Genotropin- Go Quick 12mg/36iu- HPLC- Jano

I post those around every once in a while and pretty much everything, even the shittiest of shitty generics would pass the pharma criteria, with very rare exceptions only.
we are talking about medicine here, and also about content and not about purity etc.
I can not imagine that 20% off label content is allowed. For some medication, this could have serious consequences..
we are talking about medicine here, and also about content and not about purity etc.
I can not imagine that 20% off label content is allowed. For some medication, this could have serious consequences..


I'd say the range is pretty wild even for pharma GH and 20% off label might actually fit those criteria.

Or not. It wouldn't be the first pharma sample that tested all fucked up. I've tested it all, brufens all over the fucking place, accutane from pharmacy that was OD'd, etc. etc.
interesting.. so could have been at the lower limit and wrong storage made the rest.
thanks for this information!
I've just pointed it all out so that I can explain why I've grown to be very conservative about passing any judgement.
Big thanks for sharing and testing. Great results and probably a genuine products also. I wouldn't worry about the missing IU's. I don't know how accurate Janoshik's tests are but there could be variance in play. How are the "feelz"?
Can’t give an assessment yet. I’m currently running humatrope then switching to genos next week.
I've just pointed it all out so that I can explain why I've grown to be very conservative about passing any judgement.
Yes. Too many variables. I would not worry about few IU's missing/too much here and there. Of course if you pay premium you expect premium but in the world of illegal drug game, stuff happens.
Yes. Too many variables. I would not worry about few IU's missing/too much here and there. Of course if you pay premium you expect premium but in the world of illegal drug game, stuff happens.
My opinion on the whole matter is this... from research and personal experience, the fakes that I’ve seen are the 5.3mg cartridges inside the 12mg pens. They slap on a few stickers (or in some cases they’ll paint the 12mg on but it can easily scrape off) and send it out in original boxes. This is why you cant trust the ITS app. So with this test I just wanted to verify there was more than 5.3mg.
Is it even worth buying pharmacy hgh in your opinion?
That up to everybody to decide on their own.

I have access to all the tested GH in the world, generic or pharma, for free, and yet I choose to not use any at all - so much for my opinion :)
It's not even noticeable at all unless you hold and scrutinize them next to each other.

Might even just be that it's different batches.
Whilst I have no experience with hgh, pharma or generic, I’d guess that the difference is probably down to being different batches. I have Turkish Bayer Primo from three different pharmacies, all have the same expiry dates but one of them is a different batch. The oil and ampoules themselves are identical, but there are very slight differences on the paper labelling found on the ampoules in terms of how bold the text is, in fact the differences are so small that they’d be hard to pick up with a camera but I only noticed after obsessing over the difference in the two batches for what felt like an hour.
Dunno, I'd be very wary of using Rimos as an example of that. Out of about 50 bayer rimos that I have tested like 45 have been clear and obvious fakes, as in just oil with not compound at all.
Dunno, I'd be very wary of using Rimos as an example of that. Out of about 50 bayer rimos that I have tested like 45 have been clear and obvious fakes, as in just oil with not compound at all.
Thankfully I had these tested by you last year after I heard you complain about the number of fakes there are for these lol
I post those around every once in a while and pretty much everything, even the shittiest of shitty generics would pass the pharma criteria, with very rare exceptions only.
I find it hard to imagine that the generic passes the control labs of the pharma industry, the checklist must be long, moreover jano, how we can explain that a person taking a generic treatment has a blood test similar to a person taking a pharma, but they have totally diferent effects (those turning to genuine pharma have increased recovery, sleep better, etc.) while with a generic the effects are lighter, the molecular quality of gh pharma must be different right? (not to mention purity)
I find it hard to imagine that the generic passes the control labs of the pharma industry, the checklist must be long, moreover jano, how we can explain that a person taking a generic treatment has a blood test similar to a person taking a pharma, but they have totally diferent effects (those turning to genuine pharma have increased recovery, sleep better, etc.) while with a generic the effects are lighter, the molecular quality of gh pharma must be different right? (not to mention purity)
I am not saying the generic passes the control labs.
I am saying the limits are so lenient they would pass the tests nowadays.

Molecular quality is not really a term, but if you mean that the molecule is different, no it is not. It's the same molecule.
I am not saying the generic passes the control labs.
I am saying the limits are so lenient they would pass the tests nowadays.

Molecular quality is not really a term, but if you mean that the molecule is different, no it is not. It's the same molecule.
suddenly according to you what could explain that an HGH pharma with a level of purity equal to a HGH ug does not give the same effects, for example in a group we take a generic hgh on alibaba which has a good rate of purity and which gives us good blood tests, but not a single one of us feels the effects that we can feel with a HGH pharma (good recovery, sleep of plomp, lipolysis, etc.) it is due to what do you think?
suddenly according to you what could explain that an HGH pharma with a level of purity equal to a HGH ug does not give the same effects, for example in a group we take a generic hgh on alibaba which has a good rate of purity and which gives us good blood tests, but not a single one of us feels the effects that we can feel with a HGH pharma (good recovery, sleep of plomp, lipolysis, etc.) it is due to what do you think?
If there's one thing I've been taught in med school, it's to not underestimate the placebo.
suddenly according to you what could explain that an HGH pharma with a level of purity equal to a HGH ug does not give the same effects, for example in a group we take a generic hgh on alibaba which has a good rate of purity and which gives us good blood tests, but not a single one of us feels the effects that we can feel with a HGH pharma (good recovery, sleep of plomp, lipolysis, etc.) it is due to what do you think?
I felt all these effects with generics tbh.