First time pinning delts

Interesting. It has some truth in it, i hear from others that pinning too much in the delts you can lose definition from scar build up and because they're always inflamed from the shots and the oil. I heard something similar for GH though, some muscles in the forearms and arms they may go to atrophy due to the constant numbness but i don't know if that's true.

Yeah, thats probably subcutaneous unless you're 8% bodyfat with paper thin skin. That's how i do BPC157, it doesn't reach the muscle.

I would think if your delts are getting inflamed you'd notice.
Well, by inflamed i mean swollen from the depot. Like some guys prefer to spot inject so their muscles look bigger, not actual inflammation.

I could see deep IM and large doses causing an issue in delts. I suspect 1/2" with .5ml or less isn't. Like everything, it's dose dependent.

And in any case, sharper, lubricant coated pins that are the smallest gauge you can get away with will result in less scar tissue wherever you're pinning.

Going back (in emergencies) to cheap pins feels like they're serrated in comparison to top quality ones. They grab and pull on tissue, but I never noticed until I made the switch and went back.
I could see deep IM and large doses causing an issue in delts. I suspect 1/2" with .5ml or less isn't. Like everything, it's dose dependent.

And in any case, sharper, lubricant coated pins that are the smallest gauge you can get away with will result in less scar tissue wherever you're pinning.

Going back (in emergencies) to cheap pins feels like they're serrated in comparison to top quality ones. They grab and pull on tissue, but I never noticed until I made the switch and went back.

Yeah, i've only used BD microfine 29G for my oils, and some 30G for peptides and honestly i'm not seeing myself changing it. For my upcoming cycle i will pin for the first time in delts, 2 times a week with 0,6ml of EQ while keeping the test to every day subq in buttcheeks. Both with 29G 0,5inch ofc
Yeah, thats probably subcutaneous unless you're 8% bodyfat with paper thin skin. That's how i do BPC157, it doesn't reach the muscle.

Yeah i usually use those for hcg and hgh on the stomach, but just tried it on delts and surprised how good it actually works. I think its shallow im, otherwise i would at least expect some painful lumps since its oil. I kinda push the slin pin into my delt though, maybe it gets deeper that way.

Alternatively i use 29g 0.33x12.7mm slin pins on my glutes and it works very good too. I tried both 29g and 30g on my delts and i honestly don't see a difference.

Good video for injecting glutes with slin pins btw

Yeah i usually use those for hcg and hgh on the stomach, but just tried it on delts and surprised how good it actually works. I think its shallow im, otherwise i would at least expect some painful lumps since its oil. I kinda push the slin pin into my delt though, maybe it gets deeper that way.

Alternatively i use 29g 0.33x12.7mm slin pins on my glutes and it works very good too. I tried both 29g and 30g on my delts and i honestly don't see a difference.

Why would you expect a lump? I pin everyday for 7 months from test only to test+primo subc and all in all i may experienced 1-2 times some knot that went away after 2-3 days. Not all guys having a bad reaction from subc.
Why would you expect a lump? I pin everyday for 7 months from test only to test+primo subc and all in all i may experienced 1-2 times some knot that went away after 2-3 days. Not all guys having a bad reaction from subc.

Good to know, maybe it's subc after all. I think i've read too many lump reports lol
Chris Cormier on a podcast recently talked about how pinning small muscle groups like delts causes nerve damage and atrophy. He says he basically has no delts now.

So is this broscience or what? Nerve damage probably, but atrophy?
I could see deep IM and large doses causing an issue in delts. I suspect 1/2" with .5ml or less isn't. Like everything, it's dose dependent.
I’ve been regularly pinning my delts with 1-1.5’ needles (23-25g) for around 20 years & never had an issue. For IM shots, I have never gone shorter than 1’ & never had issues from that depth.

As for volume, based on my own experience I tend to think going deeper allows more volume without problems - I’ve never had issues from up to 2ml in delts.

Personally I think post-injection problems often stem from a multitude of factors including syringe size & injection speed & not just needle gauge / length &/or oil volume.