting on a little bit of fat since I stay lean most of the time regardless. I've always ate as much as I could and trained around failing at 6 reps on all my big lifts. I assume since you're that tall you're rather low BF?

Thanks man ! I was mostly skinny fat from growing up without a lot of activity. I'm finally getting lean and have found the leaner I get the easier it is to keep fat off.

What were your opinions of Sdrol and tren ? I'm designing a long cycle at the moment that I'm hoping to start come early June. Have test C, deca, Test P, npp, and TBol all from pharmacom. Considering picking up some tren and possibly another oral (Sdrol?) to end the cycle with.

@AintEvenAware Yeah, the skinnier you are the easier. That's for sure. I think people overthink the whole diet thing. It's not calories in versus calories out all the time. If you eat a lot (healthy) and you train right and keep it all consistent then your BF will never get out of line all while gaining lean BM. That would be a sick cycle though man. What exactly would your goals be for that?
@AintEvenAwareIf you eat a lot (healthy) and you train right and keep it all consistent then your BF will never get out of line all while gaining lean BM. That would be a sick cycle though man. What exactly would your goals be for that?

My goals are both aesthetics and strength oriented. Would like to get to a lean 230lbs and be able to bench 315 for reps at the very least

Thanks man ! I was mostly skinny fat from growing up without a lot of activity. I'm finally getting lean and have found the leaner I get the easier it is to keep fat off.

What were your opinions of Sdrol and tren ? I'm designing a long cycle at the moment that I'm hoping to start come early June. Have test C, deca, Test P, npp, and TBol all from pharmacom. Considering picking up some tren and possibly another oral (Sdrol?) to end the cycle with.


DYEL? r u aware?
@AintEvenAware In that case I would stack your strength compounds first. If you have a few cycles under your belt and know what you're doing then I would blast those the first 4 weeks. Get as much strength as you can. Once those 4 weeks are done with those compounds obviously keep running your test at the same dose and throw in your more anabolic compounds. Think about it like this. You grow so your muscles can't adapt... Now getting a ton of strength and then switching back over to a bodybuilding style of training your strength will be up and you will be doing higher reps at much heavier weight than you were. Therefore shocking your muscles and forcing them to grow and adapt. If that makes any sense... I'm not the best at explaining things. Haha
Thanks bro. I just pinned my first dose of pharmacom test E and eq. Gonna do 450 a week of each. No pip last night or today. Oil a little thick but smooth.
Alright, so day 2 of some effects now. Hit back and biceps today. Pinned 1ml of mix 4 (600mg) and .5ml (50mg) tren ace as well as took my .5mg of arimidex. Took my 20mg of halo preworkout. Had a really nice pump today, definitely out of the ordinary. Definitely look more full and harder although my weight is actually down 2 lbs to 232. Also looking more lean for sure. As far as lifts tonight there wasn't a large increase in strength or anything but I did have a real nice clean, consistent workout. You know those days when your training is just solid as hell?... One of those today. Aggression is way up there, feel like choking people for taking too long at the water fountain and not putting their weights back. For lifts I do a few sets to warm up on each exercise and then continue to do 5 sets of a weight for failure between 8-12 reps. Biceps I keep the reps higher 15-20. I keep things quite simple and I'm usually in the gym no more than an hour and 15 min.


  • Lat pull down - 5 sets 250lbs
  • Barbell row - 5 sets 245 lbs
  • Dumbbell row - 5 sets 125 lbs
  • Seated row - 5 sets 180 lbs

  • 3 different curl variations. 5 sets of 15-20 reps for each set.
I'll never understand why people can't put shit back, I would hate to see their house. lol
Just got back from the gym. Not a whole lot to say today. Kind of just felt lethargic all day today, could be the halo. Same routine today, woke up... Pinned 50mg tren ace, had a shake, and worked all day. Today I worked on bench. Took my 20mg of halo pre workout and once again amped up walking into the gym. Maybe it's placebo effect since there still is No strength increase. But again it was a solid workout, definitely feeling good. I also pinned 10iu of slin tonight. I'll probably continue to do that on days that I can get extra food into my body. For my workout:


  • Flat bench - 10 sets total 4 sets of 355 @ 2reps. 3 sets of 335 @ 3reps. 3 sets of 315 @ 3reps.
  • Dumbbell bench - 5 sets of 110 @ 5reps.
  • Incline bench - 3 sets of 135 @ 15reps.
  • Cable flys - 3 sets of 45 @ 20reps.
And here's a pic post workout. I was up 3 lbs today compared to yesterday but I ate a ton of food today. Overall.... I'm feeling good. Nothing to write home about yet though.


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