
New Member
200 mg is my trt dose, also what I cruise at while I’m off cycle I’ll use it at that amount during this cycle.
I’m just adding tren at 300mg a week for 8-10 weeks, 75mg EOD in addition to GW501516 minimize side effects. Not sure at what dosage works best yet for the GW so if anybody has advice on that, that’d be great

just general questions I have is:

I don’t have estrogen sides at 200mg so I don’t use AI, but will tren in addition cause estrogen related side effects to where I have to use anastrazole?

Also all I have is prescription anastrazole, so in case of an gyno emergency I would assume that would work against tren?

my trt clinic said they could give me an anti prolactin drug which I do not know what yet but I’m just in planning stages right now. Last thing I want is “prolactin related gyno” if that’s even a thing.

Will I have to use caber or a anti prolactin drug like anastrazole and do split dosages twice a week to lower prolactin?
Why so much in your first tren run? I don't know how big you are or your PED experience but starting at the lower end is preferable. Tray 150mg a week to start.
Why so much in your first tren run? I don't know how big you are or your PED experience but starting at the lower end is preferable. Tray 150mg a week to start.
I was originally going to do 200mg but I just decided on 300 cause why not? at least that was my mindset and that’s what I see people normally use, but I know for a fact I won’t be going over 300mg.
recently started tren also started at 300mg aswell. at this dose negative sides have been over exaggerated for sure. I think this stuff will only make u a huge fag if u already were one or if you have an evil soul. only negative effect ive experienced is acid reflux so prilosec omeprazole on hand. Also some insomnia but if you're training hard it wont matter
Have you ran a steroid cycle before? Or are you just on TRT?

Not running an AI on 200mg of test is pretty normal, your about to jump up to a total of 500mg with a pretty well known harsh compound. So yeah always have an AI on hand with any cycle

Have you looked through the forums for general information? The best advice I found is that
“Test is Best”. I wouldn’t jump on Tren if you haven’t ran 500-750 test, to see how your body responds, and then try some other compounds that aren’t so harsh on your body, for example, EQ, Primo, Masteron, Dbol, basically anything else lol

But hey man do what you wanna do, be safe and monitor your health, blood pressure
Have you ran a steroid cycle before? Or are you just on TRT?

Not running an AI on 200mg of test is pretty normal, your about to jump up to a total of 500mg with a pretty well known harsh compound. So yeah always have an AI on hand with any cycle

Have you looked through the forums for general information? The best advice I found is that
“Test is Best”. I wouldn’t jump on Tren if you haven’t ran 500-750 test, to see how your body responds, and then try some other compounds that aren’t so harsh on your body, for example, EQ, Primo, Masteron, Dbol, basically anything else lol

But hey man do what you wanna do, be safe and monitor your health, blood pressure
I’ve ran 4 so far, this will be my fifth, first cycle I did was 700mg test c for 20 weeks, I get blood work done every 2 months
I havent ran tren but 300mg seems like alot. why not start way lower and see how you respond and go from there ? You can always take more you cant take less.

also not for nothin but there is alot of evidence GW501516 is pretty fucking carcinogenic.

also not for nothin but there is alot of evidence GW501516 is pretty fucking carcinogenic.
There really isn't that much evidence.

There is no human data suggesting it and in the mice model they used the mice breed they used were specifically genetically prone to all type of cancers.

It's worth considering and caution, but it's far from a smoking gun
You should have no need for an AI, even on a big dose of tren and GH my prolactin is only a tad bit out of range with TRT test, 60's estrogen and I don't need any.
If i may suggest starting at 150-200mg a week and go up from there. My first run with tren was 150mg per week and i had some amazing results trust me i would have used more if i could but i could only get 1 bottle of tren e dosed at 150mg. Id start at 50mg eod. Thats plenty for your first run, also tren does not aromatize so e2 levels wont change. I believe the prolactin gyno is kind of more on the rare side and id think it would be from higher doses. also another reason to keep the dose low. see how you react. I actually lost my shit once on a tren run i got my dose way to high and went mental and just started beating the living shit out of people i beat the fucking hell out of my neighbor for calling the police on me and getting me arrested. i was on 100mg a day, this was years ago and i got arrested not even bsing you probably 5 times in a month iwas in jail most of that damn cycle just a bunch of overnighters and one 3 week stint. but anyway be careful bro tren is no joke., you can feel tren you can actually feel it hit.
There really isn't that much evidence.

There is no human data suggesting it and in the mice model they used the mice breed they used were specifically genetically prone to all type of cancers.

It's worth considering and caution, but it's far from a smoking gun
agreed bro did you see the amonut they gave the rodents? Its like 10000x the amount a human would take it was so much bro. I would link the study but i cant copy and past on this macbook idk how to right click on this damn thing,

Edit: so the mice were given 80mg a day for 104 weeks to cause cancer so fucking two straight years at 80mg a day for a mouse that weighs just a few ozs think about what that would be for a human? ok so i did the math a humna weighing 200lbs would have to take 256000 mg a day for 104 weeks to equal that
10mg a day on gw improves my lipids. I run during harsh stuff then stop just to make me feel like I'm safe. Im not. But it works in both aspects!
There really isn't that much evidence
There is in fact a staggering amount of evidence. If there wasn’t then it would be an FDA approved treatment for multiple indications already. The fact that this drug—which was shown to aid in weight loss and improve cholesterol—has never been picked up by any pharmaceutical company once it was dumped tells you just how bad it was. There are hundreds of questionable biotech companies out there that will take a shot on a riskier looking drug. None of them touched this stuff. Ask yourself why not one company thought that it was worth exploring what would have been a multibillion dollar a year blockbuster. Either every single one of them is dumb and doesn’t understand the animal models used, OR they all know that this shit is basically rat poison and they’re not interesting in being in the extermination business. There’s a reason the only people who say it’s safe are gym bros and the companies selling it.
There is in fact a staggering amount of evidence. If there wasn’t then it would be an FDA approved treatment for multiple indications already. The fact that this drug—which was shown to aid in weight loss and improve cholesterol—has never been picked up by any pharmaceutical company once it was dumped tells you just how bad it was. There are hundreds of questionable biotech companies out there that will take a shot on a riskier looking drug. None of them touched this stuff. Ask yourself why not one company thought that it was worth exploring what would have been a multibillion dollar a year blockbuster. Either every single one of them is dumb and doesn’t understand the animal models used, OR they all know that this shit is basically rat poison and they’re not interesting in being in the extermination business. There’s a reason the only people who say it’s safe are gym bros and the companies selling it.
dude read my post above. I do agree with you tho i think someone would have picked this up. I just think the risk of cancer from running it for a few weeks is so low youd probably have a higher chance of getting cancer fomr smoking a cigarette everyday for 4 weeks.
Edit: so the mice were given 80mg a day for 104 weeks to cause cancer so fucking two straight years at 80mg a day for a mouse that weighs just a few ozs think about what that would be for a human? ok so i did the math a humna weighing 200lbs would have to take 256000 mg a day for 104 weeks to equal that
I’ve been here a while and this is without question the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this august forum. And this place used to allow Naps to post. If you don’t know how any of this works—and man, you really, really do not—you’re always free to just not say anything.

The dosing that caused the drug to be pulled was 3mg/kg/d.

Human equivalent dose (HED) for a mouse is the original dose divided by 12.3. 3/12.3 = .24mg/kg

200lb (90kg) man would need to take 21.95mg per day to meet the standard that was found to be carcinogenic. That’s not quite as much as your math says. You were close though. You were only off by like 11,662x.
Cardarine is very debate from well if it did pass it would kill all the statin and other CVD drugs conspiracies to no that stuffs cancer. I don't know. Our scene has been taking, usually in short periods albeit vs the study, and there haven't been any sudden abundance of cancer deaths and its been out for some time. Not saying it's safe, but it does improve lipids, endurance, etc, and the cancer aspect should be a personal decision.
Last thing I want is “prolactin related gyno” if that’s even a thing.
Yeah it's a thing. Yeah tren is a nor. Tren was given to cows, tren can make you milk from the tits like a cow. Literally. So unless your bf is into cereal I'd do more research.
I’ve been here a while and this is without question the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this august forum. And this place used to allow Naps to post. If you don’t know how any of this works—and man, you really, really do not—you’re always free to just not say anything.

The dosing that caused the drug to be pulled was 3mg/kg/d.

Human equivalent dose (HED) for a mouse is the original dose divided by 12.3. 3/12.3 = .24mg/kg

200lb (90kg) man would need to take 21.95mg per day to meet the standard that was found to be carcinogenic. That’s not quite as much as your math says. You were close though. You were only off by like 11,662x.
hey man take that up with derek from MPMD im just saying what he said. and what the study said. where did you see 3mg? the study i read said 80mg .