Genotropin- Go Quick 12mg/36iu- HPLC- Jano

reliable seller?
From Turkey (i think according to what i see) or indian pharmacy?
Can not believe actual pharma would underdose by 20%. I guess purity could be possible tested with @janoshik new method
reliable seller?
From Turkey (i think according to what i see) or indian pharmacy?
Can not believe actual pharma would underdose by 20%. I guess purity could be possible tested with @janoshik new method
Yes these are straight from a pharmacy in Turkey. Everything checks out.
I also reached out to Simec. Not to discredit Jano but to get more concrete labs against the source in case they say the lab is bullshit. They no longer offer HGH testing as it’s too expensive and the results are difficult to interpret.
I also reached out to Simec. Not to discredit Jano but to get more concrete labs against the source in case they say the lab is bullshit. They no longer offer HGH testing as it’s too expensive and the results are difficult to interpret.
The purity drop from 2020 > 2021 matches that of Opti's greytops roughly, so that part is plausible - I attached labs from last year as well as a blind test posted by Logan here recently.


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Yes these are straight from a pharmacy in Turkey. Everything checks out.
Turkish pharmacys are oftens selling fakes too, residents i know got abdi ibrahim t3 in a non tourist area (mardin) with an legit receipt, two boxes and I've done bloodwork while taking them, no a single change on 75mcg T3, the same goes for Proviron, analyzed and doesn't contained any active compound. The special thing is about GH, they tend to sell replicas of these Pens, made with "UGL" hgh to raise the price.
Turkish pharmacys are oftens selling fakes too, residents i know got abdi ibrahim t3 in a non tourist area (mardin) with an legit receipt, two boxes and I've done bloodwork while taking them, no a single change on 75mcg T3, the same goes for Proviron, analyzed and doesn't contained any active compound. The special thing is about GH, they tend to sell replicas of these Pens, made with "UGL" hgh to raise the price.
Yeha I just tested the Abdi t3 and the results sucked for that too lol.
Possible degradation maybe ?
That’s my best guess. Who knows if these guys are keeping them refrigerated. Plus the shipping times and whatnot. Kinda bummed cause I have 10 of them, so I’ve lost roughy 75iu or 2 pens.
Aren't we comparing apples to oranges here?

I thought @janoshik has introduced a different method of testing this year. I know it affects % purity, does it also affect the dosage shown on the test result? The purity is going to show lower. What about the dosage?
I would admagin through travel and heat and voicing around they had some degrading happening..... Just goes to show even pharma shit can be a bit under, alot of out meds expecially generics like antibiotics are being made in china and India where regulations prob aren't as right and strict..... Just like when he tested the pharma grade clomid and t3 it was under a bit......

And right jano has brought in a much more testing protocol for hgh when that other pen was tested..... The testing protocol he does now is even more then what u.s and Europe would do for testing he does a way more extensive protocol..... It's deff not a fake the only other then they been doing is taking 16iu Geno's real ones and turning them into 36iu pens but ur usually pretty able to pick up on it..... Around the clicker it'll have a sticker where the numbers are, also where the purple is they will either paint over it which scratches away or they will use a sticker...... I just think shit all around is slipping up.... Deff Intresting to me I would have to admagin there deff being some degrading going on, that's why alot of thsese other brands like nordi ,Omni, sazien are all switching to premixed soon lilly and Pfizer will be doing the same thing cause it hold alot longer and is more reseliant to heat and shaking.... I know it's a big reason why sazien switched plus they can make it faster and it's also cheaper to make, which as we all know big pharma loves.... Unfortunately without. Ring back alot of our meds being made in say countries like Europe and the u.s we could contuine to see a decline.... Who knows maybe there's some pinching going on without alot moving or going out the back door in these countries.... I know it happened years ago at a plant a CPL times that made high end high dosed pain meds when they were in high demand over 50'000 units or tabs just magically lol disappeared the whole lab and brand/ faculty was shut down for awhile people were pissed it cause a huge shortage in pharmacies, alot.of people to get them had to get there dosages changed and the doctors would just write them the equivalent of what they were getting mg wise.... I know this cause my aunt worked in the facility and my uncle had m.s and needed them for legit reason......

I also remember not long ago reading in a different forum about this women who was recieving volumes and she always got one brand , eventually phaacy switched to a different brand cause it was cheaper she got urine screened came back with nothing in her system was impossible, she even took them in front of the doctor sent them out same thing, so they took the pill sent it to the lab and it came.back that this prescribed med that was in a I.s pharmacy had zero active ingredient in it none..... That's why I really want us to bring back production of out meds like of all kinds of meds back to the u.s cause it would also create alot.of jobs.....but even the doctor was shocked the pharmacy got audited and everything, unfortunately it's what happens when our meds are being made in other countries expecially ones that don't care for us our how nice we have it and hard they have it, I obv don't think this is the major problem but it doesn't help, but I think we need to take control of our own medication manufacturing
Aren't we comparing apples to oranges here?

I thought @janoshik has introduced a different method of testing this year. I know it affects % purity, does it also affect the dosage shown on the test result? The purity is going to show lower. What about the dosage?
Yes he has changed up method and I have asked for him to layout his "new" procedure compared to his "old" but he has not. It certainly shouldn't effect mg or iu's.
