Glute Injection = Pain in the Ass

I never had any problems with quads. I never had my quad even flintch while injecting, I concentrate on keeping the muscle relaxed. Try it, it can only hurt.
Kal-El said:
I hardly ever do glutes. My favorite spots would have to be pecs, delts, lats and quads. It's hard as shit to keep the pin straight when going into the lats but it goes in smooth, and there's not as much pain there for me the next day. Everyonce in a while the bi's get it too.

Damn! How can you even reach your lats? I can't even get there without
tweaking something!
bigmig said:
i have found that the 25g in the thing to be to narrow and actually hurts more than a 23g. the 23g pierces more effectively due to more stiffness in the pin. i have never had a pin break on me in the thigh when it locked and i was using a 25g. i prefer ass shots and shoulders. wife has agreed to start doing my inj's for me, so that will assist with the reach around. oh, the shots too.

I guess for oil base maybe. I jab 28g slin pins to administer HCG without a problem.
I would never want to try that with oil base. :D

I use 23g 1" in the quads for oil based and test suspension. Works fine.
SD1959 said:
WAYYYYYYY back when('85 maybe) I was shown how to inject quads(upper,outer). First time I hit it myself I was sitting down with my leg extended(forgot to bend it). I did legs the day before. My quad cramped like a mother and locked up bad. Well, my heart almost popped outta my chest!!! It was all I could do to stay calm. Got it out with some serious tugging on the syringe. It was a 23 guage 1 1/2 that was about 3/4 the way in. My heart rate must have been off the chart!!!!!!!!
I hope a few of you newer guys learn from my bonehead error. Man,wish someone took a video...LOL!

Um, were you standing on that leg? :D

I usually stand on the opposite leg and relax the quad I'm administering
the IM to. I'm just curious but shit happens I guess I hope that never
happens to me sounds painful. OH! and sitting is better and more confortable.
mr.big said:
Um, were you standing on that leg? :D

I usually stand on the opposite leg and relax the quad I'm administering
the IM to. I'm just curious but shit happens I guess I hope that never
happens to me sounds painful. OH! and sitting is better and more confortable.

Sitting,which was really helpfull in keeping my wits about me.
Kal-El said:
Thanks jamesdal7,

I'm using prop right now, and I'll probably do 1/2cc in each tri tomorrow. Which one is your favorite (1 or 2)? Thanks for the help. Oh yeah, right now I'm using 1" 25g pins. What do you use on your tri's?


i would recommend injecting prop first in the shoulders, let you're body get used to the prop. Shoulders is also like tris, it doesn't hurt as much. Do 1/2 of cc in each shoulder. Then go about tris and I used 1" 25g pins too. My fav place for tris is 1, just because its easier to get to, 2 is just as painless.
Thanks for the help. I've been using prop for about three weeks now, and I just wanted a little more info on a new area.

mr. big,
It is really tough in the lat, but it goes in pretty smooth. The hardest part about it is keeping the pin straight. I usually use series 1.