"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Jano stated that he wants to get paid and that he will NOT do any testing otherwise.

You've already been corrected regarding this, Mr. JIM.

Regarding the money - I can't really afford doing things for free as anybody has to make a living. I like to help people, but I like to get paid for that as well as I have to make a living and pay off the lab.

Also some of the tests I performed (like the immunoassay in the testing on PM.com) were conducted by 3rd party - a fully blinded certified lab, not with 50, but with thousands of employees and I had to pay off those as well. I think you would see this as a plus.

However, for the same reason you are not disclosing the exact lab you work with I couldn't disclose the lab that the immunoassays were conducted at to anybody but Mr. Racepicks, Mr. Buck and Mr. Muscle96ss, whom all I hold in great regard.

Mr. JIM, thank you. Thank you for ceasing the straight out hostility and starting what I believe to be a proper discussion.

Those are proper questions (although some of the questions are quite off) and I shall not be further taken into an account until I answer them, which should be right after I finish in my job.

I agree and apologise. I have a short fuse.

See up.

I already told to Mr. Mands that I will support this project.

I believe they were collected from the members the same way you collected your samples. If you dig around the board I'm sure you can confirm that.

I have never produced a fake data for an ugl nor anybody else.

I don't care about a single UGL enough to destroy my reputation, when there are dozens of UGLs using my services.

If I even faked data it would be, sooner or later, found out and do you think the rest of the UGLs using me for quality control would keep on using me? Or that the users who get their gear tested by me would trust me?

Also, the most, 90% of the samples sent to me are the samples which I have no idea where they come from and you can ask people around that I do not care.

Karl only talked about US pharmacopoeia and didn't really feel like he was contradicting me, as he doesn't care about the EU one at all. He was just pointing out that the bioassay is in the US one and I said that I am not aware of it being in EU one.

You somehow keep omitting that I found out about my mistake myself, without being called out by anybody and nobody noticed (and probably wouldn't notice) my mistake.

Yet I posted about it publicly and apologised.

Can you say that you can recite the European Pharmacopoeia word by word? Because I certainly can't and had never stated so. I missed one line in the book.

Like I mentioned, I am not bound to any board.

See above. Only fair of you requesting this from me.

Therefore, your ENTIRE reason for being here is to try to convince Meso that we need you for some reason so that you get PAID.

You DID NOT come here to try to help or to point out that something was incorrect. You came here to get PAID.

We did not search for you. You came searching FOR US. So that you can get PAID.

If you aren't going to do something free of charge to prove your point, then GTFO because we aren't paying you shit.
1) You've already been corrected regarding this, Mr. JIM.

2) Regarding the money -

3) Also some of the tests I performed (like the immunoassay in the testing on PM.com

4) However, for the same reason you are not disclosing the exact lab you work with


1) "corrected" hardly bc sample the chain of custody has NOT been clearly defined except the samples are diverted to Mr RP a PM administrator I presume who has access to any number of GH suppliers

2) The "money" well last I checked PM was a SOURCE forum, who's primary purpose is to PROFIT from PED sales!

3) While several immunoassays (AKA ELISA) have been developed for serum GH concentrations (ng/ml) no such standard is available for those concentrations reached in VIALS of GH (mg/ml)!
Therefore any "test' would involve serial dilutions and when the difference approximates ONE MILLION errors are bound to happen. Another "third party" conducting tests that CAN NOT be verified.

Seems that's a trend to all Ive seen thus far, we've got some "results" here but sorry, there is no means by which MEMBERS can authenticate the testing.

4) I have described the type of facility and it's qualifications while you have said zippo, except your "a lab tech who bought an HPLC"! There is no comparison.
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But sorry @jano as i don't mean to overload you with questions or "senseless" prose bc I'm still awaiting the answer to my earlier questions, the abbreviation for "MeCN" in particular, since its the listed solvent for all your HPLCS, or at least those Ive seen.
But sorry @jano as i don't mean to overload you with questions or "senseless" prose bc I'm still awaiting the answer to my earlier questions, the abbreviation for "MeCN" in particular, since its the listed solvent for all your HPLCS, or at least those Ive seen.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh and although one of my questions would rightfully be considered "quite off" (as it was intentional) @jano the remainder most certainly are NOT.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wrong not by any classification I've seen as its abbreviation is almost always ACN esp when used as a HPLC solvent.

I'm aware of one of two more but MeCN NOT!
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If he is using MeCN as an abbreviation for MethyCyanide although such a substitution is not the current standard (certainly not in the U.S.) it may still be deemed acceptable in some chemical classification schemes.

This probably has a lot to do with the differing toxic effects of CYANIDE vs MethyCyanide, the latter being MUCH less toxic than the former.
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After reviewing all five of Janos HPLCS the problem I have, none of the data cited to date enables MEMBERS to know WHAT has been tested was in fact GH.

Of course part of that problem might could have been addressed if Jano included some form of narrative, in which a calibration curve is posted on the required standard.

Furthermore if we make the giant leap and ASSUME GH was assayed, how can a MEMBER use the results to QUANTIFY their vial contents. Understand it's impossible to convert the stated percent into MG unless the results are compared to a STANDARD with a KNOWN concentration, as in MG.

Those at PM and Meso must understand one thing, HPLC assays are
highly dependent upon the QUALITY of the standard being used, and Jano provides next to nothing in that regard.

To that end, sorry guys but if you believe this sort of analysis meet the standard for analytical lab "performance" I've some land on Mars to sell you!
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Jano stated that he wants to get paid and that he will NOT do any testing otherwise.

Therefore, your ENTIRE reason for being here is to try to convince Meso that we need you for some reason so that you get PAID.

You DID NOT come here to try to help or to point out that something was incorrect. You came here to get PAID.

We did not search for you. You came searching FOR US. So that you can get PAID.

If you aren't going to do something free of charge to prove your point, then GTFO because we aren't paying you shit.

Golly should we "pay" Jano to do that which he should already have, the STANDARDS CALIBRATION CURVE and an answer to the remainder of my questions.

Was he also PAID to deliver predetermined results?

I've run a few HPLCS myself, with the assistance of those who know WTF they are doing, and the manufacture of desired vs truthful analyses is NOT that difficult, esp when the operational parameters are far below par.
1. Humatrope ( 5mg) was used as standard for batch #13 and batch # 14 testing.


  • humatrope 30th march 2016.jpg
    humatrope 30th march 2016.jpg
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2. Humatrope was used as standard ( 5mg) for batch # 18 and batch # 19 testing.


  • humatrope 18th aug 2016.jpg
    humatrope 18th aug 2016.jpg
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  • batch # 18.jpg
    batch # 18.jpg
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Also i will not be logging to this account. So if anyone has any questions than they need to send me email. Thank you
Jano stated that he wants to get paid and that he will NOT do any testing otherwise.
Yes, I am not a samaritan, I will not do stuff for free for people who had done nothing (except being excessively insulting most of the time) for me. Especially when it has costs of its own for me.

Why are you not doing your job for free?

Therefore, your ENTIRE reason for being here is to try to convince Meso that we need you for some reason so that you get PAID.
Yeah, glad to hear you know my thoughts and intentions.

You DID NOT come here to try to help or to point out that something was incorrect. You came here to get PAID.

Okay, where exactly HERE ON THIS FORUM have I advertised myself, genius?

And what exactly I did except pointing out something was incorrect?

Thank you for elaborate answer.
We did not search for you. You came searching FOR US. So that you can get PAID.

Nor did I look for your opinion and yet here you are talking to me.

If you aren't going to do something free of charge to prove your point, then GTFO because we aren't paying you shit.
Glad to hear you talking for the whole community.

Also, I don't need to do anything for free to prove my point. A simple google to look up relevant informations if enough to prove enough of my points sweetie.

1) "corrected" hardly bc sample the chain of custody has NOT been clearly defined except the samples are diverted to Mr RP a PM administrator I presume who has access to any number of GH suppliers

Glad to hear you talking about the stuff you know absolutely nothing about again, Mr. JIM. Mr. Racepicks is about as much of an admin as I am, LOL.
2) The "money" well last I checked PM was a SOURCE forum, who's primary purpose is to PROFIT from PED sales!

I know little about how forums are run, I provided testing only on reddit/sst before, but one of my customers asked me to come over to PM.com and introduced me over there. I am in no way associated with the administrators over there.

I only subscribed to several threads over there and react to stuff posted there.

3) While several immunoassays (AKA ELISA) have been developed for serum GH concentrations (ng/ml) no such standard is available for those concentrations reached in VIALS of GH (mg/ml)!
Therefore any "test' would involve serial dilutions and when the difference approximates ONE MILLION errors are bound to happen. Another "third party" conducting tests that CAN NOT be verified.

Seems that's a trend to all Ive seen thus far, we've got some "results" here but sorry, there is no means by which MEMBERS can authenticate the testing.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong again, as usual.

Dilutions to a milionth part are as common as it gets in the industry. If you had ever done some lab work in microbiological or (bio)chemical lab, you'd have an idea.

Also please send the whole name and address of the laboratory that you have done your tests at, otherwise it's just 'Another "third party" conducting tests that CAN NOT be verified.'

The lab had been verified by Mr. Buck, Mr. Racepicks and Mr. Muscle96ss.

4) I have described the type of facility and it's qualifications while you have said zippo, except your "a lab tech who bought an HPLC"! There is no comparison.

So a description is an evidence now? :)

And I am a guy, who has vast amount more of knowledge and practice in the field talked compared to you and has no problem showing it. Unlike you.

But sorry @jano as i don't mean to overload you with questions or "senseless" prose bc I'm still awaiting the answer to my earlier questions, the abbreviation for "MeCN" in particular, since its the listed solvent for all your HPLCS, or at least those Ive seen.

Nah, no problem.

MeCN in abbreviation for acetonitrile, THE MOST USED HPLC SOLVENT (except water).

Abbreviation MeCN is used in all the labs all around the globe and it's so common, that I think only somebody who had never worked in a lab can not know it.

You know, among the three most common RP-HPLC solvents are:
methanol, or MeOH (you see, because it's CH3OH CH3 being methyl, or Me)
acetonitrile, or MeCN (you see, because it's CH3CN CH3 being methyl, or Me)
and water, H2O

ACN is actually not used that much because it could be mistaken for abbreviation for acetone which can also be used as mobile phase. So professionals don't like to use it that much.

Hope I helped you with this tiny lesson of chemistry 101 Mr. JIM.

Wrong not by any classification I've seen as its abbreviation is almost always ACN esp when used as a HPLC solvent.

I'm aware of one of two more but MeCN NOT!

Well, no wonder as you have no education in the field and don't really know too much about the field discussed at all :)

If he is using MeCN as an abbreviation for MethyCyanide although such a substitution is not the current standard (certainly not in the U.S.) it may still be deemed acceptable in some chemical classification schemes.

This probably has a lot to do with the differing toxic effects of CYANIDE vs MethyCyanide, the latter being MUCH less toxic than the former.

What the frickin' hell are you even talking about here? Methylcyanide = acetonitrile, same stuff different name. What the hell do toxic effects have to do with this discussion? Are you on drugs?

After reviewing all five of Janos HPLCS the problem I have, none of the data cited to date enables MEMBERS to know WHAT has been tested was in fact GH.
None of the data you posted enables MEMBERS to know that you just hadn't dumped amino acids into the water. We are BOTH providing a sheets of paper, which are not quite too hard to make up. I could make a dozen of 'result sheets' you have posted here in an hour. You could make a dozen of random HPLCs.

You get me?

Of course part of that problem might could have been addressed if Jano included some form of narrative, in which a calibration curve is posted on the required standard.

Furthermore if we make the giant leap and ASSUME GH was assayed, how can a MEMBER use the results to QUANTIFY their vial contents. Understand it's impossible to convert the stated percent into MG unless the results are compared to a STANDARD with a KNOWN concentration, as in MG.

Those at PM and Meso must understand one thing, HPLC assays are
highly dependent upon the QUALITY of the standard being used, and Jano provides next to nothing in that regard.

To that end, sorry guys but if you believe this sort of analysis meet the standard for analytical lab "performance" I've some land on Mars to sell you!

Hey Mr JIM, this is all true and well written. Although surprising to me, you are right with everything here, so what I will do, because if I posted more data in pdfs or stuff I'm sure you would be unhappy with that either, for one reason or another.

What I'll be doing is making a video of the whole testing process. I am sure everybody will agree that faking a video is pretty much impossible for an individual, right?

Golly should we "pay" Jano to do that which he should already have, the STANDARDS CALIBRATION CURVE and an answer to the remainder of my questions.

Was he also PAID to deliver predetermined results?
I was paid by the community, hon, you should've caught that from either this discussion or the one at PM.com

Also, because of my results one sponsor stopped selling HGH - did he pay for unfavorable result as well? :)
I've run a few HPLCS myself, with the assistance of those who know WTF they are doing, and the manufacture of desired vs truthful analyses is NOT that difficult, esp when the operational parameters are far below par.

You've ran a few HPLCs youself and yet you don't know anything but the absolute basics about it? Even some of the basics are wrong.

I could teach an elementary school student to inject a sample into an HPLC, the fact that you ran a few is nothing. I ran a few hundreds in the last 3 months alone.

And yes, of course, the manufacture of results is not really that hard. Neither is making a sheet like the one you are posting.
1. Humatrope ( 5mg) was used as standard for batch #13 and batch # 14 testing.
Can someone please translate this to some readable language? I'm not lazy by any stretch of the imagination, but I see a bunch of art work where there are supposed to be letters making up words.

Again, not being a dick
This should be muscle boosters. I was looking back in my notes and looked over this.


Does it look correct now?

Source/Brand -
Result - NOTES

Sample #1
TP's Grey Top - .25 IU - Sample was sold to Mands by a member on another forum.
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #2
Muscle Boosters Blue Top - 4.69
IU -
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #3
Pharmatropin - 3.68 IU - Purchased from Pharmacom.
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #13
TP's Black Top - 13.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #14
XYTOJEN 20IU - 0 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #15
Kaluta's Black Top - 10.6 IU
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #16
Direct's Pink Top - 5 IU
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #17
Anny's Blue Top - 9.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #18
Mean Green's Green Top - 6.5 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #19
Kefei Blue Top - 9.8 IU - Purchased from donated by Mands from hghpower
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Does it look correct now?

Source/Brand -
Result - NOTES

Sample #1
TP's Grey Top - .25 IU - Sample was sold to Mands by a member on another forum.
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #2
Muscle Boosters Blue Top - 4.69
IU -
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #3
Pharmatropin - 3.68 IU - Purchased from Pharmacom.
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #13
TP's Black Top - 13.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #14
XYTOJEN 20IU - 0 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #15
Kaluta's Black Top - 10.6 IU
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #16
Direct's Pink Top - 5 IU
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #17
Anny's Blue Top - 9.7 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #18
Mean Green's Green Top - 6.5 IU - Purchased and donated by a MESO member anonymously
"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Sample #19
Kefei Blue Top - 9.8 IU - Purchased from donated by Mands from hghpower
"Generic" GH ASSAYS
Yes, I will have it swapped out in the new generic assay page.

Can someone please translate this to some readable language? I'm not lazy by any stretch of the imagination, but I see a bunch of art work where there are supposed to be letters making up words.

Again, not being a dick

You first analyse the humatrope, which you know is dosed at 5mg / vial, co you know concentration.

Then you analyse the HGH of unknown concentration and compare it to the humatrope to get results.

Overly simplified, but hope this helps.

- jano
@jano it seems when there is a post that questions your information or money, you go off the deep end. My 12 years of continued education has nothing to do with GH testing, but a lot to do with reading people and trying to see if there are mistruths to their speaking.

To avoid conflict, I will only comment on what I see as the obvious. When anyone is confronted about something they might be stretching the truth on, a knee jerk reaction is to become hostile and get confrontational. Money, your specific testing and questions about the mentioned facts you post all bring this out in you. I'm sure if I was sitting next to you, I would see physical actions confirming this also. The US Milittary, Government officials and the such use this very same line of conslusion means to see if they can trust what a person is saying. Even some Doctors use physical means to see if a person might be giving false answers. Will you please post some of your studies that are not from PM.com to show everyone what you do for a living? I mean if you get paid to do this testing, you must have boat loads of studies related to GH, AAS and other PED testing. Please include explanations of the results for us who might not be as smart as some in this field and as always, thank you in advance.

P.S. I'm sure the MESO Community would absolutely love to see this. Especially if this is what you do for a living. I am referring to Test ing AAS, GH and other PED's.