Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

So keeping an eye on ingredient labels for HFCS or Fructose would probably be doing them a big favor.
HFCS is pure crack. Worst ingredient ever developed and included in the food industry.
Successful Japanese businessmen forming long term committed relationships with Geisha is not some relic of centuries ago.
You do understand that geigi are the equivalent of western prostitutes, right? The long term relationships you are referring are nothing but what in plain English would be called a side chick.
HFCS is pure crack. Worst ingredient ever developed and included in the food industry.

You do understand that geigi are the equivalent of western prostitutes, right? The long term relationships you are referring are nothing but what in plain English would be called a side chick.

No they are not the equivalent. It's far less transactional than that, and when they choose to accept an offer from a man to become her patron, there's a ceremony similar to taking marriage vows which is expected to be a lifetime commitment, and he must provide for all of the expenses of the lifestyle she's accustomed to. They are usually highly talented in an art, and expected to keep up her end in conversations from history, to global politics and business. It's not uncommon for a Geisha to retire and marry her patron if his wife dies. Japan has prostitutes that operate in the "western" sense, but those are not Geisha.

Geisha usually apply for the many years of training required (before ever working) as early teens, and it's a highly respected and revered position in Japan, seen as a high art, and an honorable reflection on their families.

This dynamic between a younger, charismatic woman and a wealthy, older patron has taken one form or another in every sophisticated culture for the last 3000 years. Entirely separate from prostitution, though I know it's often conflated.

The fact is, there's some element of transactionalism in every heterosexual relationship, even if it's glossed over by romanticism and fairy tales about love "conquering all".

The NUMBER ONE predictor of divorce in the US is the male partner becoming unemployed. Conversely, a woman losing her job, even as the primary earner, doesn't increase the odds of divorce at all.

I was in a court audience once, and I saw a female judge turn to an early 20s male defendant and say "I know this is supposed to be an equal society, but there's just something really wrong when a male is living with his parents and not out there making money".
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No they are not the equivalent. It's far less transactional than that, and when they choose to accept an offer from a man to become her patron, there's a ceremony similar to taking marriage vows which is expected to be a lifetime commitment, and he must provide for all of the expenses of the lifestyle she's accustomed to. They are usually highly talented in an art, and expected to keep up her end in conversations from history, to global politics and business. It's not uncommon for a Geisha to retire and marry her patron if his wife dies. Japan has prostitutes that operate in the "western" sense, but those are not Geisha.

Geisha usually apply for the many years of training required (before ever working) as early teens, and it's a highly respected and revered position in Japan, seen as a high art, and an honorable reflection on their families.
You can theoretically call them whatever you want. They are artisans and highly educated ones, can hold their own, but they are still side chicks. They get money for services rendered.

You can write poems and stories, myth and legend, but Mr. Hideki is sugar daddy to Lady Ochako and that's about it. They just opt to paint it like something that it isn't because Japan culture, as a whole, likes be considered as a noble culture.
No, micro dosing, or ANY increase in injection frequency is a mistake.

Each sub-q injection starts a chain reaction that puts your immune system on high alert. This greatly increase the chances, and quantity of antidrug antibodies forming as your body seeks to dispose of this infecting invader,

You always want to minimize the development of antidrug antibodies with any protein based treatment. No one moreso than pharma companies, since you won't buy, and the FDA often won't approve, a drug you quickly develop an immunity to. The observed impact by clinicians and researchers of lessened effects for those who've stopped and restarted strongly supports this is what's happening.

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What you've highlighted is a very vague statement. That's like saying fire can burn your house down so you should do all your cooking for the week at one time with a big fire as cooking everyday gives a higher odds of starting a house fire. I'm not buying it.
What you've highlighted is a very vague statement. That's like saying fire can burn your house down so you should do all your cooking for the week at one time with a big fire as cooking everyday gives a higher odds of starting a house fire. I'm not buying it.

I understand where you're coming from. I could easily write a novel with every citation backing every assertion I'm making, and then be attacked for that (insulted by idiots name calling more likely), by people who won't even read it. I try to make it accessible. Cut to the essentials, and I'm criticized for not substantiating it sufficiently.

On top of all of that, this is still an emerging area pharmaceutical science, where they (the FDA, pharma researchers) know something is happening, they can measure certain aspects of it, and take action to minimize the harm it causes, but there still uncertainty about the precise mechanism of action. Toss in the added "confounder" that UGL versions of these compounds are a mess, regardless of what a "purity" test demonstrates, and it becomes impossible to say anything with certainty.

Since you were decent enough to not resort to low brow ad hominem attacks, I'd be happy to address specific aspects you take issue with and provide more detailed info.
I understand where you're coming from. I could easily write a novel with every citation backing every assertion I'm making, and then be attacked for that (insulted by idiots name calling more likely), by people who won't even read it. I try to make it accessible. Cut to the essentials, and I'm criticized for not substantiating it sufficiently.

On top of all of that, this is still an emerging area pharmaceutical science, where they (the FDA, pharma researchers) know something is happening, they can measure certain aspects of it, and take action to minimize the harm it causes, but there still uncertainty about the precise mechanism of action. Toss in the added "confounder" that UGL versions of these compounds are a mess, regardless of what a "purity" test demonstrates, and it becomes impossible to say anything with certainty.

Since you were decent enough to not resort to low brow ad hominem attacks, I'd be happy to address specific aspects you take issue with and provide more detailed info.
My take is injection frequency is based on half life. These protocols are designed for the general public and the less injections needed the higher rate of compliance they will get.

You've probably done way more reading than me on the immune response topic, but I don't see how one large bolus would make much of a difference than multiple smaller ones. The odds of someone having an immune response is quite low, but if someone is prone to that happening, I doubt the injection frequency will change much. Most people will not become allergic and the ones that do just will no matter what protocol they use. I don't see how this would be any different than other allergies like food allergies or bee venom allergy, etc. Those are also immune responses to proteins and certain people just are going to be allergic to certain things and the frequency of them interacting with it is not going to change much.
A 23 year old woman is not a child, and the ones proclaiming outrage should be more concerned with the common western dynamic of their 18 year old daughters hooking up with 40 close in age guys on Tinder, over the course of a year or two, who quickly discard her, than one in their 20s in a relationship where she's respected, cared for, and as a prerequisite, treated very well,

I'm not concerned with the gauzy, superficial values and judgement of small town America. I dropped my rose colored glasses long ago and operate by my own set.

So the gentleman you objected to said that, as long as it is consensual, he doesn't necessarily object to a massive age gap but he would not find someone as old as his kids attractive.

This became about you and your gf.
You brought studies about prefrontal cortex development (that's why I thought it was about age of consent, before I went back and had a look at it all), whereas others raised points of a moral nature.
Then enter the Japanese ladies of leisure.

You understand that someone who is a father, in his 50s, would look at a relationship between someone like him and a 18-20 year old in a very different way than you, since you said you do not have offspring.

So, saying that him taking exception to this is a

kind of backhanded judgement from men for whom a young, attractive partner wouldn't be an option anyway

Is extremely prejudiced and unjust.

You consider consent as not relevant in this kind of situation, but even so, the gentleman that wrote you was maybe thinking more in terms of power dynamics and whether that could produce an imbalance that could become exploitative and manipulative.
@iris you are wasting your keystrokes

He thinks that people that opt to not have a relationship with a much younger woman is because they can't, not because they don't want to. Everything in his self centered little world is what you can and can't do. There is no want or don't want.

He can have a younger gf (as per his statement) and others just can't and that's why they object to it and they are losers.
But he can't lose weight because he has a genetic disorder, not because he is a loser.

See the hypocrisy?

He could be a great addition to the community, but he chooses to be the residential self centered narcissistic ahole.