all because you never saw a pic of me in my gym attire showing off my body... I'm not into posting a million pics of myself in forums that will stay there permanently... all you saw was a pic of me in my clothes that you girls rushed me to give you... that gave you somewhat of an idea that I am not a 250lb nasty butch as Odie is describing me... and that is your expert opinion that I have no muscle... why don't you do a few cycles and then see the time in between once your body does what a female body is meant to be and do... you wont stay hard and defined... you will add water and lose that till you start back up... that's a fact... but if you maintain your diet and training, you will stay lean... that you will definitely keep.
So answer this... and I can guarantee you there are a ton of people that do this RIGHT NOW... their avi has a pic of them at their best... maybe today, maybe a month ago, maybe 6 months ago, year ago or maybe from a show they did a year or two ago... and that's OK.... I used to post up different avi pics of myself then people ask questions then went into posting other things then a friend of mine sent me this one and told me it was a pretty good representation without actually having a pic of me... still keeps me safe and private... for those that asked for a pic, I never once said no and showed them a few different ones to give them a true idea of what I look like... but again, because it was in pm's makes me a bad person as I don't openly post them. I did on a private board and they are recent... but always create controversy from some... so believe what you want, I know who I am and I do know that there are some of you who know me as well to know that this is just insane drama as it is known to happen on Meso for stupid reasons. Some are true and for good reason and others just to create a higher ranking and admiration for others... I have never betrayed any of you here from my very first day on Meso.
You posted full body pics with your face showing for us girls so why couldnt you send one of your past professional pics? That doesnt make sense.... If you were as in shape as you were, just prove it. Shit.... I still have videos and pics of me a year ago at my best....
I have never cycled and am below average for myself right now and from the looks of your pics, even I had much more muscle tone than you. I get that you will lose some, but you dont go from fitness model to string bean. Doesnt make sense....
You have had issues on other sites with this, you are having them again here and your pics just dont add up. That doesnt just happen. For random people on the internet to feel the need to call you on your BS, means there must be a hell of a lot of it.
If you are 100% telling the truth,its really easy to prove. You showed us pics of yourself currently, so show us pics of your fitness modeling. Send them in a PM to someone you trust (and we would trust) who will vouch for you if you are worried about your privacy. If you dont want to ,then dont, its really not a big deal at this point. Just dont be surprised when people dont value your input as highly as the used to.