"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Mr. Muscle96ss is the person that dealt with SIMEC directly ( actually both Labs)and the only one who has had direct conversations with Simec regarding the testing they performed for us. In fact he is currently still working with one of the owners(Dr. A) to figure out where things went wrong(although very slowly). So please don't post things that are 100% factually incorrect!!!
Also Mr. Jano's Results I would not say minic Simecs, But I suppose that is a opinion....

This was copied from Mr. M96ss post as I thought it of importance for Mr. Jim to view..

One can split hairs all they want but IMO data that is not VERIFIED, should not be posted and last I checkef MH-96 IS a part of PM admin.

To that end the very fact SIMEC data was cited AND REMAINS on PM
knowing "something was wrong" is prophetic about WHO is being "factually incorrect".

Janos HPLCS speak for themselves yet if that's what you or others on PM consider the GH analytical lab standard, it must be a "foreign" thing.
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One can split hairs all they want but IMO data that is not VERIFIED, should not be posted and last I checkef MH-96 IS a part of PM admin.

To that end the very fact SIMEC data was cited AND REMAINS on PM
knowing "something was wrong" is prophetic about WHO is being "factually incorrect".

Janos HPLCS speak for themselves yet if that's what you or others on PM consider the GH analytical lab standard, it must be a "foreign" thing.

Hmm, not sure when you checked, but I have NEVER been part of admin at PM; I am not even a mod. At least your stance has improved from a while back when you accused me of being the owner of PM; now I have been reduced to admin, lol. Jim, you are a very smart individual, but I wish you could stick to just posting what you know to be facts.
Sampei, why don't you go over to pro muscle and suck janos cock. Janos and Dr J are totally capable of arguing for themselves

Really? Then why do you keep deep throating DrJ in every post you fucking faggot? Stfu already, it's exhausting.
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Agreed but according to what is listed on PM,

1) SIMEC conducted several GH assays

2) the results were subsequently posted and/or approved by PM admin I would presume.

So please don't post things that are 100% factually incorrect!!!

Well 100% factually incorrect covers a lot of territory but Id love for you to elaborate further
it seems to me I was 100% correct.


2) Confirmed bc MH 96 is a part of what essentially any consumer would consider "PM admin"!

3) Oh and if MH96 has been granted the authority (sounds like someone in "admin" to me) to scrutinize the validity of SIMECs narrative reports, knowing "something is wrong" WHY haven't they been removed pending the appropriate corrections?
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Really? Then why do you keep deep throating DrJ in every post you fucking faggot? Stfu already, it's exhausting.

Both of you fellas have been worthwhile contributors to the testing and this thread, let's keep it that way.

The other reason, I'm not gay :)
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You were certainly asking Jim to answer a lot of your questions earlier in the thread. I was a bit surprised that you actually had the audacity to ask for free advice given your contentious history with Jim.

I don't know what you are referring too. All these AAS have fucked up my memory. Please quote
3) Oh and if MH96 has been granted the authority (sounds like someone in "admin" to me) to scrutinize the validity of SIMECs narrative reports, knowing "something is wrong" WHY haven't they been removed pending the appropriate corrections?

They were never fucking posted to begin with!!! I was adamant in my discussions with RP and buck that we not disseminate false information that could be used to benefit a source who chooses to pretend they are legit. Any by the way, neither RP or buck are admin either. The bullshit and misinformation keeps on coming. Come on man, lets get this shit back on topic before you lose all credibility, if there is any left to lose.
Mr. Jano's Results I would not say minic Simecs, But I suppose that is a opinion....

Oh and by "results" I was not referring to the QUANTITATIVE
portions per say, but rather the fact no additional testing was POSTED in an effort to validate Janos HPLCS or SIMECs narratives.

I only mention this again bc, such "confirmatory" testing was one of several questions I asked Jano to elaborate upon. He replied with another deflection and offered a "video" as a substitute.
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I think, quite coincidentally, both Mr. TP and Mr. Karl test their samples properly as well and agreed with the results.

The vendor selling sample 1 had some kind of data avilable as well (not sure about the name). Sample 1 which tested bad with me. However, unlike TP and Karl I am not sure this vendor actually properly tested their HGH or was it some sort of not-so-reliable test. Like serums or something. Agreed as well, ceased selling.

The talk about M96ss being admin is just another fun thing Mr. JIM believes.

However, I wouldn't worry too much about that, nothing a shot of Haldol wouldn't sort out.
C'mon Mr. JIM, why don't you block fastasf as well?

Blocking everybody is the only way you are capable of enduring this without admitting you don't know one tenth of the stuff you pretend to know. You are like a rabid dog with a delusion of grandeur.

One can split hairs all they want but IMO data that is not VERIFIED, should not be posted and last I checkef MH-96 IS a part of PM admin.

To that end the very fact SIMEC data was cited AND REMAINS on PM
knowing "something was wrong" is prophetic about WHO is being "factually incorrect".

Janos HPLCS speak for themselves yet if that's what you or others on PM consider the GH analytical lab standard, it must be a "foreign" thing.

Hmm, not sure when you checked, but I have NEVER been part of admin at PM; I am not even a mod. At least your stance has improved from a while back when you accused me of being the owner of PM; now I have been reduced to admin, lol. Jim, you are a very smart individual, but I wish you could stick to just posting what you know to be facts.
Well 100% factually incorrect covers a lot of territory but Id love for you to elaborate further
it seems to me I was 100% correct.


2) Confirmed bc MH 96 is a part of what essentially any consumer would consider "PM admin"!

3) Oh and if MH96 has been granted the authority (sounds like someone in "admin" to me) to scrutinize the validity of SIMECs narrative reports, knowing "something is wrong" WHY haven't they been removed pending the appropriate corrections?

They were never fucking posted to begin with!!! I was adamant in my discussions with RP and buck that we not disseminate false information that could be used to benefit a source who chooses to pretend they are legit. Any by the way, neither RP or buck are admin either. The bullshit and misinformation keeps on coming. Come on man, lets get this shit back on topic before you lose all credibility, if there is any left to lose.

There we 3 of us involved as stated.
ONE of Mr. M96SS duties in the testing we did was to deal with the labs. From the receipt of the Simec results he insisted they were incorrect and had many more then Numerous correspondence with them about the inaccuracy's and never posted and refused to post the results until they are rectified. I wont get into the details but we did talk about this exact thing in depth... The Results are posted, but for obvious reasons, but not by him.
I believe that possibly You have Mr. M96ss's capacity @ Pm confused b/c in his title its stated he is a founding member, (Joined the forum @ PM from its inception 2002) also included in his title is feature member, he was voted feature member by his Peers Feb. 2016 for his Contributions to the Forum. He is also a Kilo club member meaning he has over 1000 quality posts on Forum. None of these Honors are Administrative or give him any ownership or authority, just the respect he deserves.
He volunteered to be part of the testing. No Moneys or compensation did he receive. This I know as I can account for every penny collected.
I also Know Mr. Jano Never has he given me any false or poor info, he has done some testin for me in Pvt. which was also done to test him, and his facility's ability. But as he admits he can slip off the deep end wen things differ from his teachins and xperiences.
We all Know how opinionated and adamant we can be on our views thats all part of discussion, debate, and the process of learnin but we should listen to all opposing views. Venom by anyone should not be included in this as it brings only detriment.
Sorry to go off topic hope I dont sound to preachy. Hopefully it will taken in the spirit it was given.
Thanks to Mands and Yrself and all others for bringin this testin to view. I come to this thread for its info, facts, and discussion that it contains, plus the results as they develop.
Hopefully it will continue to be discussed, as this by Definition is wat a Forum is about.

Agreed but according to what is listed on PM, SIMEC conducted several GH assays and those results were subsequently posted and/or approved by PM admin I would presume.

So let me ask one more time, EXPLAIN how this post is "100% factually incorrect", bc I'm not
accustomed to "Janoisms".
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I also Know Mr. Jano Never has he given me any false or poor info, he has done some testin for me in Pvt.


Although your heart may be in the right place you seem naive with respect to what's at stake here, MONEY and A LOT of it.

In that regard how you KNOW the testing conducted by Jano was GTG?

I mean did someone else repeat his assays as confirmation or did Jano forward you what would be considered the standard for GH testing and that begins with a Molecular Weight determination.

Let me give you a word of advice, if you want reproducible and reliable GH results, avoid any "lab" that doesn't OWN a MASS SPEC!

That's NOT to suggest a MS is the required methodology but it's certainly the most precise and for that reason is the current Pharm standard.

What's that you say? The lab I'm using OWNS THREE!

Peace :)
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Why did this become a thread criticizing testing on another board that occurred 5-6 months ago?
Drop it. You've ignored jano and muscle so no conversations worth while will be had about it.
Let's just focus on the results of the testing here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you KNOW this how? Did someone else repeat his assays as confirmation or did Jano forward you what would be considered the standard for GH testing and that begins with a Molecular Weight determination.

Let me give you a word of advice, if you want reproducible and reliable GH results, avoid any "lab" that doesn't OWN a MASS SPEC!

What's that you say? The lab I'm using OWNS THREE!

The labs tests were done both by immunoassay as well as HPLC and came out identical. The immunoassay was not performed by Jano but by an actual accredited lab who is well respected the field and highly capable(no, not Simec, lol). In addition, the pharmaceutical sample, that we threw in to test the test, came out to be dosed properly. Enough of the bullshit!!