French Meso members banned for lab testing

Forum pathétique, des journaux déserts, peu d'interventions, ça mendie avec le code MF alors qu'ils savent c'est de la merde, ça suce hilma..,
Test lab boldo et PDS testo c parapharma merdiques, une source qui est censée produire aux normes GMP selon leur site, et t'en as encore qui disent ça a l'air correct..
enfin tout ça me dépasse.
Heureusement que je suis banni labas
En plus je trouve que MF est relativement chère pour ce qui est vendu par rapport a d'autres sources qui arrivent a être de meilleure qualité et moins chère ...

Bref pathétique comme tu dis ^^


MF is relatively expensive for the quality, other reseller are cheaper and of better quality ...

Pathetic indeed ^^
expensive because it forces people to use its unhealthy sponsorship system
So he increases the prices by 30% to force people to use a promo code and then the beggars who live thanks to this code promote it everywhere

I understand that some people don't have a lot of money so it helps but he just has to reduce the prices by 30% instead of his rotten system that's why I will never order on his site
Hey guys, I would like your opinion on this site

there is a lot of recent testing!


I communicated with them by email and on the chat, it sounds serious and fast! the prices are correct. give me your opinion thank you

ps: I use this to translate all of the sites I visit for those who don't know.
Nobody know this website?
Est ce que quelqu'un a commandé dessus?