Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)


Wanted to create a thread where everyone can post their experiences with different sourced Semaglutide.

Who are you using?
Pharma vs non?
How long have you been taking it?
What are your thoughts?
Have you lost weight?
Side effects?
Oral vs injection?
Sorry haven’t been online much.

Maz is amazing. I still haven’t increased my dose from 3mg. It gets stronger after 2 days which is pretty cool. I’ve lost a good 15 pounds so far. I’m rarely hungry. I feel great. I have zero side effects. I prefer it over tirze.

Glad to hear, were you on a similar dose for the tirz?
Anyone know if Cagri and its Amylin agonism would cancel out or weaken the effects of Reta Glucagon agonism?? I can’t remember if I heard it here or elsewhere that the two are not an ideal mix and that reta + Sema would be a more ideal stack.
Im using it for 4-5 weeks now. It's great, but with any glucagon receptor agonist you gotta make sure to have enough protein feedings, otherwise it will be very catabolic.
Is there any literature on how much drugs that agonize glucagon receptors raise metabolic rate? I have reta on the way because it seems to beat out the current big 3 so no doubt its substantial, just curious.

in your experience, if you were to eat the same amount of calories on and off survo while keeping protein high to spare muscle, how much weight would you lose in a week?
Is there any literature on how much drugs that agonize glucagon receptors raise metabolic rate? I have reta on the way because it seems to beat out the current big 3 so no doubt its substantial, just curious.
Not sure there is. There is only literature saying it raises EE, but not by how much. But see my answer below.

in your experience, if you were to eat the same amount of calories on and off survo while keeping protein high to spare muscle, how much weight would you lose in a week?
Well, I was on tirzepatide before. I went up to 7.5mg tirz a week, stalled, then slowly added survodutide with 1mg the first week, 2mg the 2nd week, went up to 3mg and stayed there. The first 2 weeks it increased my hunger by a lot. Like being ravenous hungry, I ate a lot more but kept my bodyweight the same. In week 3 I finally started to drop bodyweight.

So... I am eating more calories and started losing around 0.5kg per week in week 3 after adding survodutide.
Couple of new papers:

"Food noise" or the absence thereof and how it's dampened finally has some plauible scientific explanation:

They're calling lack of "food noise" preingestive satiation.

Apparently there are GIP receptors on fat cells and they've discovered that tirzepatide triggers the liberation of fatty acids from those fat cells. That is to say, it causes increased lipolysis:


The same way any biologically rooted addiction that's satiated provides stress relief and lowers agitation. Nicotine patches for those trying to stop smoking, suboxone for opioid addicts, etc.

It's clear the mechanisms underlying addiction are linked, or perhaps "hijack" is more accurate, the brain's very potent and effective weight homeostasis mechanisms.

Sweet so when mine gets here i maybe able to kick this 20yr zanax run ive been on for anxiety

I noticed the "anti-compulsive behavior" effect years ago, and from casual observation to more detailed studies on specific addictions, there's an avalanche of evidence this is in fact the case. Whether it's chemical dependency, or something as abstract as compulsive shopping.

At the risk of straying too far to the edge of the kind of hypothesis most people can accept, I'm going to lay down a marker right here and say it even lessens the effects of certain aspects of the set of emotions we group together as "love". I'm not suggesting it kills off love for other people, but I think it changes the nature of it.

As was said at a major international Cardiology conference a week ago, "increasingly weight loss is going to be seen as a side effect of these drugs.".