From 275lb Off Season to Current 235lb 8 weeks out from show (True Novice)


New Member
Prepping for my first bodybuilding show so I will be true novice. Been bodybuilding for about 3 years now consistently, also on my 3rd cycle currently, technically 4th as there was no break between my offseason cycle which was 11 weeks, going into my prep cycle which I have been on for almost 7 weeks and have 8 weeks to go.

Off season getting ready for prep had taken about a 4 month break from bodybuilding and jumped my food up high(would not recommend) but to 80fats650carbs350protein, and it ended as 120fats900carbs400protein. Mainly all from clean sources besides 1-2 cheat meals which consisted of five guys burgers and fries and would be on my back day and leg day. Was running 500SUS, 300NPP, .5 Adex M&F, 20mg Nolva T,W&Sat. 5iu GH Upon Awakening, 20IU Lantus Upon Awakening, and 10iu Humalog Pre Workout. Got up to 275.

Prep begins 16 weeks out, weight is at 275 at the check in on morning prep. Cycle begins of staying on 500Sus, 300NPP, 5iu GH, 20IU Lantus, 10humalog. Food drops quite quickly and we take out Humalog. Then at 11 weeks out my weight is at 250. We switch whole cycle. No GH. No insulin. AM 25mcg T3, 60mcg clen, 2.5grams injectable l carnitine (all that is pre fasted cardio which i do 50min in stepper 6x a week) Test switches to Test Prop 25MG ED, Mast Prop 70mg ED, Tren Ace 50MG ED. Within 10 days tren was out due to lack of slee and we out in primo. Cycle changed to 25mg Test Prop, 70 Mast P ED, 80mg Primo ED, 12.5 Aromasin x3 week, Nolva 20mg x3 a week. Currently sitting at 235 normally but had a big ass cheat meal last night and gained 8lb which will be gone in 2 days due to the fact it’s all water.

Morning Supps before cardio 2.5grams injectable L Carnitine, 60mcg Clen, 25mcg T3, Thermogenic, Yohimbine, Half cup black coffee, 30oz water.

Cardio 50minutes on stair stepper 6x a week.

Water 2 gallons a day.

Vitamins are NAC . Tudca. Fish Oil. Citrus Bergamont. D3&K2. Astragalus Root. Vitamin C.

Here are pics of when I was starting prep middle end of July to a pic I took mid Septembe. Currently 8 weeks out.


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Nice log! 2.5grams injectable l carnitine? You take that all at once in one inj site? You must be using a 5cc syringe lol. Does the primo and mast lower your estrogen? I could never run both of those on 200mg of test only. I hope you keep updating your progress!
Nice log! 2.5grams injectable l carnitine? You take that all at once in one inj site? You must be using a 5cc syringe lol. Does the primo and mast lower your estrogen? I could never run both of those on 200mg of test only. I hope you keep updating your progress!
Thank you bro and yes I’m sure my estrogen is fairly low. I still feel good tho, decent energy levels. My estradiol gets high very easy like off 500 test with no ai I’ll get to almost 100 estradiol lol. But feel good just have to force myself to not go to heavy cuz my joints. But feel good for the most part. N yes I use a 3ml and it’s 500mg per ml but you can pull a .5 past the 3ml basically with a 3ml syringe and I do it all pre
Nice log! 2.5grams injectable l carnitine? You take that all at once in one inj site? You must be using a 5cc syringe lol. Does the primo and mast lower your estrogen? I could never run both of those on 200mg of test only. I hope you keep updating your progress!
I will say my sex drive tho is very low and I have to go lighter due to joints and tendons which I would 100% assume due to killin estrogen. But my coach likes to bring that dry hard look early on into show
I normally try to avoid this but you posted it so I’ll comment.

The drug choices/timing are very confusing. The only look that matters is the one on show day and presumably you’ve dropped test, cut GH, and crashed estrogen to try and look better earlier at the expense of fat burning, health, and feeling better deeper into prep.

Stick to the plan but man ask questions to atleast try and understand.
I normally try to avoid this but you posted it so I’ll comment.

The drug choices/timing are very confusing. The only look that matters is the one on show day and presumably you’ve dropped test, cut GH, and crashed estrogen to try and look better earlier at the expense of fat burning, health, and feeling better deeper into prep.

Stick to the plan but man ask questions to atleast try and understand.
Yeah I hear what ur sayin but my coach’s client won the NY Pro, he has 3 people going to the O this year, what he say I trust
Yeah I hear what ur sayin but my coach’s client won the NY Pro, he has 3 people going to the O this year, what he say I trust
My only point is there’s a big enough hammer to fit any square peg into a round hole. What we pros will do for a W may not match the risk profile you’re (anybody) comfortable with.

Trust is fine. Asking questions to understand shouldn’t be conditional of trust.
My only point is there’s a big enough hammer to fit any square peg into a round hole. What we pros will do for a W may not match the risk profile you’re (anybody) comfortable with.

Trust is fine. Asking questions to understand shouldn’t be conditional of trust.
I get what your saying forsure and I appreciate your input bro I know it’s only out of good intentions
Following. I thoroughly enjoy seeing different logs from novice all the way to semi/pro. Very interesting to see what different coaches have their clients do, and it certainly helps me learn a thing or two!

I also always enjoy seeing @Mac11wildcat chime in, as he's a cornucopia of knowledge. He always offers great advice, and I truly appreciate people like him who encourage questioning "authority".

Looking forward to seeing what you look like on stage!
Following. I thoroughly enjoy seeing different logs from novice all the way to semi/pro. Very interesting to see what different coaches have their clients do, and it certainly helps me learn a thing or two!

I also always enjoy seeing @Mac11wildcat chime in, as he's a cornucopia of knowledge. He always offers great advice, and I truly appreciate people like him who encourage questioning "authority".

Looking forward to seeing what you look like on stage!
thank u bro preciate ur support man!!
True novice? :D

The other guys will never know what hit them.

I hope you are going to enter the open category, as well.

I find the timing of your drug changes confusing, too, but, unlike Mac11Wildcat, I never looked as good as you do, and was never quite as big as you, so what do I know?

I did not worry about water until three weeks out. Going off memory, I think that is when I dropped growth hormone. Test had already been swapped out for shorter esters so I could drop it later without the longer esters lingering, but weekly dosage was still high at that point. I don't think I used an ai until about then, either. Body composition changes are going to be better with test high and growth hormone high, and there is no need to lower it this far out.

Dropping water due to testosterone and growth hormone can be done much later than this.

Does your coach know that this is harming your training intensity with the pain? Also, have you run a blood test to see where your e2 is?

I mean, you are still 8 weeks out.
Why did y’all drop the growth so far out? Seems like you’d leave a lot of lipolysis and soft tissue recovery on the table. I could understand 2-3 weeks out dropping it
True novice? :D

The other guys will never know what hit them.

I hope you are going to enter the open category, as well.

I find the timing of your drug changes confusing, too, but, unlike Mac11Wildcat, I never looked as good as you do, and was never quite as big as you, so what do I know?

I did not worry about water until three weeks out. Going off memory, I think that is when I dropped growth hormone. Test had already been swapped out for shorter esters so I could drop it later without the longer esters lingering, but weekly dosage was still high at that point. I don't think I used an ai until about then, either. Body composition changes are going to be better with test high and growth hormone high, and there is no need to lower it this far out.

Dropping water due to testosterone and growth hormone can be done much later than this.

Does your coach know that this is harming your training intensity with the pain? Also, have you run a blood test to see where your e2 is?

I mean, you are still 8 weeks out.
Haven’t run blood test no not yet but my training is still good and I don’t feel weaker I just don’t want to go heavy just in case my joints can’t take it right now, but overall feel good, and thank you bro I’m excited!!