GE-TM Labs

When I will get the laboratory reports to myself, (as soon as this case has been through court system, and closed), I will post up scanned and/or photos of these document.,

LMAO! Btw. the gear you got from GT-TM i as payment for your recommendations is fucking fake crap, I really doubt that customs lab tests would lie, buit unfortunatrely they show the miserable truith in SO MANY WAYS... [:o)
This board is a joke, and if you really think I am making this all up, I don't give a fuck, go ahed and tell the newbs thats I'm full of shit and GT-Tm is G2G,LOL!!!![:o)][:o)][:o)] Fucking Fools...[:o)]

As you wish. Noobs, Ace is full of shit!

Still, like previously promised i will post exact copies of lab results when I get thosse documents to mysel, just be cause I am certain that GT-EM would be able to make products they promise (or did the new web-pages maybe cost too much for your budjet, and now you have to save on raw matrials,lol!?)

You should have waited until you had copies of the labs before you made accusations. But, I guess that's expected when you're FULL OF SHIT!

It will be a long time before your trial/conviction and you can get access these labs. In the meantime, you decided to go online and admit to your crimes, location, illegal products purchased and name the supplier. Because most people in your situation would go online and admit their guilt to the world, right? :rolleyes:

So here we are, left waiting for your trial before we see these mysterious triple top secret, for-your-eyes-only customs lab reports. But, I'm afraid it will be an awfully long wait, though. Once you're found guilty - and you will be found guilty (see above), you won't be in a position to post these labs until after you've served a lengthy jail sentence. But by that time, posting these labs will be the furthest thing from your mind. I mean, after you've been forced to endure repeated violations by your cell mate, those labs will be a distant memory. So it is a pretty safe bet that we'll never see your proof. What a surprise!

To sum it up: Trust Fucking No One. Never ever. On Anyfuckingthing anymore... Espeasially people, or boards that tell/express you they are trustwrothy. FnAnnihilation to Extinction, Out.....


Remember Ace, that includes all the fat sweaty tattooed dudes that are going to look at you funny in the shower.

So even though you've received poor advice in the past, here is a final piece of GOOD parting advice for you to take to jail, Ace: Whatever you do, DO NOT drop the soap! I HIGHLY recommend you purchase a large enough supply of these to last the duration of your incarceration. Otherwise, prepare that rectum, Ace.

Yea, I know you have every reason to ignore (and most vets are going to for other reasons explaind a bit further), everything what I am going to say bc. I'm a newbie to this board wihtout any considerable posting history (on this board).
Well I'm going to post this anyway propably mostly be cause I'm pretty damn frustrated, and I feel that I'm in debt to the part of community that actually gives honest feedback, and who led me legit sources when I was seeking gear for first times.

I was interregated by customs today about few different cases, one of them being my order from GE-TM labs that got seized few months back (Others are not relevant, so I will skip them complely, although I plan on expressing some pretty "close to freezing point" feedback on other forums on other matters involved)

Backround: GE-TM Labs seemed like a great option near Scandinavia to get the gear I was looking for personal use, and maybe even consider wholesale on their products. To test their own products I placed order for their Primo -E, Masteron -P, and Tren -E, total of 15 vials.
Shipment got seized by customoms, and I was contacted by Dan or Daniel about the matter, and was promised a reshipment, which I have yet fail to receive, or being contacted by GE-TM again about this matte to this day.

Point of this whole post:​
According to customs lab analysis in substances on
Methelone Enantanthate (Primo -E) Vials:
Various different Testosterone esters.

Drostanolone Propriate (Masteron -P) Vials:
Various different Testosterore estestrs.

Tenbolone Enanthatete Vials:
Tenbolone Acetate.

When I will get the laboratory reports to myself, (as soon as this case has been through court system, and closed), I will post up scanned and/or photos of these document., Untill I have gone through trial about these matters, all documents are ordered to keep confidental, and stamped with "secred level III". So according to law here I will only get them to my person when the case is closed jurisdictionally. I just had a chace to read trough them when i was under interrigation.

Looking back:
I propably should not have expressed to Dan/Danial of GE-Tm labs that I was instested in doing business in large volume. My first order just to tests the quality of their products was over 500€ (you who know prices of GT-TM, count what my order aproximetely costed by vials mentioned above, also you propably understand why I ordered those exact prducts), so my frustration on this matter should be understood very well. If not, Iäm defibetely st wrong board. Which is fact anyway... Trust noone here, especially vet, according to this experience they will all have some agenda of their own.

I am very disappointed to both, of course GT-TM for selling fake gear, but also for vets of this board for giving such false "great" reviews for this Lab/Source. From this exprience I would definetely rate higher any opinons expressed by other source boards, (yes, even fucking EROIDS!) than this complete bullshit where vets support Lab/Source like this, that makes all your recommendationds just completely worthless...
Apparently many of you here have been bought by GT-TM (and who know how many others), so what diffrence does it make if the "team" here drills trough all open sources!? Anyway outcome is what I ended up with, so you reading this: Learn, Learn,Learn from my fuck ups!
LMAO! Btw. the gear you got from GT-TM i as payment for your recommendations is fucking fake crap, I really doubt that customs lab tests would lie, buit unfortunatrely they show the miserable truith in SO MANY WAYS... [:o)
This board is a joke, and if you really think I am making this all up, I don't give a fuck, go ahed and tell the newbs thats I'm full of shit and GT-Tm is G2G,LOL!!!![:o)][:o)][:o)] Fucking Fools... [:o)][:o)][:o)]
Still, like previously promised i will post exact copies of lab results when I get thosse documents to mysel, just be cause I am certain that GT-EM would be able to make products they promise (or did the new web-pages maybe cost too much for your budjet, and now you have to save on raw matrials,lol!?)

To sum it up: Trust Fucking No One. Never ever. On Anyfuckingthing anymore... Espeasially people, or boards that tell/express you they are trustwrothy. FnAnnihilation to Extinction, Out.....


Post up some of the communication between yourself and Dan/David. You could verify that at least the first half of your story is true.

You definitely fucked up posting this shit right now though. I too, have sever doubts that we will ever see any form of proof.
CBS are you inferring stupid is as stupid does?
Hmm, I thought so ...... LMAO!!!

Isn't it odd Mackenzie not one other soul on Meso has lodged a formal complaint about GETM previously either!

That's right not ONE "ace" and the majority whom are buying and recommending this gear are relatively new mates rather than "VETS" who you so willingly and preemptively accuse of being involved in some form of quid-pro-quo ruse.

All these contentious comments without one shred of evidence, what a fucking looser.!
Yea, I know you have every reason to ignore (and most vets are going to for other reasons explaind a bit further), everything what I am going to say bc. I'm a newbie to this board wihtout any considerable posting history (on this board).
Well I'm going to post this anyway propably mostly be cause I'm pretty damn frustrated, and I feel that I'm in debt to the part of community that actually gives honest feedback, and who led me legit sources when I was seeking gear for first times.

I was interregated by customs today about few different cases, one of them being my order from GE-TM labs that got seized few months back (Others are not relevant, so I will skip them complely, although I plan on expressing some pretty "close to freezing point" feedback on other forums on other matters involved)

Backround: GE-TM Labs seemed like a great option near Scandinavia to get the gear I was looking for personal use, and maybe even consider wholesale on their products. To test their own products I placed order for their Primo -E, Masteron -P, and Tren -E, total of 15 vials.
Shipment got seized by customoms, and I was contacted by Dan or Daniel about the matter, and was promised a reshipment, which I have yet fail to receive, or being contacted by GE-TM again about this matte to this day.

Point of this whole post:​
According to customs lab analysis in substances on
Methelone Enantanthate (Primo -E) Vials:
Various different Testosterone esters.

Drostanolone Propriate (Masteron -P) Vials:
Various different Testosterore estestrs.

Tenbolone Enanthatete Vials:
Tenbolone Acetate.

When I will get the laboratory reports to myself, (as soon as this case has been through court system, and closed), I will post up scanned and/or photos of these document., Untill I have gone through trial about these matters, all documents are ordered to keep confidental, and stamped with "secred level III". So according to law here I will only get them to my person when the case is closed jurisdictionally. I just had a chace to read trough them when i was under interrigation.

Looking back:
I propably should not have expressed to Dan/Danial of GE-Tm labs that I was instested in doing business in large volume. My first order just to tests the quality of their products was over 500€ (you who know prices of GT-TM, count what my order aproximetely costed by vials mentioned above, also you propably understand why I ordered those exact prducts), so my frustration on this matter should be understood very well. If not, Iäm defibetely st wrong board. Which is fact anyway... Trust noone here, especially vet, according to this experience they will all have some agenda of their own.

I am very disappointed to both, of course GT-TM for selling fake gear, but also for vets of this board for giving such false "great" reviews for this Lab/Source. From this exprience I would definetely rate higher any opinons expressed by other source boards, (yes, even fucking EROIDS!) than this complete bullshit where vets support Lab/Source like this, that makes all your recommendationds just completely worthless...
Apparently many of you here have been bought by GT-TM (and who know how many others), so what diffrence does it make if the "team" here drills trough all open sources!? Anyway outcome is what I ended up with, so you reading this: Learn, Learn,Learn from my fuck ups!
LMAO! Btw. the gear you got from GT-TM i as payment for your recommendations is fucking fake crap, I really doubt that customs lab tests would lie, buit unfortunatrely they show the miserable truith in SO MANY WAYS... [:o)
This board is a joke, and if you really think I am making this all up, I don't give a fuck, go ahed and tell the newbs thats I'm full of shit and GT-Tm is G2G,LOL!!!![:o)][:o)][:o)] Fucking Fools... [:o)][:o)][:o)]
Still, like previously promised i will post exact copies of lab results when I get thosse documents to mysel, just be cause I am certain that GT-EM would be able to make products they promise (or did the new web-pages maybe cost too much for your budjet, and now you have to save on raw matrials,lol!?)

To sum it up: Trust Fucking No One. Never ever. On Anyfuckingthing anymore... Espeasially people, or boards that tell/express you they are trustwrothy. FnAnnihilation to Extinction, Out.....


Try this, type your post in google translate in your own language then translate it into english, then copy paste it here. Your attempt at english is a mouthful. I sincerely can't understand shit of what you're saying. Are you talking about lab testing something that got seized by customs!? So let me get this straight, it got seized by customs, you're gonna lab test it and it's fake already? Good advice, I'm gonna start by not trusting you.
I tried 50 mg of d-bol day ge-tm for a week. Zero effect, no pumping, no increased appetite, practically totally phoney. I opened a capsule, and I tasted the powder. The flavor is sweet, definitely dextrose or glucose. You have managed to do worse than balkan and vermodje. congratulations!
I tried 50 mg of d-bol day ge-tm for a week. Zero effect, no pumping, no increased appetite, practically totally phoney. I opened a capsule, and I tasted the powder. The flavor is sweet, definitely dextrose or glucose. You have managed to do worse than balkan and vermodje. congratulations!

The smear campaign has begun.
I do not make to fuck the placebo effect! if a product is legit I realize! For me the experience with ge-tm can be considered concluded! The powder inside the capsules is sweet, and zero effect! imagine what could be the most expensive products such as oxandrolone, trenbolone and primobola. hahahhahahahhaha
I tried 50 mg of d-bol day ge-tm for a week. Zero effect, no pumping, no increased appetite, practically totally phoney. I opened a capsule, and I tasted the powder. The flavor is sweet, definitely dextrose or glucose. You have managed to do worse than balkan and vermodje. congratulations!

Even when I did my shit review on Generic Supplements D-bol I had been on D-bol for nearly 3 weeks, orals should kick in by then end of the second week. You took for just a week...and who told you D-bol makes you hungry? Pumping? [:o)]
I do not make to fuck the placebo effect! if a product is legit I realize! For me the experience with ge-tm can be considered concluded! The powder inside the capsules is sweet, and zero effect! imagine what could be the most expensive products such as oxandrolone, trenbolone and primobola. hahahhahahahhaha

Well, that's shitty.

How much did you order?
hahahahhah the d-bol not by pumping at 50 mg / day ... you see that you never used the real d-bol! I'm sorry for you ... the d-bol has an active life of a few hours. So start working from the very first intakes ... [: O)]
luckily I made a small order to test the genuineness of the laboratory. A pack of d-bol and a vial of trenbolone .. ehm sorry, vial of groundnut oil hahahhaa

Well, that's a minor bright-side.

How long did you run the Dbol? Did you take 50mg each day? Starting with the first day?
hahahahhah the d-bol not by pumping at 50 mg / day ... you see that you never used the real d-bol! I'm sorry for you ... the d-bol has an active life of a few hours. So start working from the very first intakes ... [: O)]

I'm sorry for me too. Luckily I had something much better on the side. Just keep taking it for another week, split pre-workout/before sleep, if it's shit is shit, you'll find some of these ugls make some products good, others bad. Either that or lab test it. My advice is to have a more thorough experience with what you're taking before making stupid remarks. Some members get annoyed by this. I'm telling you because I made that mistake myself.
50 mg / day from day one and still no effect. That's why I came some doubt and I opened the capsule. The sweet taste says it all ... The real d-bol feels to work from the early days ... I tried the kalpa (50mg/day) and I put 5 kg in 2 weeks. This is the real d-bol! I'll trie to do another week and I will tell if anything changes..although now I am more than sure that the product is not legit.

