Day 81 (Day 12)
Test prop 100mg eod (Legend)
tren Ace 150eod (RC Labs)
Msten 30mg ed (Celtic Labs)
Today i trained legs. The back pumps are annoying I think i need to get in more potassium because i am taking like 9g taurine a day and i still get the pumps. I have been feeling lethargic the last few days yesterday was the worst so far. I just could not snap out of it. I even took a nap mid day. Falling asleep is also becoming challenging for me.
10x 185lb
10x 225
8x 275
6x 315
16 steps x 120lb (60lb db in each hand)
2x 12 steps x 120
Hamstring curls
12x 80lb
12x 100
12x 120
2 sets
2 sets x 20 reps
Calf raises smith machine
20x 135lb inward
20x 135 outward
20x 135 standard
Single leg calf press
12x 80lb
12x 120
12x 100
It was a good session took longer then i wanted it to cause i had a chatter in the group of 3. I hit all the lifts i wanted to. Next thursday i am going to be going for the 1000lb club.
I want
300lb bench press
405lb deadlift
375lb squat
for 1080lb
Test prop 100mg eod (Legend)
tren Ace 150eod (RC Labs)
Msten 30mg ed (Celtic Labs)
Today i trained legs. The back pumps are annoying I think i need to get in more potassium because i am taking like 9g taurine a day and i still get the pumps. I have been feeling lethargic the last few days yesterday was the worst so far. I just could not snap out of it. I even took a nap mid day. Falling asleep is also becoming challenging for me.
10x 185lb
10x 225
8x 275
6x 315
16 steps x 120lb (60lb db in each hand)
2x 12 steps x 120
Hamstring curls
12x 80lb
12x 100
12x 120
2 sets
2 sets x 20 reps
Calf raises smith machine
20x 135lb inward
20x 135 outward
20x 135 standard
Single leg calf press
12x 80lb
12x 120
12x 100
It was a good session took longer then i wanted it to cause i had a chatter in the group of 3. I hit all the lifts i wanted to. Next thursday i am going to be going for the 1000lb club.
I want
300lb bench press
405lb deadlift
375lb squat
for 1080lb