GH, bpc, tb


New Member
So I am having surgery on my shoulder in a few days on my rotator cuff, labrum, torn bicep and scar tissue removal. Went to a wellness clinic that prescribed me a few things. Was prescribed GH, bpc and I have tb. The Dr recommended 500mcg bpc ed and 2 IU GH. My 2 questions are can I run bpc, tb, and GH in the same insulin needle? Was thinking about just running 500mcg tb a day instead of 2.5mg twice a week. Is there any benefit of running tb ed or does it not matter and twice a week would be sufficient?
I do tb (2.5 mg), bpc (500mcg), and gh (4iu), every 3 days together in same shot. No clouding or anything. The rest of the time I do bpc and gh in same shot daily. I'm not a doctor, can't tell you if it's right or wrong, would be a lot of shots if individually dosed....
I do tb (2.5 mg), bpc (500mcg), and gh (4iu), every 3 days together in same shot. No clouding or anything. The rest of the time I do bpc and gh in same shot daily. I'm not a doctor, can't tell you if it's right or wrong, would be a lot of shots if individually dosed....
Thank you for your input.
I found and used a few different bpc and tb protocols over the last couple years, the one I found most effective was 1mg of each a day. I put them all in the same syringe. As for Gh, the more the better
I have done bpc and gh in the same shot for extended periods. I had no issues with it.

Oddly enough I had issues mixing tirzepatide and hcg (pip). Separated them, and all was well.
So I am having surgery on my shoulder in a few days on my rotator cuff, labrum, torn bicep and scar tissue removal. Went to a wellness clinic that prescribed me a few things. Was prescribed GH, bpc and I have tb. The Dr recommended 500mcg bpc ed and 2 IU GH. My 2 questions are can I run bpc, tb, and GH in the same insulin needle? Was thinking about just running 500mcg tb a day instead of 2.5mg twice a week. Is there any benefit of running tb ed or does it not matter and twice a week would be sufficient?

I do tb (2.5 mg), bpc (500mcg), and gh (4iu), every 3 days together in same shot. No clouding or anything. The rest of the time I do bpc and gh in same shot daily. I'm not a doctor, can't tell you if it's right or wrong, would be a lot of shots if individually dosed....

I've combined various peptides in the same syringe or cartridge and found many of them mix just fine. There are just a few that cause a white precipitate to form that looks unusable. You can see it immediately.

I do it for convenience but no idea if it's good or bad for peptide quality.
They will mix no problem. I often mix those three and HCG in same vial. All of those are also compatible with SEMA and tirz.

There's no issue with daily dosing. I do that because it's most convenient having everything mixed.

Might want to do higher dose on T B 500 though. 5 to 10 mg per week. 500 to 1,000 mcg BPC daily. GH 2 - 4 IU.
They will mix no problem. I often mix those three and HCG in same vial. All of those are also compatible with SEMA and tirz.

There's no issue with daily dosing. I do that because it's most convenient having everything mixed.

Might want to do higher dose on T B 500 though. 5 to 10 mg per week. 500 to 1,000 mcg BPC daily. GH 2 - 4 IU.
My opinion on this changed when some members reported great results with 3 mg/d of both TB & BPC. At this point, we don't have stronger evidence than that. No clinical trials in this context.

I don't think maintenance doses of these peptides will move the needle with people who have actual injuries or who need healing/recovery doses.
My opinion on this changed when some members reported great results with 3 mg/d of both TB & BPC. At this point, we don't have stronger evidence than that. No clinical trials in this context.

I don't think maintenance doses of these peptides will move the needle with people who have actual injuries or who need healing/recovery doses.
3mg of each a day?
My opinion on this changed when some members reported great results with 3 mg/d of both TB & BPC. At this point, we don't have stronger evidence than that. No clinical trials in this context.

I don't think maintenance doses of these peptides will move the needle with people who have actual injuries or who need healing/recovery doses.
So long story short, I had an septic staph infection that required 5 surgeries in 11 days and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. They opened me up bad and I used bpc and tb for 6 weeks after surgery and it closed and healed the wound pretty quick. Even the wound care nurses each week were like damn. It greatly help heal the wound, not so much mobility and everything else. Hoping after all this I'm having done repairs a lot of my mobility problems. It's almost been a full year since it happened and I still can't use free weights for chest and shoulder. No stability
So long story short, I had an septic staph infection that required 5 surgeries in 11 days and was hospitalized for 3 weeks. They opened me up bad and I used bpc and tb for 6 weeks after surgery and it closed and healed the wound pretty quick. Even the wound care nurses each week were like damn. It greatly help heal the wound, not so much mobility and everything else. Hoping after all this I'm having done repairs a lot of my mobility problems. It's almost been a full year since it happened and I still can't use free weights for chest and shoulder. No stability
How did you get the staph infection?
3mg of each a day?

Yeah. The guy that comes to mind is ateam. Tennis elbow was fucking up his life until he upped the dose to 3 mg/d of both, then finally got some relief.

So far the only push back against that dosing is cost, not evidence of harm.

I'm not very convinced of complaints of anhedonia with bpc. With that dosing protocol, use it until you experience relief then discontinue or lower dose. Not 3 mg/d for life.

I mainly think it comes down to affordability of running 3 mg/d for any time interval.
I was going to ask-- has anyone experienced any negative sides with the higher dosing scheme

Kind of dealing with a shoulder injury right now, either a bad strain, or a slight tear

Thinking of just going through 10mg of TB500 and 10mg bpc 157 in a week to try to expedite the healing (also taking 10iu gh/day), anti inflammatory, icing it, heating pad, glucosamine.

Just trying to figure out the dosing scheme. There seems to be a lot of different protocols and a lot of conflicting information. BPC seems to have a short half life so it needs to be dosed multiple times per day. People seem to do TB500 eod or e3d?
i have not experienced any side effects that i'm aware of, only relief after i got to a higher dose than recommended, and theres others who use much much more than i did @3 mg of each daily ,
i am in a current "loading phase" of 1 mg daily of tb frag/bpc157 , having surgery soon and want to be saturated and titrated up to 3-4 mg daily of each and $ does dictate how many mg i want to run for sure
I was going to ask-- has anyone experienced any negative sides with the higher dosing scheme

Kind of dealing with a shoulder injury right now, either a bad strain, or a slight tear

Thinking of just going through 10mg of TB500 and 10mg bpc 157 in a week to try to expedite the healing (also taking 10iu gh/day), anti inflammatory, icing it, heating pad, glucosamine.

Just trying to figure out the dosing scheme. There seems to be a lot of different protocols and a lot of conflicting information. BPC seems to have a short half life so it needs to be dosed multiple times per day. People seem to do TB500 eod or e3d?
i just dose each peptide daily that way you are at the peak for both peptides ,,,,fully saturated , no dips in levels etc just expedited healing