Give me a source


New Member

Hi guys... New to the forum!

Ok so for the past 7 days I've been skulking around here, pretty much read every post on powder sources that the net has to offer and I've drawn up a list of possible src I want to try out . Some have good reviews all'round others have no reviews atall. Could I cross reference them with anyone that may have experience with these guys through pm?

I know cheeky......first post and all but hey!

Don't ask you don't get

Bigger ben: no I would not like you to wipe my arse or make me a

Cheers anyone that wants to help out
I think Astro was trading powders, ask him.

Wow I wasn't expecting that!!

Cheers, I was reading Astros page from his initial welcome where he received loads of abuse up until now where everyone is raving about it.

I will contact him too. Do you mind if I pm you, I have a src but I'm not 100% sure about him

Cheers dude
When I read the title, I was 100% sure it was someones first post, I must be a mind reader [:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)] now let me go bet on who's going to win the superbowl :tiphat
When I read the title, I was 100% sure it was someones first post, I must be a mind reader [:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)] now let me go bet on who's going to win the superbowl :tiphat

Must be international psychic day.... I also had visions of a reply that was in now way helpful.

The title was more of a joke aimed towards a stereotypical first post (which I have read many of) asking for a source. Although my first post is source related I didn't actually ask for one, I asked for opinions on the sources I have found
. Hence the LOL at the start of the thread
A powder source. I think I saw one of the largest powder sources in the world. They had a whole isle devoted to various powders. Yummy. And all the powders are as real as you can get. They also get most of their products from China as well. I think the source is called Wal-Mart!!!
That's correct mate, but it's still illegal to sell so it's. Catch 22. You can use it if you can find it.

Within reason that is, I still wouldn't want to get caught with it though
Yeah, they need to do an experiment over there in the UK where they make it legal to sell the steroids like some states in the US have legalized the sale of marijuana. And see how that goes.
Yeah, they need to do an experiment over there in the UK where they make it legal to sell the steroids.

Exactly rather than hoarding it and drip feeding us like hamsters lol, I have a few friends that finished a 12 wk course took no pct and let there natural test stay low, got blood work done, did the PCT and now receive free shots as HRT from the NHS. I'd rather remain off the radar myself though

Hi guys... New to the forum!

Ok so for the past 7 days I've been skulking around here, pretty much read every post on powder sources that the net has to offer and I've drawn up a list of possible src I want to try out . Some have good reviews all'round others have no reviews atall. Could I cross reference them with anyone that may have experience with these guys through pm?

I know cheeky......first post and all but hey!

Don't ask you don't get

Bigger ben: no I would not like you to wipe my arse or make me a

Cheers anyone that wants to help out

I gotta give you props. It's clear you've done some reading and research here before posting. Good luck and welcome to Meso.
I gotta give you props. It's clear you've done some reading and research here before posting. Good luck and welcome to Meso.

Much appreciated biggerben69. After reading loads of other people being told to research, read and then post I thought I would do just that. And it's true a few days is all it takes to find a bread crumb trail towards a few sources.

PS if anyone is happy to cross reference my saurces and let me know if they have had good or bad dealings let me know. Remember I'm not after names just experiences with the name I send you so I can make an informed decision.

PSS. There is one saurce in particular, most of you vets will know who I'm talking about, he had great prices, top quality, started making vials and couldn't keep up with the order load then disappeared of the face of the earth, no word of him in the last 6 months on any forum or the web for that matter, anyway I have had a responce from him and would like to know ifs an imposter or the real deal back from the grave.... Maybe even LE

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BBPowder was g2g, a lot of us used his finished products with good results and I heard good things about his raws before he left.

With that said, I'm not sure whether anyone on Meso has had dealings with him since he went AWOL and returned. The whole situation was a bit sketchy.
BBPowder was g2g, a lot of us used his finished products with good results and I heard good things about his raws before he left.

With that said, I'm not sure whether anyone on Meso has had dealings with him since he went AWOL and returned. The whole situation was a bit sketchy.

exactly what i was after matey, so nobody has had dealings since. like you say the whole situation seems abit strange.

Lookey, lookey, just what I have been looking for, I still prefer wal-mart!!!

How many threads are you gonna post this in homeslice??

Guys, please don't help this or any other piece of shit spammer spread his lame dribble by quoting and then making a post. You can quote him/them just be sure to x out or change the quote or disabling the link this asshole put up by adding or subtracting letters or numbers or adding and then leaving your very own personal message to him.


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