That's what I got yesterday from someone different he offered me one reship if I didn't get what I ordered. It does seem fair,especially with a small order. I have always tried to keep orders small and instead make multiple orders, right around holidays is the only time I ever lost stuff,like the 4th of july,probably because the sheer amount of packages being handled at once. I have even used the darkweb quite a few times and people seem to offer the same thing. I remember 10 years back least.. I used to get raws and the stealth was on another level,they must have run a food packing company as well? But I would get a box of chips,cookies,crackers,etc and the raws would literally be sealed inside a package of snacks,you had to open everything until you found it,but you couldn't tell from the outside. It was very slick. I feel with the fentanyl issue and the united states, suppliers are going to have to get resourceful again. Even on the darkweb I Always paid an extra 30$ for stealth shipping and my order would show up in random packages,legos,pool rafts,children's toys,stuffed animals,etc I have gotten things a lot of different ways, just throwing a bag of powder in a box is ballsy

and makes it that much easier to be seized.