Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Yeeahh ....riiiiight....

And the fact that retatrutide is the most expensive of the insulin sensitizing compounds and he gets a cut from every sale is glossed over by you guys?

Chase has found a honey pot in the morons that follow him now after his "amazing" growth last year and is now just getting the hang of milking it with advice from Vig Steve:))

Sure I want to feel even more full and bloated while I am bulking this time around and spend even more money ...wonderfull....

Glp, Gip and glucagon might be insulin sensiting in a deficit and might be even in a maintenance diet but in a surplus with GH and insulin.... The effect will be neglijabile I am willing to bet...
To keep BG in check during a bulk there are other more efective and cheaper ways to do it.
Is he a Chinese rep now? Which company?

I understand that they make this videos to entice people to buy from their sponsors but not everyone is dumb enough to fall for the most obvious ploy in marketing.

Think of it this way, we are using glps even before these videos came out, so they didn’t really influence they just shared their way of using the product.

GLP-1 are great addition in a bulk, if metformin isn't enough to control insulin sensitivity, from exogenous insulin (or things like MK-677). But that's about it, you don't need them to "lean bulk", just calculate your calories intake.

And unless you're extremely fat, even from a combined insulin/MK-677 stack, there is almost ZERO chances that metformin isn't enough. 500mg per 50g of carbs is perfect.
Thanks for this. It satisfies some of my curiosity about tren in a way that's easy for me to understand. Have you tried anadrol?

Eating like shit would be counterproductive, though.

I'm glad you're healthy. However, fatty liver isn't going to show up on blood work. Not suggesting you might suffer that, but that was the specific issue that Chase had and I suspect many body builders do that push hard on a bulk.

As for "blowing money" the cost isn't really substantial at the type of doses one would consider. At 2mg/wk the most expensive of the GLP1 RAs, retatrutide, would run about $6/wk.

Doing that presently. I'm an easy gainer and I've added ~15lbs in the past month. I suspect the first 10 were just water as I was filling up as my carb intake went up substantially. Now I'm adjusting things so I gain ~.5lb/wk from here on out.
Generally the only GLP crowd that gets on my last nerve are the lazy mother fuckers, and we all know the type around here. Blasting any cocktail of supposed weight loss miracles in existence but not one ounce of effort to clean up their diet, get on a training regimen, etc. This is a dedication and determination based lifestyle after all. Self empowerment and self reliance is key, so naturally people of this ilk are going to earn themselves some well deserved scorn.

Also, as I was going to mention but @29trt quite eloquently beat me to the punch, as is often the case there are significant ulterior motive involved in the attached video. I have no issue with Chase. I have watched plenty of his content, Vig Steve also, but their main interest is in monetizing their existence. GLPs attract significant interest outside of typical fitness and bodybuilding circles, so it makes perfect sense to tap into it. This is why there are so many of the nauseating people here that fit the mold of the above paragraph.

At the end of the day, all of us are basically self experimenting, and what works for one won't work for all. I will be looking forward to seeing the results of your bulk. I was half considering creating a thread here to document my own, but I am not sure I want to commit to updating it and what not, though God knows I could always use the feedback from members here.
Wanna bulk? Gear, hgh and slin, food, training, cardio, sleep. Lots of them.

Wanna cut? Gear, hgh, glp's, controlled calories, training, lots of cardio and sleep.

Thanks, Captain Obvious. That's great advice, but doesn't address the point of the thread.

The point of the OP was around the value of GLP1 RAs for certain people on a bulk and whether folks had experience with it.

100% agree. You could buy all the berberine, chromium, metformin and the rest GDA's in the world..

Again, not the point of the thread.

. The effect will be neglijabile I am willing to bet...

You're willing to bet, which means you don't know, which also means that you don't have much to add on the topic in which the OP asked "do you have any experience with..."

As I've stated ad nauseum, the appetite suppression is highly variable. There is likely a dose for most below which appetite suppression occurs in which the health benefits can be enjoyed. Specifically, a reduction in fatty liver, an increase in insulin sensitivity, etc. All for the low low price of $6 a week if 2mg of retratrutide is your choice of compound.

Obviously, not a great proposition for those that struggle to get in sufficient calories. Maybe a better proposition for those that don't.
Thanks, Captain Obvious. That's great advice, but doesn't address the point of the thread.

The point of the OP was around the value of GLP1 RAs for certain people on a bulk and whether folks had experience with it.
We are pursuing to establish optimal course of action to a bulk. That's the whole point of adding an ergogenic to the drugs we use, to make things happen faster or better.

Can you bulk on Anavar? Yes.
Is it optimal? No.
Thanks, Captain Obvious. That's great advice, but doesn't address the point of the thread.

The point of the OP was around the value of GLP1 RAs for certain people on a bulk and whether folks had experience with it.

Again, not the point of the thread.

You're willing to bet, which means you don't know, which also means that you don't have much to add on the topic in which the OP asked "do you have any experience with..."

As I've stated ad nauseum, the appetite suppression is highly variable. There is likely a dose for most below which appetite suppression occurs in which the health benefits can be enjoyed. Specifically, a reduction in fatty liver, an increase in insulin sensitivity, etc. All for the low low price of $6 a week if 2mg of retratrutide is your choice of compound.

Obviously, not a great proposition for those that struggle to get in sufficient calories. Maybe a better proposition for those that don't.
You are missing few important things, the appetite suppression is true that is highly personal and it will subside with time so even at higher dosage you can probably get away with it if you just have the patience for the side to disappear, the issue is gastric emptying and slowing of digestion THAT doesn't disappear. You can be hungry as fuck but you will have a slow digestion and it will take quite a long time to feel ok after a meal..how the fuck can you bulk on that? Low dosage don't even give any glucose control. Tirzepatide below 5mg has been show to not work much for any BG/insulin thing, same for sema below 1mg and reta needs well above 6mg.

So yeah... On paper it's all cool but in reality it's shit.
We are pursuing to establish optimal course of action to a bulk. That's the whole point of adding an ergogenic to the drugs we use, to make things happen faster or better.

We are? My understanding of the point of this thread is whether or not a GLP1 RA *could* be useful in a bulk. Several folks, myself included have pointed out that there are circumstances where it could be.

Even so, I don't think there's an "optimal bulk" we could prescribe for everybody. Each person is going to be different. @BuildABro gave some details about his bulk, surprised me by using tren and has some difficulty getting in all the calories he needs, ergo don't use a GLP1 RA.

Right now I'm at about 3000 calories per day and gaining like crazy on a GLP1 RA and starting to get concerned about getting fat. I'm still sub 10% but the weight is coming on fast.

So, I think the answer is obvious. For some it could be useful, there's definitely some experimentation that is merited. For all? Likely not, especially those that struggle to grow.
in reality it's shit.

I'm growing just fine on 10mg/wk tirzepatide.

the issue is gastric emptying and slowing of digestion THAT doesn't disappear.

There is some unpleasantness as a result, so this part is accurate. I think this also varies by individual.

Tirzepatide below 5mg has been show to not work much for any BG/insulin thing, same for sema below 1mg and reta needs well above 6mg.

I'm not sure where you're getting these doses from.
We are? My understanding of the point of this thread is whether or not a GLP1 RA *could* be useful in a bulk. Several folks, myself included have pointed out that there are circumstances where it could be.

Even so, I don't think there's an "optimal bulk" we could prescribe for everybody. Each person is going to be different. @BuildABro gave some details about his bulk, surprised me by using tren and has some difficulty getting in all the calories he needs, ergo don't use a GLP1 RA.

Right now I'm at about 3000 calories per day and gaining like crazy on a GLP1 RA and starting to get concerned about getting fat. I'm still sub 10% but the weight is coming on fast.

So, I think the answer is obvious. For some it could be useful, there's definitely some experimentation that is merited. For all? Likely not, especially those that struggle to grow.
I can get similar gym intensity from Superdrol and M-Sten at higher doses, but I feel like a quasi-crackhead from it and I obviously can't run it long enough to make a significant difference.

Bulking is a tough proposition, and there are a million ways to approach it, but I think the hard part for some people is just accepting the fact that fat also comes with the package. There is no escaping it, 'lean bulk' or otherwise. You are going to put on some fat. Likely a majority of the weight gain will be fat. It's easy to get scared by this I guess, but it is a required means to an end.
I'm growing just fine on 10mg/wk tirzepatide.

There is some unpleasantness as a result, so this part is accurate. I think this also varies by individual.

I'm not sure where you're getting these doses from.
It's written online, I'm not making those up. Glycemic control on semaglutide is ineffective below 1mg. At least for diabetic ppl.

Same for Tirz below 5mg.

I never said you can't grow on 10mg or more of tirzepatide you should re read what I wrote.

I said the discomfort from will make the bulk miserable if not impossible for most. If you are one that don't need much to eat and grow it can work but if I gotta go 500carbs 250protein and some fat, personally even on 5mg tirzepatide I'll fell miserable because my stomach will be full all the time and as soon as I digest something it will be time to eat again and I'll be fucked and feel bloated etc.

So even so I would LOVE to reap the benefit of a these substances on a bulk... It's not possible and I believe for the majority of bodybuilders it will be like this.
It's written online, I'm not making those up. Glycemic control on semaglutide is ineffective below 1mg. At least for diabetic ppl.

Same for Tirz below 5mg.

I never said you can't grow on 10mg or more of tirzepatide you should re read what I wrote.

I said the discomfort from will make the bulk miserable if not impossible for most. If you are one that don't need much to eat and grow it can work but if I gotta go 500carbs 250protein and some fat, personally even on 5mg tirzepatide I'll fell miserable because my stomach will be full all the time and as soon as I digest something it will be time to eat again and I'll be fucked and feel bloated etc.

So even so I would LOVE to reap the benefit of a these substances on a bulk... It's not possible and I believe for the majority of bodybuilders it will be like this.
How’s the farts going with that much carbs lol. Do you experience more gas with glps?
I'm going to give it a shot since the wife has like 40 viles of10mg semaglutide. I will report back my findings. Whats the worst that can happen? I burn a bottle of the wife's semaglutide, it crashes my appetite and I stop taking it.
Glycemic control on semaglutide is ineffective below 1mg.
So should I start at 1mg?
How’s the farts going with that much carbs lol. Do you experience more gas with glps?
I have stopped the glps, couldn't even reach 300carbs I'm still fighting off the effects... will be back on track soon tho.

As I said I tried first hand and It failed miserably. to a point where I was having 3 out of 5 meals liquid or I could not get the macros needed at the end of the day.
I'm going to give it a shot since the wife has like 40 viles of10mg semaglutide. I will report back my findings. Whats the worst that can happen? I burn a bottle of the wife's semaglutide, it crashes my appetite and I stop taking it.

So should I start at 1mg?
no for fuck sake don't start at 1mg, start low and increase when the appetite suppression wears off, unless you wanna go from not eating at all after 1 day of injecting.

Start 0.25mg for 2 weeks if you don't feel anything go to 0.5mg and wait 2 weeks if you don't feel anything go 0.75mg and keep doing like that. I assure you, unless you special at 0.5mg you will forget to eat.
no for fuck sake don't start at 1mg, start low and increase when the appetite suppression wears off, unless you wanna go from not eating at all after 1 day of injecting.

Start 0.25mg for 2 weeks if you don't feel anything go to 0.5mg and wait 2 weeks if you don't feel anything go 0.75mg and keep doing like that. I assure you, unless you special at 0.5mg you will forget to eat.
This really attests to differences in response by individuals. It only took me a few weeks for the appetite to disappear, I titrated up to max dose of 2.5mg per week.

When the my appetite came back and fat loss stalled, I decided the trade off for higher resting heart rate isn’t worth it so I stopped.
This really attests to differences in response by individuals. It only took me a few weeks for the appetite to disappear, I titrated up to max dose of 2.5mg per week.

When the my appetite came back and fat loss stalled, I decided the trade off for higher resting heart rate isn’t worth it so I stopped.
My appetite came back after a while at 1mg on sema the problem has always been the slowing of gastric empty and the slower digestion from it.

Same with tirz, I can eat but I can't digest properly in time to be ready for the next meal so in reality... I can't eat.
My appetite came back after a while at 1mg on sema the problem has always been the slowing of gastric empty and the slower digestion from it.

Same with tirz, I can eat but I can't digest properly in time to be ready for the next meal so in reality... I can't eat.
Even that was minimal for me, I was using tested sema from QSC so I don’t think it’s bunk.

Strange but probably it’s just me, I will try again I still have a few vials left.
Even that was minimal for me, I was using tested sema from QSC so I don’t think it’s bunk.

Strange but probably it’s just me, I will try again I still have a few vials left.
I wish I had the same, I would love to run 1mg of Sema forever, the BG control on it was amazing for me
Yeeahh ....riiiiight....

And the fact that retatrutide is the most expensive of the insulin sensitizing compounds and he gets a cut from every sale is glossed over by you guys?

Chase has found a honey pot in the morons that follow him now after his "amazing" growth last year and is now just getting the hang of milking it with advice from Vig Steve:))

Sure I want to feel even more full and bloated while I am bulking this time around and spend even more money ...wonderfull....

Glp, Gip and glucagon might be insulin sensiting in a deficit and might be even in a maintenance diet but in a surplus with GH and insulin.... The effect will be neglijabile I am willing to bet...
To keep BG in check during a bulk there are other more efective and cheaper ways to do it.
Both Chase and VG are charlatans but that doesn't mean everything they say is wrong. These days you have to use critical thinking to pick apart claims made by influencers and random forum people and draw your own conclusions.

That video Chase made about retratrutide stinks of selfishness but most of what he claims is backed by the studies - as opposed to his marketing of the snake oil L-Carnitine, and even better, VG's "microdosing" of tren at 10 mg per day and claiming he's getting results.