"Generic" GH ASSAYS

You first analyse the humatrope, which you know is dosed at 5mg / vial, co you know concentration.

Then you analyse the HGH of unknown concentration and compare it to the humatrope to get results.

Overly simplified, but hope this helps.

- jano
No it doesn't sir, the posted results I read are in Chinese.

Literally in Chinese. My son could read it for me, but Chinese wasn't an option in my Schooling.
Honestly, I'm hostile and confrontational anytime somebody argues with me while being wrong and is not well mannered. But feel free to have an opinion of your own and express it to me.

I really do appreciate you not being rude and even though you are wrong I will repay the favor and will be as helpful as possible.

I am not exactly sure what you mean by posting my work, you can see years of data from me on reddit/sst.

I generally provide only result sheets now as my ability to test and the precision of such testing had been confirmed MANY TIMES OVER. And trust me, people tried.

You can see many reviews of my service on my mother board:
reddit.com: over 18?

Out of the sources using me for example:
FuturePharmaShop (they had samples tested by me anonymously, I only found out by accident, when I was checking some websites)
The Hive...

The rest of the customers I don't know, most of the work I do is anonymous.

If you'd like answers, please, ask specific questions, I have limited time and can't really spend it to answer questions so vague. I'm sure you understand.
No it doesn't sir, the posted results I read are in Chinese.

Literally in Chinese. My son could read it for me, but Chinese wasn't an option in my Schooling.

Oh, I apologise, I didn't notice there are attachments in the post you are quoting.

I will repost those pictures with explanations photoshopped over them, okay? Just give me an hour or two. I have some work to do. (If I forget please, remind me in private message)
Oh, I apologise, I didn't notice there are attachments in the post you are quoting.

I will repost those pictures with explanations photoshopped over them, okay? Just give me an hour or two. I have some work to do. (If I forget please, remind me in private message)
Jano, I have no problem with you being paid for what you are doing, and when presenting a scientific argument, please do your best to keep your cool, we are all learning alot in this debate
2. Humatrope was used as standard ( 5mg) for batch # 18 and batch # 19 testing.
I see some mistakes here. I misnamed the files here. Please disregard the names of files and look closely at top of the scan and which one is for humatrope and for batch number. .I think i posted humatrope and batch 16 and than batch 18 or 19 ( i have to look at it again). but just look at the top of the scan and see which one it represents and not the name of the file
Also, regarding the "MeCN" which is according to Mr. JIM not used and he never heard it before.

If one of the biggest chem supplier uses it in their description that is a sign of something:
http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/a3396?lang=en (Acetonitrile ≥99.5% | Sigma-Aldrich)

Or when it is listed among common abbreviations:

Or regulary used in literature:

Bioanalysis of Drugs and Metabolites, Especially Anti-Inflammatory and Cardiovascular

Solvent Mixtures

The Physical Chemist's Toolbox

And yet you guys consider Mr. JIM an expert in the field?

Even after showing lack of knowledge in basic areas?

And multiple contradictions and false claims?
es, I am not a samaritan, I will not do stuff for free for people who had done nothing (except being excessively insulting most of the time) for me. Especially when it has costs of its own for me.

Why are you not doing your job for free?

Yeah, glad to hear you know my thoughts and intentions.

Okay, where exactly HERE ON THIS FORUM have I advertised myself, genius?

And what exactly I did except pointing out something was incorrect?

Thank you for elaborate answer.

Nor did I look for your opinion and yet here you are talking to me.

Glad to hear you talking for the whole community.

Also, I don't need to do anything for free to prove my point. A simple google to look up relevant informations if enough to prove enough of my points sweetie.

Glad to hear you talking about the stuff you know absolutely nothing about again, Mr. JIM. Mr. Racepicks is about as much of an admin as I am, LOL.

I know little about how forums are run, I provided testing only on reddit/sst before, but one of my customers asked me to come over to PM.com and introduced me over there. I am in no way associated with the administrators over there.

I only subscribed to several threads over there and react to stuff posted there.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong again, as usual.

Dilutions to a milionth part are as common as it gets in the industry. If you had ever done some lab work in microbiological or (bio)chemical lab, you'd have an idea.

Also please send the whole name and address of the laboratory that you have done your tests at, otherwise it's just 'Another "third party" conducting tests that CAN NOT be verified.'

The lab had been verified by Mr. Buck, Mr. Racepicks and Mr. Muscle96ss.

So a description is an evidence now? :)

And I am a guy, who has vast amount more of knowledge and practice in the field talked compared to you and has no problem showing it. Unlike you.

Nah, no problem.

MeCN in abbreviation for acetonitrile, THE MOST USED HPLC SOLVENT (except water).

Abbreviation MeCN is used in all the labs all around the globe and it's so common, that I think only somebody who had never worked in a lab can not know it.

You know, among the three most common RP-HPLC solvents are:
methanol, or MeOH (you see, because it's CH3OH CH3 being methyl, or Me)
acetonitrile, or MeCN (you see, because it's CH3CN CH3 being methyl, or Me)
and water, H2O

ACN is actually not used that much because it could be mistaken for abbreviation for acetone which can also be used as mobile phase. So professionals don't like to use it that much.

Hope I helped you with this tiny lesson of chemistry 101 Mr. JIM.

Well, no wonder as you have no education in the field and don't really know too much about the field discussed at all :)

What the frickin' hell are you even talking about here? Methylcyanide = acetonitrile, same stuff different name. What the hell do toxic effects have to do with this discussion? Are you on drugs?

None of the data you posted enables MEMBERS to know that you just hadn't dumped amino acids into the water. We are BOTH providing a sheets of paper, which are not quite too hard to make up. I could make a dozen of 'result sheets' you have posted here in an hour. You could make a dozen of random HPLCs.

You get me?

Hey Mr JIM, this is all true and well written. Although surprising to me, you are right with everything here, so what I will do, because if I posted more data in pdfs or stuff I'm sure you would be unhappy with that either, for one reason or another.

What I'll be doing is making a video of the whole testing process. I am sure everybody will agree that faking a video is pretty much impossible for an individual, right?


I was paid by the community, hon, you should've caught that from either this discussion or the one at PM.com

Also, because of my results one sponsor stopped selling HGH - did he pay for unfavorable result as well? :)

You've ran a few HPLCs youself and yet you don't know anything but the absolute basics about it? Even some of the basics are wrong.

I could teach an elementary school student to inject a sample into an HPLC, the fact that you ran a few is nothing. I ran a few hundreds in the last 3 months alone.

And yes, of course, the manufacture of results is not really that hard. Neither is making a sheet like the one you are posting.[

So instead of simply posted the evidence and answering the QUESTIONS I've requested it's all about deflecting and detours.

Nonetheless you're willing
to pose as one on the three Stooges in a video! I can only imagine who the other two will be.

You are FULL OF SHIT Jano, lol

I pity those using your "services"!
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Also, regarding the "MeCN" which is according to Mr. JIM not used and he never heard it before.

If one of the biggest chem supplier uses it in their description that is a sign of something:
http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/a3396?lang=en (Acetonitrile ≥99.5% | Sigma-Aldrich)

Or when it is listed among common abbreviations:

Or regulary used in literature:

Bioanalysis of Drugs and Metabolites, Especially Anti-Inflammatory and Cardiovascular

Solvent Mixtures

The Physical Chemist's Toolbox

And yet you guys consider Mr. JIM an expert in the field?

Even after showing lack of knowledge in basic areas?

And multiple contradictions and false claims?

Apparently you can't read JANO bc if you did you would know I was well aware Acetylnitrile = MethylCyande it's the use of the abbreviation MeCN for ACN that's not standard and even the chemical supplier, you cited, Sigma Aldrich uses ACN, and NOT MeCN.

GTFOOH and take simpleton Sampei with ya!
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Apparently you can't read JANO bc if you did you would know I was well aware Acetylnitrile = MethylCyande it's the use of the abbreviation MeCN for ACN that's not standard and even the chemical supplier, you cited, Sigma Aldrich uses ACN, and NOT MeCN.

GTFOOH and take simpleton Sampei with ya!

'Acetonitrile (MeCN) was used to constitute mobile phase A'
General description
Acetonitrile (MeCN), an aliphatic nitrile, is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor'

'As MeCN has low viscosity, high elution strength and is highly miscible in water'

'Synthesis of alkyl hydroperoxides in MeCN '

'the hydrogenation of MeCN to form ethylamine using Co-B amorphous alloy catalyst has been investigated'

So if you take note, further in the text it's referred to only as MeCN.

So much for JIMs cognitive abilities.
Oh look Jano found a 1960s text book and had someone read it for him, what's the copyright date on that text Jano, bc according to the IUPAC listing the abbreviation MeCN was dropped as preferred the STANDARD in exchange for ACN, this modification occurred in the 1970s

I know you and you data are antiquated but catch up with the 21st century IUPAC nomenclature so others can TRY to understand the BS you're posting.

Janos loves this crap bc it detracts from the importance of doing what he said he would do ANSWER MY EARLIER QUESTIONS. All of this is STANDARD and he KNOWS it!

Oh how's that video coming along Banjo, lol
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'Acetonitrile (MeCN) was used to constitute mobile phase A'
General description
Acetonitrile (MeCN), an aliphatic nitrile, is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor'

'As MeCN has low viscosity, high elution strength and is highly miscible in water'

'Synthesis of alkyl hydroperoxides in MeCN '

'the hydrogenation of MeCN to form ethylamine using Co-B amorphous alloy catalyst has been investigated'

So if you take note, further in the text it's referred to only as MeCN.

So much for JIMs cognitive abilities.

Ah duh, more distracting JUNK!
This is what I found on it.


Compound Summary for CID 6342


PubChem CID: 6342
Chemical Names: ACETONITRILE; Methyl cyanide; Cyanomethane; Ethanenitrile; Ethyl nitrile; 75-05-8; More...
Molecular Formula: C2H3N or CH3CN
Molecular Weight: 41.05192 g/mol
UNII: Z072SB282N
Safety Summary: Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS)
Modify Date: 2016-10-01
Create Date: 2004-09-16
Acetonitrile has many uses, including as a solvent, for spinning fibers, and in lithium batteries. It is primarily found in air from automobile exhaust and manufacturing facilities. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure results in irritation of mucous membranes. Chronic (long-term) exposure results in central nervous system effects, such as headaches, numbness, and tremors. No data are available on its carcinogenic effects in humans; EPA has classified it as a Group D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.
Acetonitrile is a colorless limpid liquid with an aromatic odor. Flash point 42°F. Density 0.783 g / cm3. Toxic by skin absorption. Less dense than water. Vapors are denser than air.
"Toxicity" has everything to do with the change bc many folk would not come near a load of
Methy-"Cyanide" believing it was as toxic as CYANIDE.

Thus the name and abbreviation changed to Acetylnitrile or ACN.

Ok so Banjo and the answer to my earlier QUESTIONS!