General skincare with aging.

So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!
Tretinoin cream is pretty much one of the best researched meds you can use for anti aging and acne. I know you said you prefer to keep it natural but there you go. You can start at 0.025% and see how it goes from there if you like.

Salicylic acid peels are great too, sounds scary but they're not so bad, just go slow. A 10% solution for 60 seconds on your face once a week or so is pretty mild, I personally start at 15% however.

You can leave it on longer on your arms and shoulders since the skin is much thicker than your face, just put some on over your problem areas like 5 or 10 minutes before hopping in the shower.
A short course of Accutane should knock out the acne, possibly forever.

I use retin-A on my face every night. I think it's 0.05%.
I don't know about the acne but a couple iu/day of growth hormone helps my skin look better. It seems to help my wrinkles around my eyes a bit. I'm 50 though.
So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!
Keratosis pilaris? I've noticed that my skin has become a lot smoother by doing a few simple things:
1) Bought a loofah sponge to scrub off dead skin regularly.
2) Bought GHK-CU raw powder and mixed it with hyaluronic acid to make my own serum.
3) 2-4 IU GH/day.
I have the same issues. For the face just keep moisturized with a good lotion like lubraderm, mabe try a mask. My wife does them for me some times and my face always looks good after and feels amazing, I also feel it tightens my skin up.

You may need to cut out dairy and greasy foods, and wash your pillow case, sheets,blankets and towels very often. dirty towels spread virus fungus and bacteria. I would also shower 2x a day after work and upon waking.

For the back, arms and shoulders, even face too.
I forgot they switched to the pump bottle not long ago. It has the same salicylic acid as the guy said aboveScreenshot_20240702-140913_Chrome.jpg
disclaimer: I don’t know what I’m talking about

I think the problem with a lot of skincare products is that they cause irritation, at least at first. When summer hits and I use a mineral sunscreen, my skin has a very mild reaction for the first few uses and I get some acne. After that, my skin adjusts. This says to me that this shit ain’t good for your skin.

I use a “sensitive” soap bar that has like 4 ingredients and when I use it on my face I get dry red skin. I’m not a tramp, so I still wash from the neck down. But for my face I just give it a gentle scrub with water, and apply a thin layer of Vaseline. I’ve not washed my face with soap for years now, and my skin is better for it.

The question that matters most is does the skincare product in question give you short term or long term results? I could wash my face for a week until my skin adjusts and then slap a moisturiser on and it’d look better then than it does now. But how’s the skin gonna look in a decade of doing that? When I put sunscreen on I look like I’ve been greased up and bukkaked, but I know that I’ll look better for it when I’m older

My broscience opinion is to keep the outside out and the inside in. So mechanical scrubbing, no soap, and then Vaseline for me
So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!

The small bumps you got on your arms is keratosis pilaris which is essentially keratine plugs in/on your pores.

The solution to that is exfoliation with any acid that works for you (salicylic, glycolic, azelaic, and a few more) or mechanical with scrubs and moisturizing

If you want more knowledge on skincare in general, you can try reading up the skincareaddict subreddit
Keratosis pilaris? I've noticed that my skin has become a lot smoother by doing a few simple things:
1) Bought a loofah sponge to scrub off dead skin regularly.
2) Bought GHK-CU raw powder and mixed it with hyaluronic acid to make my own serum.
3) 2-4 IU GH/day.
How do you like the homemade serum? Has it proven effective? Did you get a good concentration?

I pin GHK-cu nightly (1.6mg/night) but want to attack some issues from both ends, so to speak. I have considered making a skin treatment with it using Matrixol as a suspension. I would be grateful to hear your input.
Keratosis pilaris? I've noticed that my skin has become a lot smoother by doing a few simple things:
1) Bought a loofah sponge to scrub off dead skin regularly.
2) Bought GHK-CU raw powder and mixed it with hyaluronic acid to make my own serum.
3) 2-4 IU GH/day.

Yeah, that's the one. Lol.

Good looking out.on the GHK, I've actually considered it for awhile, but running it sub q was absolutely terrible for PIP. I'll look into topical!
Androgens, especially steroid use, causes sebaceous (oil) glands to grow, a lot.

This makes your pores larger as I'm sure most of us have noticed.

They also grow larger with age.

Accutane shrinks sebaceous glands, and pores shrink with them.

On my third month, of now "high dose" accutane, I'm astonished by how much smoother my skin looks.

I don't think the anti-aging effects of accutane was appreciated until recently as the vast majority of patients are young.

It's also been confirmed in the last few years to rebuild collagen, and I have little doubt my skin's more elastic.

The difference is so significant I'm surprised when I see my face, smoother than I can remember it ever being as an adult, and non sun exposed skin areas seem to have no signs of photoaging at all. Ridiculously smooth.
This advice is such a pain the ass, but...

Clean your sheets every day. Gotta sleep on clean sheets every night.

You shed skin cells and sebum/grease for 8 hours every night in bed, then crawl back into that slush every night. Or just buy a couple sets of bed sheets and change them every day.
This advice is such a pain the ass, but...

Clean your sheets every day. Gotta sleep on clean sheets every night.

You shed skin cells and sebum/grease for 8 hours every night in bed, then crawl back into that slush every night. Or just buy a couple sets of bed sheets and change them every day.
At the very least, change your pillow case
some guys with shoulder and back acne tho

are we talking about face skin looking younger or total steroid-induced skin disorders or what
I'm not disagreeing with you, but your face is more important. I don't think guys are going to change their sheets every day. Some of these stinky pigs go a month or more. A pillowcase is reasonable and doable.
So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!
Best tip for overall skin health is to stay lean and tight. Ask any older bodybuilder that would bulk (get fat) if he has loose skin
So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!
If you want natural solutions:

Strawberries are a great source of salicylic acid. Just cut one in half and rub the juice on areas where you break out.

Tomatoes are a great source of malic acid. Same application method. Malic acid would be better for the keratosis pilaris.

Plain Greek yoghurt for lactic acid, which soothes the skin and evens out the skin tone. If you have rough skin texture or scars from acne, this helps. Put it on like a mask.

The inner lining of orange peels is also great to even out skin tone.

To tighten skin and heal breakouts rub the inner lining of banana peels on the skin.

These are all skin remedies I learned from the old grannies in my family and they all work.