Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
I gotta tell you that tizerpatide effects go away by day 6 quick and on day 7 the hunger is too painful, so I might split doses to every 3

You are taking 2.5mg, that's literally the loading dose, I don't know what you expected exactly.

I've run 2.5mg to 7.5mg, and the 5mg+ doses are where tirzepatide actually shines, and no "Painful hunger pangs" either.

Any of you guys notice any side effects such as feeling cold?
yes, normal.
Hello everyone! I have tried both Tirz and Sema just to see side effects and properly teach my patients better. Both amazing peptides. Curious if anyone can answer some of these questions.
How has Tirz and/or Sema effected:
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change?
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change?
3. Memory/recall
4. Alcohol consumption
Any other general positive side effects you have seen that are NOT related to weight management?
Just to update the miserable, freezing cold feeling finally went away around day 21 for me. That was crazy! I can handle the nausea and constipation for a month but being that ridiculously cold that often was perhaps the worst side effect I’ve ever experienced from any drug.

But boy is this Tirzepatide effective. I went from food consuming my thoughts 90% of my day to hardly even thinking about it! That’s a freaking miracle if you can grasp it. Life changing really. And I wasn’t fat before. Just lived a life that revolved around food prior to these drugs and couldn’t shake it no matter what because I was always so
got dang hungry.
Hello everyone! I have tried both Tirz and Sema just to see side effects and properly teach my patients better. Both amazing peptides. Curious if anyone can answer some of these questions.
How has Tirz and/or Sema effected:
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change?
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change?
3. Memory/recall
4. Alcohol consumption
Any other general positive side effects you have seen that are NOT related to weight management?
1. No change
2. No change
3. No change
4. With Lira, Sema & Tirz I have no desire to imbibe alcohol. And on the rare occasion i do, I'm stuffed after 1 beer.
BONUS: Tirz gives cause peripheral extremities coldness...but only Tirz.
My wife just started week 6 of semaglutide, .25mg first 4 weeks then .5mg for the last 2.
She’s been experiencing skin pain from things that shouldn’t cause pain like touching, brushing up on it. Google says Allodynia. No rash or any other type of symptom. Possible allergic reaction with no other allergic response or possibly unrelated to semaglutide use? She’s going to see her Dr but curious if anyone has had similar side effects.

I find alcohol is a very difficult thing for me now. I can rarely sip an ounce of scotch or whiskey on the rocks, and I have to let the melted ice dilute it a bit. Even then rarely sits well but I can get it down.

I find sweeter drinks sit better. I can have a couple chocolate martinis or white freezies no problem. Just gotta hand over my man card to order them.
Hey everyone I'm pinning semaglutide .5 twice weekly (1mg total) and will be heading to Japan and Thailand in April. I'll miss four pins.

First question:
What's the proper protocol for missing four pins - will I have to taper back up when I return or can I resume .5mg injections once I return home? Will I suffer any initial withdrawal that should have me taper dose down prior to my trip?

Second question:
Is there any risk in bringing a reconstituted QSC vial with me? I see Rybelsus is approved in Japan and Ozempic is approved in Thailand. If I were to bring the medicine with me, is the worst thing that can happen being temporarily delayed at the airport and then having the vial confiscated or could I be looking at worse outcomes?

Third question:
If I did bring a reconstituted vial with me, is there any concern having the medicine unrefridgerated for 2 weeks?
Im starting to think im a weird responder. Day after injection I have zero appetite until 5pm’ish but by day 4 I am hungry again. Wonder if I should inject 5mg every 5 days (no side effects from Mounjaro for me)
Hello everyone! I have tried both Tirz and Sema just to see side effects and properly teach my patients better. Both amazing peptides. Curious if anyone can answer some of these questions.
How has Tirz and/or Sema effected:
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change?
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change?
3. Memory/recall
4. Alcohol consumption
Any other general positive side effects you have seen that are NOT related to weight management?
I’ve taken both. Sema worked for the first month but I didn’t feel anything or lose anything even after going to the 2mg dose.
I switched to tirze and right away there was a huge difference. I stayed on 5mg for a few months and then switched to 7.5. Much much better than sema IMO.
1. My mood is excellent. I have bipolar disorder and it seems to help quite a bit.
2. No pain of any kind.
3. No issue with memory recall.
4. I haven’t been a big drinker for a while now but I do make impulsive decisions as part of my bipolar. I haven’t felt those impulses anymore but I take that with a grain of salt because I’m not manic at the moment.

It’s helped with inflammation and back pain. I don’t get any nasty side effects. I’m pretty happy with this medicine.

Overall I’ve lost 110 pounds in a year. The first few months were just diet and activity. I continued to lose at a much faster rate once tirze was started. Now it’s time to really push on my work outs.
Im starting to think im a weird responder. Day after injection I have zero appetite until 5pm’ish but by day 4 I am hungry again. Wonder if I should inject 5mg every 5 days (no side effects from Mounjaro for me)
Just do it twice a week. If youre weekly dose is 5mg of mounjaro then split it up into 2x 2,5mg shots. I didnt like the once a week shot method.
Hello everyone! I have tried both Tirz and Sema just to see side effects and properly teach my patients better. Both amazing peptides. Curious if anyone can answer some of these questions.
How has Tirz and/or Sema effected:
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change?
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change?
3. Memory/recall
4. Alcohol consumption
Any other general positive side effects you have seen that are NOT related to weight management?
1. Mood/depression/anxiety - Better/worse/no change? - I feel better with weight loss
2. Generalized joint pain/osteoarthritis - Better/worse/no change? no change
3. Memory/recall - no change
4. Alcohol consumption - I don't want alcohol, also the few times, it made me not feel well later.
I don't want soft drinks either.