First (real) Cycle


New Member
Hello guys I am about to start my new cycle with Test E and Var. And I need you advice, opinion or whatever that would help me make my cycle like it have to be.
So stuff is from hilma (any thoughts about this pharmacy? I bought anavar last year from them and I got it lab tested and results were accurate)
And I thought to follow their recomandation for the cycle.IMG_20230310_164320_745.jpg
I would like to follow the saying less is better so what you guys think about this dosage?
Here are my stats and goal
Current weight: 90Kg aprox. 20% BF
goal weight: 86-88kg 12% BF
Height: 186cm
I am still waiting for my blood results to come.
I was thinking to do low fat diet or should I go low carb. I did keto for my first fat cut
(natty) and results were great.
So currnetly I am eating:
3750 kcal
Carbs 270g
Protein 215g
Fat 150g
So i was thinking to start with aprox. 3250kcal and every 2week cut with fat 300-400kcal (depending on results). And finishing with 2000kcal
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Cut fat natty first, I wish I had applied that to myself. Then do your cycle with a proper bulking diet, if the calories aren´t there, it´s not much of an experience, especially for a first cycle. Be patient and put into work, save your gear for bulking.
Idk man every time I start cuting natty I lose everything I gained (strenght, muscles), last year I did var only cycle, I know it was bad idea, but at least I didnt lost gains and strenght and for the first time I was above 80kg with bodyfat lower then 10%. Plus I am not trying to become to bulked up, I would like to compite in bjj where I would need to cut down to 84kg to fit in mw category so walking weight 86kg would be perfect.
last year you were below 10% BF and now 20%? Why don´t you have a more sustainable lifestyle?
last year you were below 10% BF and now 20%? Why don´t you have a more sustainable lifestyle?
I like to eat good (bunch of tbone steaks) so when winter comes and with bulking diet (3800kcal) I allways gain fat, but I dont mind much Its winter so who cares about the abs.
Also, don't just take your Arimidex preemptively E3D . Start taking it when high e sides occur. And since it's your first cycle I would do Test only and see how well you tolerate it. If you want to you can add in the orals later in the cycle or in your next one. Also 10 weeks is a little short imo.
Also, don't just take your Arimidex preemptively E3D . Start taking it when high e sides occur. And since it's your first cycle I would do Test only and see how well you tolerate it. If you want to you can add in the orals later in the cycle or in your next one. Also 10 weeks is a little short imo.
I did 8 week anavar only cycle last year, but i dont consider this as the real cycle. What is arimidex? Do you suggest to do 12 weeks 500mg/week or with lower dose?
Also, don't just take your Arimidex preemptively E3D . Start taking it when high e sides occur. And since it's your first cycle I would do Test only and see how well you tolerate it. If you want to you can add in the orals later in the cycle or in your next one. Also 10 weeks is a little short imo.
Well said.
OP you are planning to add things you may not even need.

unsure of why the top says TBOL if you are planning to add var

And you arent going to lose any gains from being Natty. Your first cycle was hardly a cycle. if you lost it, then its on you.

Thats like saying if someone drops down to a cruise to drop from 20 to 13-15% bodyfat they will lose muscle. You do not lose it that easily unless you arent training/eating properly.
bulking diet (3800kcal) I allways gain fat
I don't mean this rudely, but this statement right here indicates your training needs to be evaluated. You are not training properly or intensely enough. 3800 calories for a male should not be causing fat gain like that
Arimidex is a marketing name. The active substance in it is Anastrozole. So Arimidex = Anastrozole. I would start lower, like 300-350 a week. You can titrate up on your cycle depending on your bloodwork / how you feel. Yeah, 12-18 weeks imo.
3800 calories for a male should not be causing fat gain like that
My maintenance is around 3600 kcal, but like I said before I like to eat t bones and when i do, instead of eating 3800 i eat around 5000 kcal and there where gaining fat becomes (and from all you can eat sushi days )
I train pretty hard, but now from typical bb I changed more to strenght training (I do jim wendler 5/3/1 program) and a top of that i do bjj.
My maintenance is around 3600 kcal, but like I said before I like to eat t bones and when i do, instead of eating 3800 i eat around 5000 kcal and there where gaining fat becomes (and from all you can eat sushi days )
I train pretty hard, but now from typical bb I changed more to strenght training (I do jim wendler 5/3/1 program) and a top of that i do bjj.
I am discplinated for training, for dieting little less cuz I found passion in food, if your whole life turns around the abs and shredded body, good for you but i dont like to be closed in house all day not hanging out with my friends, not going eat out with my gf cuz hey i need to eat my chicken broccoli and rice and i need to count every fucking calorie. Fuck that thats not the life I want, I am lowering my bodyfat (and everytime i cut i do i do take my diet seriously) only because my performance decreased I cant do as much pull ups i did before and I cant run fast like i did.
If you can give me advice how to achieve goals good i'll be glad to listen.
Arimidex is a marketing name. The active substance in it is Anastrozole. So Arimidex = Anastrozole. I would start lower, like 300-350 a week. You can titrate up on your cycle depending on your bloodwork / how you feel. Yeah, 12-18 weeks imo.
Okay sou you suggest in 5-6 week of cycle I blood tests and based on the results, I decide whether to increase or decrease the dose. And if I decide to add anvar it better that I addit at the end of the cycle?
What blood tests should I do mid cycle?
Now I did test for testo, testo free, dht, estrogen, lh, fsh, cholesterol hdl ldl
Yes, that is exactly what i meant. Testing parameters look fine, just redo the ones you did. I would add Anavar towards the end if you really want to. Otherwise, just stick to Test only for your first cycle. Also you should monitor your blood pressure.
I am discplinated for training, for dieting little less cuz I found passion in food, if your whole life turns around the abs and shredded body, good for you but i dont like to be closed in house all day not hanging out with my friends, not going eat out with my gf cuz hey i need to eat my chicken broccoli and rice and i need to count every fucking calorie. Fuck that thats not the life I want, I am lowering my bodyfat (and everytime i cut i do i do take my diet seriously) only because my performance decreased I cant do as much pull ups i did before and I cant run fast like i did.
If you can give me advice how to achieve goals good i'll be glad to listen.
That's fine but don't come here saying you take in 3800 calories.. I tell ppl I don't count calories here

All you can eat sushi? That's disgusting. To each their own but unless you drop 70 dollars for all you can eat. Your passion is just eating. I'm a little snobby when it comes to that type of food

Whatever makes you happy.
Yes, that is exactly what i meant. Testing parameters look fine, just redo the ones you did. I would add Anavar towards the end if you really want to. Otherwise, just stick to Test only for your first cycle. Also you should monitor your blood pressure.
Thanks for you help. What about hcg I honestly have no idea what this is I read on their side that I need it if cycle is longer then 8 weeks to keep balls "alive" it says.
I check my pressure yes
You don't really need it when doing a 12-20 week cycle. It will make your balls stay bigger (loads also) while on cycle by mimicing LH. Also it will make the transition between you injecting test and your balls producing test again after the cycle smoother. PCT will be easier. HCG is not a must have though.
That's fine but don't come here saying you take in 3800 calories.. I tell ppl I don't count calories here

All you can eat sushi? That's disgusting. To each their own but unless you drop 70 dollars for all you can eat. Your passion is just eating. I'm a little snobby when it comes to that type of food

Whatever makes you happy.
Okay thank you for your opinion. Have a nice day.
You don't really need it when doing a 12-20 week cycle. It will make your balls stay bigger (loads also) while on cycle by mimicing LH. Also it will make the transition between you injecting test and your balls producing test again after the cycle smoother. PCT will be easier. HCG is not a must have though.
I thought so, thank you you helped me alot.