Freezing HCG?


New Member Supporter
Does anyone know if its ok to store hcg in the freezer ?
Before pctshop closed shop i stocked up on pct items and thought i would just store the hcg in the freezer unmixed of course. I used search to find the answer but no results found , so im asking for your input.
I have frozen my hCG in preloaded slin pins and not experienced any issues. IMHO, you can freeze it and ive been advocating it for years.

Having said that, Dr. Scally's argument is well documented in that there is no documents or clinical trials performed as yet to substantiate or prove that freezing hCG does not damage or reduce its effectiveness. So clinically speaking, nothing to support freezing. Empirically speaking, many TRT patients have reported no change in using reconstituted frozen hCG to prevent testicular atrophy in the many years of performing this option to extend the life of hCG.