"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sir, you have been putting words into my mouth, I don't see that as much of an help, but rather as something extremely rude.

Just as accusing me of things I have not commited (and you did) is. (#1442)

I am not saying I am right about everything and that everybody here is stupid, but I have yet to find anybody here able to disprove me poiting out JIM is wrong with real arguments... or to actually acknowledge somebody JIM contradicting himself.

All I get are ad hominems and derailing the conversation to the testing on PM or pretty much anything else.
I believe he might have attacked earlier but has since changed his post to try and help everyone here by putting that behind us to move forward. Correct me if I'm wrong @rpbb ?

On another note I believe we should have some more test results to post in the new thread soon.

I will not post in the new thread at all Mr. Mands, unless I am specifically asked to do so.

I am sorry if there was misunderstanding of the intention, if it really is so, I apologise deeply. However, I have stated why I don't feel it is the case.

Honestly I don't see much of a point of me contributing here any more, as there is not really any factual discussion or science related questions I can answer, but I've been asked to do so by several people (who are nothing but lurkers and whom I don't know at all)...
I will not post in the new thread at all Mr. Mands, unless I am specifically asked to do so.

I am sorry if there was misunderstanding of the intention, if it really is so, I apologise deeply. However, I have stated why I don't feel it is the case.

Honestly I don't see much of a point of me contributing here any more, as there is not really any factual discussion or science related questions I can answer, but I've been asked to do so by several people (who are nothing but lurkers and whom I don't know at all)...
I guarntee if you posted a thread it would have a good following and be helpful to all. Yes, there will be some backlash just like here, but it may be a good useful tool for some.
I believe he might have attacked earlier but has since changed his post to try and help everyone here by putting that behind us to move forward. Correct me if I'm wrong @rpbb ?

On another note I believe we should have some more test results to post in the new thread soon.

You're correct mands
I will not post in the new thread at all Mr. Mands, unless I am specifically asked to do so.

I am sorry if there was misunderstanding of the intention, if it really is so, I apologise deeply. However, I have stated why I don't feel it is the case.

Honestly I don't see much of a point of me contributing here any more, as there is not really any factual discussion or science related questions I can answer, but I've been asked to do so by several people (who are nothing but lurkers and whom I don't know at all)...
I don't want anyone to not participate. The more the better. I understand MESO is a uncensored board and different from most. Actually for some it's easy to come in here and like it. For others it's not that appealing.

There is a lot of great info here. There is a lot of great info on PM too.

I can't speak for everyone, I just want what's best for the community and that's what I've always wanted.

Your most favourite argument is that 'JIM is here a long time and you are not' which is not an argument at all.

Or 'Jano should be most polite when presenting his arguments otherwise they are not valid' ... It only makes me wonder why haven't you, through all the thread asked a similar thing from JIM?

Could it be that you might be a teeny tiny bit biased?

Not going to mention the straight out lies, accusations without a basis and general rudeness. I got fed up with that. And I can quote you on all that. Can you quote me on one lie or accusation without a basis? I'd be very happy if you could and I'm sure JIM would buy you some champagne for that.

You are not trying to help me at all Sir, that is just another lie coming from your way.

I certainly don't believe that I know everything and I am rather happy when I can learn something new. Even if it means me admitting mistake in the public.

And I certainly don't believe that everybody here is stupid, but I sure can point a finger your way saying that you are.

(Or is it rude not calling you smart for accusing me of something that is not true and you yourself have done that instead? #1442 )

You're correct mands

I apologise then.

I guarntee if you posted a thread it would have a good following and be helpful to all. Yes, there will be some backlash just like here, but it may be a good useful tool for some.

Thank you for suggestion, but I have a hard time imagining what the thread should look like. Could you help me with suggestions?

I don't want anyone to not participate. The more the better. I understand MESO is a uncensored board and different from most. Actually for some it's easy to come in here and like it. For others it's not that appealing.

There is a lot of great info here. There is a lot of great info on PM too.

I can't speak for everyone, I just want what's best for the community and that's what I've always wanted.


Thank you Mr. Mands.

I started out doing this kind of work and further educating myself for the sake of the community back in the day.

You already are aware that we share the same goal, I can only hope it will come true to the benefit of all parties involved.
Thank you for suggestion, but I have a hard time imagining what the thread should look like. Could you help me with suggestions?

I'd probably just start a Q&A with Jano. People, myself included, are dumb when it comes to this stuff so just let them ask you questions about testing, etc. That would be an idea, but don't let it consume you. You are long-winded and have revenue streams elsewhere so I wouldn't spend too much time taking a deep-dive into things, but clarifying and simplifying the process would go a long way imo.
I started out doing this kind of work and further educating myself for the sake of the community back in the day.

You already are aware that we share the same goal, I can only hope it will come true to the benefit of all parties involved.


This coming from the guy that came here to get PAID, and straight up said so!

And now he's a philanthropist!???? GTFO!

You've already been corrected regarding this, Mr. JIM.

Regarding the money - I can't really afford doing things for free as anybody has to make a living. I like to help people, but I like to get paid for that as well as I have to make a living and pay off the lab.

Also some of the tests I performed (like the immunoassay in the testing on PM.com) were conducted by 3rd party - a fully blinded certified lab, not with 50, but with thousands of employees and I had to pay off those as well. I think you would see this as a plus.

However, for the same reason you are not disclosing the exact lab you work with I couldn't disclose the lab that the immunoassays were conducted at to anybody but Mr. Racepicks, Mr. Buck and Mr. Muscle96ss, whom all I hold in great regard.

Mr. JIM, thank you. Thank you for ceasing the straight out hostility and starting what I believe to be a proper discussion.

Those are proper questions (although some of the questions are quite off) and I shall not be further taken into an account until I answer them, which should be right after I finish in my job.

I agree and apologise. I have a short fuse.

See up.

I already told to Mr. Mands that I will support this project.

I believe they were collected from the members the same way you collected your samples. If you dig around the board I'm sure you can confirm that.

I have never produced a fake data for an ugl nor anybody else.

I don't care about a single UGL enough to destroy my reputation, when there are dozens of UGLs using my services.

If I even faked data it would be, sooner or later, found out and do you think the rest of the UGLs using me for quality control would keep on using me? Or that the users who get their gear tested by me would trust me?

Also, the most, 90% of the samples sent to me are the samples which I have no idea where they come from and you can ask people around that I do not care.

Karl only talked about US pharmacopoeia and didn't really feel like he was contradicting me, as he doesn't care about the EU one at all. He was just pointing out that the bioassay is in the US one and I said that I am not aware of it being in EU one.

You somehow keep omitting that I found out about my mistake myself, without being called out by anybody and nobody noticed (and probably wouldn't notice) my mistake.

Yet I posted about it publicly and apologised.

Can you say that you can recite the European Pharmacopoeia word by word? Because I certainly can't and had never stated so. I missed one line in the book.

Like I mentioned, I am not bound to any board.

See above. Only fair of you requesting this from me.

This coming from the guy that came here to get PAID, and straight up said so!

And now he's a philanthropist!???? GTFO!

"started out"

For the first year of my testing 'career' I was doing it pretty much for free.

I still do a lot of favours to the community I originate from.

Also, I didn't come here to get paid, I already reacted to this, please, feel free to reread my posts.

Also, thank you for a valuable addition to the discussion.
I'd probably just start a Q&A with Jano. People, myself included, are dumb when it comes to this stuff so just let them ask you questions about testing, etc. That would be an idea, but don't let it consume you. You are long-winded and have revenue streams elsewhere so I wouldn't spend too much time taking a deep-dive into things, but clarifying and simplifying the process would go a long way imo.

You are absolutely right, thank you.
So first you aren't doing anything for free. As stated by yourself.

And now you say you didn't come here to get paid?

Well "Mr." Consistency... which is it? Your statements do not align.
So first you aren't doing anything for free. As stated by yourself.

And now you say you didn't come here to get paid?

Well "Mr." Consistency... which is it? Your statements do not align.

Those aren't mutually exclusive. Just drop it.

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I will not drop anything.

It's like watching a career politician bullshit me to death about doing it for ME when we all know that's a lie. They get paid HANDSOMELY behind the scenes. That's why they do it.

They are doing it for ME despite their milllion dollar European vacation served by lobbyists for a hidden agenda.

Sorry, but I call bullshit on this scenario and the way Jano came in here. He didn't independently come here to help. He came in response to an opportunity.

Completely different IMO!

-drops it now-
So first you aren't doing anything for free. As stated by yourself.

And now you say you didn't come here to get paid?

Well "Mr." Consistency... which is it? Your statements do not align.

:) I think my statements align perfectly. So do my actions.
So first you aren't doing anything for free. As stated by yourself.

And now you say you didn't come here to get paid?

Well "Mr." Consistency... which is it? Your statements do not align.

They align perfectly well. He didn't come HERE to get paid. That wasn't that difficult to understand...
I don't want anyone to not participate. The more the better. I understand MESO is a uncensored board and different from most. Actually for some it's easy to come in here and like it. For others it's not that appealing.

There is a lot of great info here. There is a lot of great info on PM too.

I can't speak for everyone, I just want what's best for the community and that's what I've always wanted.

Well said Mands. Ditto this!
I apologise then.

Thank you for suggestion, but I have a hard time imagining what the thread should look like. Could you help me with suggestions?

Thank you Mr. Mands.

I started out doing this kind of work and further educating myself for the sake of the community back in the day.

You already are aware that we share the same goal, I can only hope it will come true to the benefit of all parties involved.

Mands the best to ask about starting this type of thread.
I will not drop anything.

It's like watching a career politician bullshit me to death about doing it for ME when we all know that's a lie. They get paid HANDSOMELY behind the scenes. That's why they do it.

They are doing it for ME despite their milllion dollar European vacation served by lobbyists for a hidden agenda.

Sorry, but I call bullshit on this scenario and the way Jano came in here. He didn't independently come here to help. He came in response to an opportunity.

Completely different IMO!

-drops it now-

I HATE politicians and your assumptions about jano are way off the mark.