GH benefits over 60 yrs old


New Member
Would there be any benefit to use HGH with a natty IGF-1 of 228 at 63 yrs old male and natty test of 457. Have never used GH and have not used any AAS or TRT in over 5 yrs. and if there are benefits, what would the dosing look like? Need to lose some fat and just generally feel better and stronger.
Thats a really high natural IGF-1 number for a natural 60 year old. I take 3 iu's 4 times a week and am around 190.
Thats a really high natural IGF-1 number for a natural 60 year old. I take 3 iu's 4 times a week and am around 190.
Yeah, I was really surprised at both of those #s, so I dont know if using exogenous HGH will help in other ways or a waste of time and money. I already have some on hand but no need to use if no benefit or possibly even lower what I have now. If anyone wants to chime in, I'm all ears.
Yeah, I was really surprised at both of those #s, so I dont know if using exogenous HGH will help in other ways or a waste of time and money. I already have some on hand but no need to use if no benefit or possibly even lower what I have now. If anyone wants to chime in, I'm all ears.
Imo theres a ton of benefits you get get from hgh at your age, of course there is the risks , (therapeutic doses of course) but it could be beneficial if you commit to a long game, hgh isnt a short term deal imo/ime, this is something your gonna have to "give it a go" theres a ton of info by Type2 about hgh , as well as lots of Good experiences f r om the therapeutic use of hgh,, Good luck on your journey,,
Imo theres a ton of benefits you get get from hgh at your age, of course there is the risks , (therapeutic doses of course) but it could be beneficial if you commit to a long game, hgh isnt a short term deal imo/ime, this is something your gonna have to "give it a go" theres a ton of info by Type2 about hgh , as well as lots of Good experiences f r om the therapeutic use of hgh,, Good luck on your journey,,

You are missing the fact that his GH is so high it is already out of range. The normal IGF-1 for his age is 50-192. His is 228. That is extremely unusual. My natural is about 65 so yes, supplementing is wise.

When you get so high you are out of range you start to run into cancer risk if age 60 (although high normal is no risk).
Imo theres a ton of benefits you get get from hgh at your age, of course there is the risks , (therapeutic doses of course) but it could be beneficial if you commit to a long game, hgh isnt a short term deal imo/ime, this is something your gonna have to "give it a go" theres a ton of info by Type2 about hgh , as well as lots of Good experiences f r om the therapeutic use of hgh,, Good luck on your journey,,
Yes, I am ready to commit and see if I can get any benefit, just was unsure due to my natty higher IGF, didn't want it to decrease. If there's much more to GH than just numbers, I'm ready to give it a try at low doses and take it from there. I actually did order his Bolus book last week, just waiting on it, heard it was extremely thorough. Really just wanted more experienced peoples opinions on this since I have never tried.
You are missing the fact that his GH is so high it is already out of range. The normal IGF-1 for his age is 50-192. His is 228. That is extremely unusual. My natural is about 65 so yes, supplementing is wise.

When you get so high you are out of range you start to run into cancer risk if age 60 (although high normal is no risk).
That was my original concern was my natural high #s, even the test was higher than I thought it would be. I have read if you try to supplement with exogenous, your natty IGF#s could go down. I will be 64 in just a few months, and the only reason I thought about Gh is lacking energy after about 2 in the afternoon, don't sleep all that great maybe 5-6 hrs a night, have noticed strength level decreasing in the last year or so. All other bloodwork came back good but did not check e2. But if there's benefit to small doses, I'm in.
I am a few years younger than you and my natty IGF-1 is 237. You will need at least 3iu a day to raise it up, any less will lower it (well it did for me at 2.5iu). I take 4iu and my IGF-1 is around 370. If you are looking for fat loss, better sleep and recovery you should get a year supply and give it a shot. From what I have researched you should return to baseline after stopping the HGH (I have not tried this yet so I don't know for a fact it will).

I take it at night before bed. Wake up, drink some zero calorie electrolytes with 32oz H2O, and workout than do fasted cardio. You can skip the workout if you prefer to have carbs before the workout but defiantly do the fasted cardio.

I could go into more detail about why you should take it at night, why you should do fasted cardio while on HGH, and why you really don't need to go over 4iu (for your goals) but a lot smarter people than me have already hashed all this out on the forum and the internet.
You are missing the fact that his GH is so high it is already out of range. The normal IGF-1 for his age is 50-192. His is 228. That is extremely unusual. My natural is about 65 so yes, supplementing is wise.

When you get so high you are out of range you start to run into cancer risk if age 60 (although high normal is no risk).
i didn't'miss" anything , and i merely suggested that a "therapeutic dose" may be of some benefit, And the research on hgh and cancer, , While hgh or igf1 does not directly cause cancer, it can create an environment favorable for excisting precancerous cells to grow. Caution is obviously advised, especially in older individuals or those with a history of cancer or genetic predisposition, , The sun causes cancer, but not everyone is getting it, , But you are right @MrTexas2 it "could" cause cancer risks,,
Yes, I am ready to commit and see if I can get any benefit, just was unsure due to my natty higher IGF, didn't want it to decrease. If there's much more to GH than just numbers, I'm ready to give it a try at low doses and take it from there. I actually did order his Bolus book last week, just waiting on it, heard it was extremely thorough. Really just wanted more experienced peoples opinions on this since I have never tried.
if you do make sure to have your WATER intake @1 gallon minimum per day, Cardio, Diet on point no ifs ands or buts about that! And start low iu doses and titrate up accordingly,, the water /diet/ cardio are very important ime , and im in the over 50 club myself, ,
I am a few years younger than you and my natty IGF-1 is 237. You will need at least 3iu a day to raise it up, any less will lower it (well it did for me at 2.5iu). I take 4iu and my IGF-1 is around 370. If you are looking for fat loss, better sleep and recovery you should get a year supply and give it a shot. From what I have researched you should return to baseline after stopping the HGH (I have not tried this yet so I don't know for a fact it will).

I take it at night before bed. Wake up, drink some zero calorie electrolytes with 32oz H2O, and workout than do fasted cardio. You can skip the workout if you prefer to have carbs before the workout but defiantly do the fasted cardio.

I could go into more detail about why you should take it at night, why you should do fasted cardio while on HGH, and why you really don't need to go over 4iu (for your goals) but a lot smarter people than me have already hashed all this out on the forum and the internet.
That was a concern about lowering baseline IGF and recovery, I definitely want to keep the doses low as possible but enough to still benefit. Fat loss, better sleep, and generally feeling better are what I'm looking for. Are there any side effects for you at 3-4iu?
if you do make sure to have your WATER intake @1 gallon minimum per day, Cardio, Diet on point no ifs ands or buts about that! And start low iu doses and titrate up accordingly,, the water /diet/ cardio are very important ime , and im in the over 50 club myself, ,
I drink at least 1 gallon a day now and diet is fair, I can clean it up a little but the cardio I will have to improve. I raise cattle and am a heavy equipment mechanic, so I stay pretty active but besides working and some med. weight workouts, that's the extent of my exercise regimen. I've had a few surgeries over the last few years that really limit how far I can push myself.
I am a few years younger than you and my natty IGF-1 is 237. You will need at least 3iu a day to raise it up, any less will lower it (well it did for me at 2.5iu). I take 4iu and my IGF-1 is around 370. If you are looking for fat loss, better sleep and recovery you should get a year supply and give it a shot. From what I have researched you should return to baseline after stopping the HGH (I have not tried this yet so I don't know for a fact it will).

I take it at night before bed. Wake up, drink some zero calorie electrolytes with 32oz H2O, and workout than do fasted cardio. You can skip the workout if you prefer to have carbs before the workout but defiantly do the fasted cardio.

I could go into more detail about why you should take it at night, why you should do fasted cardio while on HGH, and why you really don't need to go over 4iu (for your goals) but a lot smarter people than me have already hashed all this out on the forum and the internet.
damn thats a very good igf1 for your age group, " are you in a calorie surplus" when taking these igf1 tests? It seems that that makes a difference in numbers being higher , for example ive been in a defecit for 2 years and my igf1 was 216 @3-4 ius , then after 1 year it dropped to 194 igf1 i have since upped to 5 ius, but havent pulled a recent igf1 test (coming in next 2 weeks) ,,
damn thats a very good igf1 for your age group, " are you in a calorie surplus" when taking these igf1 tests? It seems that that makes a difference in numbers being higher , for example ive been in a defecit for 2 years and my igf1 was 216 @3-4 ius , then after 1 year it dropped to 194 igf1 i have since upped to 5 ius, but havent pulled a recent igf1 test (coming in next 2 weeks) ,,
No calorie surplus that I'm aware of, blood was drawn fasted from 5pm the day before and drawn next day 10am. I attached the labwork, I think I did it correct!


If mine was 228 I would not monkey with it.

I might think about raising the testosterone number up some, though, but maybe not depending upon how I was feeling and my health.
Yeah, that was the reason I started this thread. I have no experience with GH but I know it can really benefit some people. I want to give it a try and I know there are risks but if I will not get anything good from it, it would be a waste to try. I also know everyone reacts different so I wanted to hear other peoples experience, especially if their situation was similar to mine. I definitely think raising my test level some would help.
You are missing the fact that his GH is so high it is already out of range. The normal IGF-1 for his age is 50-192. His is 228. That is extremely unusual. My natural is about 65 so yes, supplementing is wise.

When you get so high you are out of range you start to run into cancer risk if age 60 (although high normal is no risk).
The quest lab IGF-1 range was 41-279, so mine was a little below the high end @ 228. What levels would you start seeing a lot of sides or having cancer concerns?
If mine was 228 I would not monkey with it.

I might think about raising the testosterone number up some, though, but maybe not depending upon how I was feeling and my health.

This is my thinking exactly. I would not mess w/ a 228 score at age 60. However upping your total T to around 900 would bring benefits at very little risk.

Of course I am assuming, estro, freeT, and SHBG are all optimal.
The quest lab IGF-1 range was 41-279, so mine was a little below the high end @ 228. What levels would you start seeing a lot of sides or having cancer concerns?

I have talked with the best experts in the country and GH does not directly cause cancer although it can/will feed any pre-existing condition.

Having said that, IGF-1 makes things grow and it is just common sense that if your IGF-1 is high you might be putting yourself at risk. As we get older we have to be more careful. Boosting yours from 228 to 278 probably would not be that dangerous...but on the other hand might not be worth the expense.

On the other hand, if I remember correctly, supplementing straight IGF-1 does cause cancer.

Honestly, in your case I would boost my test a little bit...up to around 8-900 or so and add a small amount of something like Primobolin. 200/200 of test/primo per week.