"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Like I mentioned I support this testing and I am not saying the results are incorrect as I have nothing to base that on. Nor I am stating that the results are correct. I haven't expressed my opinion about that here at all.

What I am doing is pointing out that JIM is lying to you all, is inconsistent, lacking knowledge and I generally wouldn't trust him with providing informations as sensitive as these. I wouldn't care that much after few initial posts, but I've been asked by several people to keep on participating in this discussion.

It's just the ones providing the least informations and sending me to hell are the loudest.
Actually, the only person that brought up the testing at pm is you. I donto care one way or another about the testing over there. And seeing as Dr j is getting similar results is an indication that he knows what's going on. So far, muscle, buck, and TP have carried themselves pretty well in this thread. So if you want to present your arguments, that's fine, but attacking Dr j is bullshit. He's been around here a long time, and you haven't, therefore you have no credibility here
Actually, the only person that brought up the testing at pm is you. I donto care one way or another about the testing over there. And seeing as Dr j is getting similar results is an indication that he knows what's going on. So far, muscle, buck, and TP have carried themselves pretty well in this thread. So if you want to present your arguments, that's fine, but attacking Dr j is bullshit. He's been around here a long time, and you haven't, therefore you have no credibility here

1st page of the thread
it's gotta be better than that testing scam going on over at PM. still laughing at how they said all simec testing was wrong

This is almost fun.
C'mon Mr. JIM, why don't you block fastasf as well?

Blocking everybody is the only way you are capable of enduring this without admitting you don't know one tenth of the stuff you pretend to know. You are like a rabid dog with a delusion of grandeur.

blocking people allows the thread to be less crowded with all the bullshit banter that people like you want to make it so the good information falls into the abyss of the thread, making it impossible to find. If you just argues about points and didn't take up pages and pages it would be different.
blocking people allows the thread to be less crowded with all the bullshit banter that people like you want to make it so the good information falls into the abyss of the thread, making it impossible to find. If you just argues about points and didn't take up pages and pages it would be different.

Oh, well care to explain to me why I haven't posted to the other threads like THE new "Generic" HGH Assay PAGE! AAA testing if the only thing I wanted to do was polluting the thread so the 'good info' is missed? :)
The name of the lab is not public information, for the same obvious reasons that we don't know the name of the lab doing the testing here. Before we even started the testing at PM there was full disclosure that the name of the lab doing the immunoassay would only be made available to those overseeing the testing.

I am not sure where it appears that I am trying to hide anything. I have answered every single question about the testing done on PM; you can ask me anything. The only reason anybody would question anything about it is because of the numerous lies and misinformation being posted about it here in this thread. Sorry, but Jim has no clue what we did, could care less what we did, and is just blowing shit out his ass as usual. Considering the amount of work and time that RP, Buck, and I spent on this project; I am not going to sit an read information written from Jim that I know is 100% factually incorrect.
I wasn't bashing on you, just friendly advice. I would say the samething to Jim, but that would be another thread in it's own.
What a crock of shit, here we go again folks:

1.) There is absolutely nothing wrong with the testing done at PM. If Jim wants to have a real discussion about the PM testing, I am more then willing to sit down with Jim, Jano, and whomever and we can hash it all out on a private secure chat program. However, as we already know, Jim is incapable of having that kind of discussion.

2.) The testing that Jim did was criticized because it was not transparent and Jim REFUSED to post the standard. Then when Jim got caught with his pants down and the coded number of the standard turned out to be Karls 20iu GH; Jim brought the kitchen sink full of excuses on how it was just a coincidence that the computer coded Karl's GH and the standard the same(maybe he should play the lottery with that kind of luck).

In addition, the pharma GH that was tested by Jim was severely underdosed and that same person that sent in the Genotropin sample did IGF-1 testing with this underdosed pharma GH, and it definitely was not underdosed. Kind of odd that in Jims testing pharm GH tests as underdosed, yet he criticizes PM's testing where pharma GH tested out as accurately dosed with pharma purity(and he continues to show that he still has no idea what we even did, so not sure how he can be critical of it it).

So should we go back and debate the past of Jim's testing and PM's testing or can we move forward and discuss the current testing and let the past be in the past?

people don;t care about passed incidents. It's more important to get these new results up since compounds change so rapidly the past results don't mean shit anyway. You are right though.

Just let the tests common out then can criticism done on another thread. Many people won;t even care about the criticism, nano and dr jim are just talking to themselves. No one else is readingg the bickering of posts. So you are just wasting time.
Oh, well care to explain to me why I haven't posted to the other threads like THE new "Generic" HGH Assay PAGE! AAA testing if the only thing I wanted to do was polluting the thread so the 'good info' is missed? :)
than let me ask you this, what are you trying to accomplish. Dr J is a long time member here, and very well thought of by the majority. He and mands have also taken the time to do hgh testing on their dime. I'm happy with just seeing the results, and other than a couple of bumps in the road, this thread was going very well until you came along.

You can bitch and moan all you want (which I said wasn't a good idea), but you are not going to hurt Dr J and mands credibility in any way. Not to mention that CBS destroyed your credibility with evidence (which you haven't bothered to respond to)

Finally, it seems like you've got a good gig going on PM and other sites, why come here and get all pissed off
So the lenght of the stay on the website changes factual truths? Some deep thinking we got here.

Also CBS is rude and mildly (at the very least) retarded, not going to bother responding to him, I tried to do that once before and I still regret that moment. It would be like competing in the paralympics.

Feel free to look up that thread and read it.

Also, it seems that you have kinda missed my post here: #1442 Mr. rpbb.
The greys were not bought directly from TP and there has been no proof supplied yet that they originated from TP. So we can't really say on that one either that it has anything to do with the testing necessarily.

Yes Sir, I just mentioned them as Greys and not TP Greys for that reason.
So the lenght of the stay on the website changes factual truths? Some deep thinking we got here.

Also CBS is rude and mildly (at the very least) retarded, not going to bother responding to him, I tried to do that once before and I still regret that moment. It would be like competing in the paralympics.

Feel free to look up that thread and read it.

Also, it seems that you have kinda missed my post here: #1442 Mr. rpbb.

so your answer is to call another highly regarded member here (CBS) a retard. Thought his evidence was pretty damning.

Believe it or not Janos, but I've been a practicing engineer for 30 years, so while my background is in electricity, and your's is in biology, if I walked into a room of engineers and made my arguments the way you did, they'd giggle, laugh, and than proceed to abuse me till I left the room. The first rule I learned in my undergraduate days, is if I lose my cool making an argument, IVE LOST.

All you had to do when you came here is present your testing methodologies, and say why you think they are better than Dr J's, instead, you immediately go into Dr J is a lying POS, at which point you completely lost the argument. You can type on this board till the cows come home, but my guess is you lost the argument before it started
That's why I told you to actually read the thread. That's all I can tell you if you consider his evidence to be 'damning'

Also, ad hominems are not really an argument anyway. Not for anybody sensible anyway.
If I was 90 year old illiterate gypsy grandma how would that affect JIM contradicting himself? How would it affect the FACTS posted? :)

I am losing my cool quite fast, true, everybody who knows me knows that. And everybody also knows that I stand my ground, don't contradict myself and don't ignore any valid points made and am quick to admit my mistakes if any had been made.
You just can't have it all.

You prove that you still didn't understand the point I was making. I believe that my testing methodology suits this purpose of testing better. That's true, but that ain't what I've been talking all the time.

My main point is exactly 'Dr J is a lying POS' and I have posted his own contradictions and lies as evidence to that. (#1161 in case you had missed it somehow, you guys, who use arguments like JIM is here longer seem to have a hard time noticing that post!)

You are not even reading the arguments at all and everybody can see very well where you are standing in this discussion and you've already been called out on it. What I'm writing is mostly for the quiet majority reading all this.

Also it almost seems like you are purposedly missing my post over here #1442, Mr. rpbb, but I am sure that it is not the case with your bulletproof arguments.
I wasn't bashing on you, just friendly advice. I would say the samething to Jim, but that would be another thread in it's own.

HM you don't like my approach like several others and I've no problem with that, but I learned a long time ago ya can't please all the people all the time and I DONT TRY.

To that end if you find the GH assays MANDS and I are posting useful great if not, no matter others will.

See it's not about ME, YOU, MANDS or any one individual on Meso, it's all about the data!
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See it's not about ME, YOU, MANDS or any one individual on Meso, it's all about the data!
That's all I've asked. I do appreciate what you and Mands are doing and I said this prior, but sometimes you make it very difficult and challenging to be supportive with Your way of fielding questions.
I guess it's more on me not to take your ways personal.
So the lenght of the stay on the website changes factual truths? Some deep thinking we got here.

Also CBS is rude and mildly (at the very least) retarded, not going to bother responding to him, I tried to do that once before and I still regret that moment. It would be like competing in the paralympics.

Feel free to look up that thread and read it.

Also, it seems that you have kinda missed my post here: #1442 Mr. rpbb.
I think you have something to bring to the table, but calling anyone retarded and competing in the paraOlympics is asinine and childish. Especially since good people actually participate in the Special and Para Olympics. My niece was one of them. I don't appreciate your assaults on members here just as much as you don't like being insulted.
You came in here to prove a point. Do it and move on.
I think you have something to bring to the table, but calling anyone retarded and competing in the paraOlympics is asinine and childish. Especially since good people actually participate in the Special and Para Olympics. My niece was one of them. I don't appreciate your assaults on members here just as much as you don't like being insulted.
You came in here to prove a point. Do it and move on.

You are correct, I apologise, I certainly didn't mean it as an offense to actual participants. I only used it as an reference to an age old joke.

Urban Dictionary: arguing on the internet
Also I believe I made my point over and over again.

How many more proofs of JIM contradicting himself are necessary to 'prove' he is lying to you all?

How many more proofs of him spewing straight up bullshit is needed?

Good night.
Also I believe I made my point over and over again.

How many more proofs of JIM contradicting himself are necessary to 'prove' he is lying to you all?

How many more proofs of him spewing straight up bullshit is needed?

Good night.
I think talking about your testing methods will help you out, and maybe then you and @Dr JIM can have an intellectual open discussion on how both methods are and where one can develop an error, or provide insight on testing

Edit: in other words, prove he's wrong by talking about your methods and why it is you think your method is correct. We all want knowledge here anyway, so whether it works out or not, the rest of us members can have a better understanding of the testing procedures