GH dosing if small amounts available


10+ Year Member
Hi all, hoping for some input

Available: About 180 units of human grade GH

... I know lots of BB'ers dose like 4-6 units per day. If I did that this amount would quickly be gone, however. I simply cannot get that much.

What is a good dosing protocol if I want to hit a rational dosing with the amounts considered? Best comparison I can give is to hit a dosing like Test is for t tevels... like the GH equivalent of doing ~300mg test/per week for T levels.... hope you get my analogy.

I just want to use enough for it to matter and give a boost, but nothing dramatic or crazy, as the AAS dosing is also medium, not heavy.

My guess....2.5 units per day?
Hi all, hoping for some input

Available: About 180 units of human grade GH

... I know lots of BB'ers dose like 4-6 units per day. If I did that this amount would quickly be gone, however. I simply cannot get that much.

What is a good dosing protocol if I want to hit a rational dosing with the amounts considered? Best comparison I can give is to hit a dosing like Test is for t tevels... like the GH equivalent of doing ~300mg test/per week for T levels.... hope you get my analogy.

I just want to use enough for it to matter and give a boost, but nothing dramatic or crazy, as the AAS dosing is also medium, not heavy.

My guess....2.5 units per day?
I would do 2ius and get 90 days out of it.
If using it for recovery take 1iu post workout and 1 bedtime. For fat loss do 1 at wake and 1 pre workout. If both, do 1 wake and 1 bedtime.
Thanks. sounds reasonable

A doctor here who works with prescribing GH (not anti aging, but for sick patients) basically said this:

If a person does not produce GH, dose at evening
If a person does produce GH but takes GH, dose morning

....any idea about this?
.......any probs with doing the 2 iu in the morning?
i would say you're looking at 2iu's per day i don't think there's benefit/worth in a lesser amount

If a person does not produce GH, dose at evening
If a person does produce GH but takes GH, dose morning

....any idea about this?
.......any probs with doing the 2 iu in the morning?
this makes absolutely no sense at all to me
i would do it before bed HGH is used as recovery aid which you use before bed bc thats when you recover. however there's nothing that says you can't use it in the morning. some use it in the morning fasted cardio for fat loss personally i don't know if it's worth it

you also need to build up the dosage dont start with 2iu you'll only get negative sides water retention and joints filling with fluid etc
Thanks. sounds reasonable

A doctor here who works with prescribing GH (not anti aging, but for sick patients) basically said this:

If a person does not produce GH, dose at evening
If a person does produce GH but takes GH, dose morning

....any idea about this?
.......any probs with doing the 2 iu in the morning?
Most everyone produces GH just diminishes as you age. When injecting you are shutting down your natural production. Your body produces 3-6 pulses per day with the largest within the first few hours of sleep which accounts for 50-70% of your daily production. One injection per day means there’s 6 hours with zero GH in your system. Best to take two injections spread out about 12 hours apart
If you are 40yrs+ then 2iu pre bed is a heafty replacement dose and will suit you well. BUT that said, 3 months usage at that dose will probably be a blip that will not even register, maybe better skin or stronger nails or smth along those lines.
Truthfully it doesn’t matter much when you take it, just keep it away from meals if possible. If you’re only taking 2 iu then take the full dose at once either before bed or first thing in the morning. No point in splitting up that small of a dose.
The old rule of thumb about hGH: do as much as you can afford and tolerate.

If you are 40yrs+ then 2iu pre bed is a heafty replacement dose and will suit you well. BUT that said, 3 months usage at that dose will probably be a blip that will not even register, maybe better skin or stronger nails or smth along those lines.

Yeah it's a marathon not a sprint. If you can't afford hGH, that's fine. It's very trendy right now so everyone wants in.