General skincare with aging.

So, Ive noticed the last few months that I'm starting to get permanent brow and laugh line wrinkles. I'm almost 31, I guess it's to be expected.

On top of that, I am breaking out a fair amount, primarily on my shoulders and upper arms. I've got that weird skin condition that causes small bumps in my arms that I'm forgetting the same of ATM and those are getting clogged now on this mild blast I'm running.

I've started supplementing better for it. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, collagen, topical collagen/hyaluronic acid/vitamin C face wipes etc.

Aside from the above as well as showering daily and using solid natural charcoal based soap+washcloth, which has always done great for my very historically mild breakouts, what else can I do here?

I'm not huge on the idea of buying compounded skincare stuff, I'd rather just use raw and natural products put together myself. I use raw cacao butter a lot for example.

Any tips would be really cool!
Tretinoin cream is pretty much one of the best researched meds you can use for anti aging and acne. I know you said you prefer to keep it natural but there you go. You can start at 0.025% and see how it goes from there if you like.

Salicylic acid peels are great too, sounds scary but they're not so bad, just go slow. A 10% solution for 60 seconds on your face once a week or so is pretty mild, I personally start at 15% however.

You can leave it on longer on your arms and shoulders since the skin is much thicker than your face, just put some on over your problem areas like 5 or 10 minutes before hopping in the shower.
I don't know about the acne but a couple iu/day of growth hormone helps my skin look better. It seems to help my wrinkles around my eyes a bit. I'm 50 though.