"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I think he has you on ignore or at least he is acting like he does so that he doesn't have to acknowledge you. But, I 100% agree with you here.

I'm told is takes just as much time and effort to fabricate data as it does to post the real Mccoy, BUT Jano's the "expert" in that field so I'll defer to him :)
@Dr JIM After researching AL, Pcom has a few AAS tests that are less than stellar to say the lest. This, with your recent GH Test and the poor customer service, TA time and acting like their better than everyone, keeps me away from them. I couldn't imagine owning a buisness and an employee not wanting to figure out why this happened. I'm starting to wonder if all this bad press is hidden from the top people at Pcom. There is no way a buisness would let a rep talk to their customers the way frank and their reps do. Could you imagine a Pharmacuetical sales rep coming in to your office and talking to your clients and employees the way they do? SMH.

Finally, I don't know Jano, but he is taking free samples, donations, which makes it a free, donation based program and is making money off of the members. Meso members donate their samples free of charge and eagerly to benefit Meso, not one person. If he does this for a living and he already stated he did, im sure he could afford to donate some testing. He talks like he's done this for years and it seems testing is a pretty lucrative buisness. JMO
View attachment 50869

Again, please translate.

If the shape of the peak is important, in comparison to what? Where is the control to show what a good peak, or bad peak is? What was used as a control? Where is the standard to show comparison to the value 14.733? What is the bump of 18.910? What would be considered a bad number, or far off of average. Accepted variance I mean.

Sorry, but this is all new to me. Maybe try to use an analogy of car parts. Worked well with Dr Jim when he explained his testing to the community.

I am sorry I don't speak chinese.

I will just upload one of my result sheet where I am using the same machine and there are the same words in there, just in english. Hope that helps.

I believe TP stated that humatrope was standard, so if the main component of humatrope has retention time and the #18 for example has basically the same retention time (14.733) then it's possible to expect it to be the same compound.

Bump at 18.910 is some impurity, I believe.

A bad thing would be considered if the #18 didn't have any peak at 14.733 = no GH.

If there were many peaks with wavelenght response similar to proteins/peptides it would imply impurities.

Other than this, the questions regarding that exact sheet should be asked of TP, not me as I cannot answer them.

I'd love to use analogy with car parts, but I don't own one and don't really know anything about cars, except that you put gasoline in and sometimes they start :)

Once again the data can NOT be used to correlate percentile to a samples concentration in MG bc

I think (I'm on my iPhone) Humatrope is listed as the control or standard is the first HPLC

If it is established that the curve is linear in the desired region (which is almost certainly is in that case) a simple force through zero and a single concentration of standard is sufficient to create a calibration curve. Especially when the 'standard' and the 'sample' are in similar concentrations.

HPLC 101, Mr. JIM.

And your basing that on what a ONE SAMPLE Pharmacon assay, much like many are relying on the single black top results, but hey its their money.

Understand these results were never intended to determine "who has the best GH" bc that will vary from batch to batch and likely from year to year. I suspect Jano would have a contrary opinion based on his NOT data.

What folk should be looking for is A TREND, and about the only trend to date that seems reasonably week established, ALMOST ALL UGL GH is UNDER DOSED!

So if I am claiming that one set of data is enough why is there Round 2 of testing being prepared at PM.com, Mr. JIM? :)

Also, from my experience I can claim that most of the GH I have tested so far had indeed been underdosed.

Oh and FYI since Jano has no intention of contributing to this thread in a meaningful manner, or is willing to answer some of the same data related questions he posed to Mands and myself, he has made my ignore list.

I mention this not that Jano cares, bc it seems he's almost exclusively interested in tooting his own horn for profit, but to ensure other members understand why Jims rebuttals to Jano's senseless commentary will approximate zippo.

I will remain on this thread to answer the questions of those who's interest remains the pursuit of helping Meso members, until the next SAMPLES are released, and I don't KNOW when that will be.


Why didn't you help to explain stuff to Geterdun then? I guess me doing that is no contribution at all, among other things

You have skipped quite a few questions aimed at yourself - see:

and #1161 in case you had missed it
and don't forget #1161

Where I have quoted the contradictions of yourself (quote me on one contradiction in this thread, please!), plain misinformations and stupidities which could be disproved by a single google search (you guys believing in JIMs expertise, feel free to do so).

Also, where exactly did I toot my horn for profit or advertise myself here? :) Please, show me, I'd be happy to see it.

Finally, I don't know Jano, but he is taking free samples, donations, which makes it a free, donation based program and is making money off of the members. Meso members donate their samples free of charge and eagerly to benefit Meso, not one person. If he does this for a living and he already stated he did, im sure he could afford to donate some testing. He talks like he's done this for years and it seems testing is a pretty lucrative buisness. JMO

I'm barely breaking even with the testing business.

You sure do make a lot of assumptions about me.

Feel free to look up my prices, I'm not going to post them here to avoid being accused of advertising myself again. Then compare those prices with anybody providing a similar service.

Then, only then, you might notice that my service allows everybody to have their samples tested, every single user can have their gear tested by me. The sheer quantity of the samples I am testing had already helped many members and had lead to many compensations provided by sources TO USERS. Just feel free to check SST for example or ask on /fit/ or anywhere where I've been working for the past years.

Also, unlike here I don't choose the samples to test, I accept them all, even when the amounts of samples sometimes leads to me having to lose my sleep or have no social life at times.

So don't make assumptions that I can afford something, okay?
Even if I could afford it, why exactly would I do it for community here?
Where most of the members have been rude to me and my results wouldn't be taken seriously at all?

Compare that to PM.com, where I have been questioned much more reletlessly than here, but everybody kept their manners and people actually went out of their way to help me prove myself? Or even SST?

Also, for those who missed this, I support this form of testing.

I am NOT saying that the results are wrong, as I have no evidence saying otherwise.

Only thing I am saying is that JIM doesn't know his shit while pretending he does BY LYING TO ALL OF YOU. And you all don't seem to care at all.


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Its to bad you two cant bury the hatchet and cooperate with each other. The meso community would benefit in a huge way if that were to happen. Oh well!!!? Who cares rt? As long as you come out the winner of the argument , fuck what coulda been.
And to you guys tossing insults at jano, that dont know the first thing about gh, ( never used and never studied it)PLEASE STOP!!!! Your making yourself look foolish. Not naming names but if the shoe fits..........
I think Dr JIM and a few others are qualified to debate him the rest just look like dick riders.
Maybe it's time to go third party (we would have to pick up the tab).
@Millard Baker does anabolic lab test hgh?
Maybe it's time to go third party (we would have to pick up the tab).
@Millard Baker does anabolic lab test hgh?

SIMEC posted the results of several GH samples on PM, unfortunately their results mimic
Janos, as they are absent any means of validation.

I would ABSOLUTELY encourage MM to conduct their own testing.

Be careful bc few foreign analytical labs are held to the same standards as those in the U.S..
Oh and FYI since Jano has no intention of contributing to this thread in a meaningful manner, or is willing to answer some of the same data related questions he posed to Mands and myself, he has made my ignore list.

I mention this not that Jano cares, bc it seems he's almost exclusively interested in tooting his own horn for profit, but to ensure other members understand why Jims rebuttals to Jano's senseless commentary will approximate zippo.

I will remain on this thread to answer the questions of those who's interest remains the pursuit of helping Meso members, until the next SAMPLES are released, and I don't KNOW when that will be.

Holy crap, it was getting ridiculous.

Just keep doing what was being done before that guy went crazy, keeping it simple is much more important than technical jargon being thrown around for no reason......Regardless who is right anyway which does't even matter. This is some good info.
Maybe it's time to go third party (we would have to pick up the tab).
@Millard Baker does anabolic lab test hgh?
They do Sir, but they don't do it correctly from my experience.

No, AL doesn't test that as far as I know
They do.

Why it's impossible to PM you?

No idea, I tried PMing you.

SIMEC posted the results of several GH samples on PM, unfortunately their results mimic
Janos, as they are absent any means of validation.

I would ABSOLUTELY encourage MM to conduct their own testing.

Be careful bc few foreign analytical labs are held to the same standards as those in the U.S..

JIM being at it again. Ready to answer any question he has no idea about.

SIMEC mimicked my results? SIMEC results were all fucked up.

1) They didn't catch any impurity in Sample I (and it was major)!
2) Their results said everything was overdosed, even the pharma sample.
3) I bashed their approach and results and helped to debunk them
4) I was in no contact with them before they made the results available
5) They had no idea somebody else is conducting the same testing as well
SIMEC posted the results of several GH samples on PM, unfortunately their results mimic
Janos, as they are absent any means of validation.

I would ABSOLUTELY encourage MM to conduct their own testing.

Be careful bc few foreign analytical labs are held to the same standards as those in the U.S..

These are bullshit. Simec testing were completely different from
jano and they demonstrated a complete incapacity by simec to test hgh. Vials of hgh came out heavily overdosed all of them. All brands.

You are no different then the one you accuse. You spew disinformation all the fucking time just to prove your point.

Fucking clown
These are bullshit. Simec testing were completely different from
jano and they demonstrated a complete incapacity by simec to test hgh. Vials of hgh came out heavily overdosed all of them. All brands.

You are no different then the one you accuse. You spew disinformation all the fucking time just to prove your point.

Fucking clown
Sampei, why don't you go over to pro muscle and suck janos cock. Janos and Dr J are totally capable of arguing for themselves
SIMEC posted the results of several GH samples on PM, unfortunately their results mimic
Janos, as they are absent any means of validation.
SIMEC doesn't post the results anywhere. But SIMEC can certainly release all raw data for independent validation as authorized by its bclients. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise.
Too entertained watching you suck jim's cock.

Actually I didn't say that jano is right or anything but that spewing shits just to prove a point isn't very smart.

Of course you can't see it because you are blinded by all the jeez you have over your eyes.

Dr Jim can be right sometime, let's say almost all the time (big stretch here) BUT as usual he destroys all his work and arguments by his own stupidity when he comes up with shit like the one above.

Sampei, why don't you go over to pro muscle and suck janos cock. Janos and Dr J are totally capable of arguing for themselves
Too entertained watching you suck jim's cock.

Actually I didn't say that jano is right or anything but that spewing shits just to prove a point isn't very smart.

Of course you can't see it because you are blinded by all the jeez you have over your eyes.

Dr Jim can be right sometime, let's say almost all the time (big stretch here) BUT as usual he destroys all his work and arguments by his own stupidity when he comes up with shit like the one above.

Sampei... I like you man but you need to chill out and quit slinging shit at Jim.

If you keep it up the GH testing results is going to wind up being distributed in an invite only format, mark my words. Then you're going to be shit outta luck. Pick your battles and play nice to the members such as Jim that are spending a lot of time and money giving you GH testing for nothing. B66 said it best, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Oh man... but he is talking shit out of his ass....

All right. Good bye

Sampei... I like you man but you need to chill out and quit slinging shit at Jim.

If you keep it up the GH testing results is going to wind up being distributed in an invite only format, mark my words. Then you're going to be shit outta luck. Pick your battles and play nice to the members such as Jim that are spending a lot of time and money giving you GH testing for nothing. B66 said it best, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Oh man... but he is talking shit out of his ass....

All right. Good bye

First of all, I'm 99% he's got you on ignore so he isn't reading your posts anyways.

Second, it doesn't really matter to me what you say although the shit talk does get a little old - my point was simply that if you personally want to see more of Jim's testing results then considering your choice of words would be wise, don't you agree?