MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

I dose both at 1mg x2 a day ... so 2mg a day tb500 and 2 mg a day bpc157.. the results have been life Changing. I had tendonitis so bad I could even lift . And shoulder pain from a previous injury that I had surgery for
My IT band was shot from running that I had trouble even walking. Suffered for months, went to the doc's everything. A few days of bpc had me pain free and a couple months had me healed. That stuff is a wonder drug.
@AlexDavis43 and @dirthand thanks both of you for taking the time to respond. Not sure why I can post here but not 'like' posts but in any case, thanks! I'll be following your lead on this and moving the decimal point when I reconstitute the next vial :)
Some say stack GHK-Cu with tb and bpc. I bought a kit and went through it and didn't feel anything extra. However at the time I was on more stuff than I care to admit to so the only thing I was feeling was the need to lift weight.. I will say @GenericAsia has the cheapest price for bpc157 and I really like the tb500 instead of the tb4..
i agree with @dirthand ga has the best deal for bpc and the tb frag is very beneficial , it has been more than kind on my old joints etc dosing both at 3x daily 1 mg for 3 mg total seemed to be good for my healing after surgery, surgery next Thursday so the bpc/tb frag is already flowing through my body ,,,,,

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come on guys, not hard to provide your shipping info correctly man, we do NOT take any responsibility of shipping if there is mistype on your shipping info. and do not forget to provide your full name either, otherwise you CANT receive the order!
i feel honored that my retardation warnted a post
I dose both at 1mg x2 a day ... so 2mg a day tb500 and 2 mg a day bpc157.. the results have been life Changing. I had tendonitis so bad I could even lift . And shoulder pain from a previous injury that I had surgery for
Glad you've gotten such good results mate. I have some mighty stubborn tendon pain so will give that a try.

Did you dose it locally or no? I've seen so much conflicting info on this
from what research i've found its systemic in your system, i did try "spot injecting " at inside/outside of elbow for severe tendinitis and i couldn't tell a difference except that it wasn't the most comfortable location, i ran 3 mg a day split in three doses of both peptides and like @dirthand stated it was life changing
from what research i've found its systemic in your system, i did try "spot injecting " at inside/outside of elbow for severe tendinitis and i couldn't tell a difference except that it wasn't the most comfortable location, i ran 3 mg a day split in three doses of both peptides and like @dirthand stated it was life changing
Glad to hear that, yeah I was doing the same spot and it's not super pleasant lol. I was only using about 500mcg a day so didn't see much difference, will try 2-3mg a day of each next time.
Only products that haven't been previously blind tested... weird policy if you ask me.. if there is no incentive for someone to continue to blind test tour product it five the source freedom to start not caring about the future quality as much.. Not saying GA this source would do that buy this is the only way we have here ar meso to keep sources accountable.. when there's no incentive less people will join in in holding sources to account.

Hate to see it but it makes sense on a business standpoint.