Gigantic's Eat-Like-An-Asshole Megabulk -> Cut Cycle 2.0 (~32 weeks)

You started your fast food blast with high blood pressure?
The blood pressure spikes seem temporary after eating a lot or when retaining water, then it goes down. Usually it’s 117/81.

I think I’m retaining a lot of water due to traveling.

And I can’t post pics right not due to my job.
The blood pressure spikes seem temporary after eating a lot or when retaining water, then it goes down. Usually it’s 117/81.

I think I’m retaining a lot of water due to traveling.

And I can’t post pics right not due to my job.
Your job won't let you post pictures of yourself?
Easily identifiable features that are tough to hide could cause me to lose employment if I make an opsec mistake, and potentially go to jail. It isn’t worth the risk.
Like not really being 6'10" 305lb? What was the point of your log then? To talk about your uncontrolled blood pressure while you eat McDonald's?
Updated morning BP. I think my shit is broken.


I cannot drink mass gainers alone, and I will only be able to use them to supplement my meals going forward. Disgusting and hard to deal with.

Also, as a note, I'll be ignoring any non-constructive criticism and trolling going forward. No time for that.
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Was only able to manage 8447 calories today, unfortunately. Bad timing and work, plus I don’t like this mass gainer.

Changing my batteries in the blood pressure cuff worked. 124/81.
Updated morning BP. I think my shit is broken.


I cannot drink mass gainers alone, and I will only be able to use them to supplement my meals going forward. Disgusting and hard to deal with.

Also, as a note, I'll be ignoring any non-constructive criticism and trolling going forward. No time for that.
Given most mass gainers are high carb/calorie, I would expect them to taste good honestly! What brand are you using? Have you tried making your own from “scratch”?
Given most mass gainers are high carb/calorie, I would expect them to taste good honestly! What brand are you using? Have you tried making your own from “scratch”?

Haven’t tried making my own, but it feels so wrong to be drinking my food lol.

One thing I do is use pb, oats, protein powder, milk, etc. if that’s what you mean.
When you make extraordinary claims, it's human nature to doubt one's that seem unlikely. Being 6'10" is what like under 2% of the entire world? So it's trolling to doubt your unlikely claims? Coincidentally you also have a job that makes posting pics of yourself impossible. Ronnie Coleman was a cop but he didn't seem too concerned about posting his physique or talking about PEDs. You're nobody and you can't even edit a photo of yourself to prove your height and weight.

And 9,000 calories a day but can't gain weight? Huh???

If you actually believe this guy. I have a bridge to sell you.

He's probably 150lb soaking wet
130/83 BP in the morning, and slept really well with HGH.

Incorrect measurements were used for the mass gainer. I corrected them, therefore:

10,474 calories yesterday.

4,437 calories for breakfast today. I'm feeling a tad full. Will hit the gym after work in about 5 hours.
4,500 calories in one meal. OK sounds legit lol. 10k calories worth of fast food, and mass gainers in only two meals a day lol. Keep in mind he's also 6'10", 305lb lean. And apparently a secret high ranking kgb agent who can't risk someone recognizing a highly edited picture depicting only his hight.

If you believe this troll, you are affected in the head.
When you make extraordinary claims, it's human nature to doubt one's that seem unlikely. Being 6'10" is what like under 2% of the entire world? So it's trolling to doubt your unlikely claims? Coincidentally you also have a job that makes posting pics of yourself impossible. Ronnie Coleman was a cop but he didn't seem too concerned about posting his physique or talking about PEDs. You're nobody and you can't even edit a photo of yourself to prove your height and weight.

And 9,000 calories a day but can't gain weight? Huh???

If you actually believe this guy. I have a bridge to sell you.

He's probably 150lb soaking wet

Man you're spot on
130/83 BP in the morning, and slept really well with HGH.

Incorrect measurements were used for the mass gainer. I corrected them, therefore:

10,474 calories yesterday.

4,437 calories for breakfast today. I'm feeling a tad full. Will hit the gym after work in about 5 hours.

You can stop your fantasy log, nobody is interested in fiction ;)
I Agree with @nightprowler7 and @Goingstronger

@Gigantic easy rule to live by, pics or video evidence or it didn’t happen.
Coincidentally we have video taped UFO evidence from an American figher jet depicting a unknown "top like" device skimming naval boats at a speed not thought to be humanly possible, Avoiding radar locks and out manuvering the fastest, most advanced, fighter jets on the entire planet.

But still no pictures of someone who claims to be 2% of the entire population at 6'10" 305lb who gained 71lb of only muscle the FIRST YEAR of lifting lol.


Saying you are albino and one of the original members of "The village people", statistically would be more believable.
Coincidentally we have video taped UFO evidence from an American figher jet depicting a unknown "top like" device skimming naval boats at a speed not thought to be humanly possible, Avoiding radar locks and out manuvering the fastest, most advanced, fighter jets on the entire planet.

But still no pictures of someone who claims to be 2% of the entire population at 6'10" 305lb who gained 71lb of only muscle the FIRST YEAR of lifting lol.


Saying you are albino and one of the original members of "The village people", statistically would be more believable.

Careful, he thinks he is menacing and dangerous just because he is tall !

Whereas everyone knows if you are built on a cro magnon phenotype with strong bulgy muscles and natural aggression you can easily defeat that tall neanderthal clumsy hairless and narrow-wristed modern man.
Yesterday, 1500 calories since I fell ill. Heart rate was 130 resting.

Took the final dose of the first week's cycle, and lowered my heart rate back under 100 simply by staying hydrated. Keep hydrated folks.

Also took 0.5mg of adex as a pre-emptive measure against high E2, as this is a classic symptom.
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