Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Hello everyone! I have tried both Tirz and Sema just to see side effects and properly teach my patients better. Both amazing peptides. Curious if anyone can answer some of these questions.
How has Tirz and/or Sema effected:
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change?
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change?
3. Memory/recall
4. Alcohol consumption
Any other general positive side effects you have seen that are NOT related to weight management?
Glad you are posting this
I jumped Tizerpatide from 2.5 to 5mg and really felt very depressed few days after, I’m somebody that never suffered from depression, always a happy person, no change in joint pain, maybe cuz I never have join pain, alcohol consumption is a good topic, cuz I realized that you have to pick your battles, you either drink or eat, but don’t mix those or you’ll end up vomiting like the exorcist haha, memory is ok so far, I can’t recall any positive effect other than seeing loosing weight, if that’s your goal, you’ll fell happy abt it I guess posting stupid shit on social media bragging about your skinny ass haha, sorry but that’s not me
Glad you are posting this
I jumped Tizerpatide from 2.5 to 5mg and really felt very depressed few days after, I’m somebody that never suffered from depression, always a happy person, no change in joint pain, maybe cuz I never have join pain, alcohol consumption is a good topic, cuz I realized that you have to pick your battles, you either drink or eat, but don’t mix those or you’ll end up vomiting like the exorcist haha, memory is ok so far, I can’t recall any positive effect other than seeing loosing weight, if that’s your goal, you’ll fell happy abt it I guess posting stupid shit on social media bragging about your skinny ass haha, sorry but that’s not me
Last night had dinner, apetite was crushed fast after a few bites.. I also had 1 shot and 2 moscow mules and I was fine. No nausea no vomiting
Yeah, can't you simply inject all the liquid into an empty hgh or peptide vial?
You can fit a syringe inside the injector when it's all one piece.

Open syringe injector. Stick needle through the whole so the injector needle goes through the hole of the syringe
Make sure syringe is facing up so nothing will leak out
Release lock Activate the mechanism

Remove syringe,

Option 1. attach needle to syringe, inject into a vial.

Option 2. can reverse process with 2 insulin syringes (stick insulin syringe needle into new semaglutide syringe, withdraw, and recap it). each administration.
Any thoughts on this? Dead intestines.

That's not good. On the other hand it has been on the market since february 2018. And there's liraglutide that has been on the market since 2013? 2014? I mean there's probably several millions taking GLP-1 receptor agonists for 5 years straight or longer, if this was such a big concern it would have been discovered already (I think).
That's not good. On the other hand it has been on the market since february 2018. And there's liraglutide that has been on the market since 2013? 2014? I mean there's probably several millions taking GLP-1 receptor agonists for 5 years straight or longer, if this was such a big concern it would have been discovered already (I think).
what a bunch of crock of shit. No shit that it can increase the risk..(not targeting you but the people who made the article)

but same with being constipated all the time and not taking enough adequate hydration/fiber.

just a media scare.
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That's not good. On the other hand it has been on the market since february 2018. And there's liraglutide that has been on the market since 2013? 2014? I mean there's probably several millions taking GLP-1 receptor agonists for 5 years straight or longer, if this was such a big concern it would have been discovered already (I think).
I hope so. I admit: these studies made me a bit nervous. But yes, those are reassuring points you brought up.
Any thoughts on this? Dead intestines.

Yes, Novo spent billions on trials that spanned years and missed this potential outcome that could only be discovered by Chinese scientists studying mice.

They should stick to what they know, which I guess is taking viruses that exist in nature and going full Dr. Frankenstein using US taxpayer dollars to turn them into deadly pandemic fuel.
what a bunch of crock of shit. No shit that it can increase the risk..(not targeting you but the people who made the article)

but same with being constipated all the time and not taking enough adequate hydration/fiber.

just a media scare.
I think its a media scare since due to people wanting to lose weight the supply has been super hard to get for those who as they say ‘actually need it’
I think its a media scare since due to people wanting to lose weight the supply has been super hard to get for those who as they say ‘actually need it’
Small bowl obstruction is definitely a real thing. Can cause ischemia and your bowels to die. Can cause death but people with a proper diet wouldn't have this issue.

The type 2 diabetics need it more right now for sure
I will be honest, I really believe I was very much pre-diabetic. I agree with the statements above, and for those researchers, thank God for places like QSC and the UGL folks. Seek knowledge and you will find it.
Same. My A1C was 5.6 last blood test. 0.1 from pre-diabetic range. I’m giving this stuff a shot for improved health/labs as much as for fat loss.