GodbullRaw ( us & international raw source)

Excusez moi? Where is the price list and real stock pics with Meso written on the paper?
And shipping charge,let me guess,500$?
for business security, i choose less public as i can, you could go to porfessional muscle to see my good reviews.
domestic shipping includs international fees , reshipper fees, domestic shipping fees, so shipping price charged according your order amount
Have you ever heard of overhead??? You dont charge your customers expenses. International shipping I have never seen over 50$ and 20-30$ for domestic. Your expenses are your own. No one is going to pay that on the user end...if you cant figure out how to make a profit then gtfo. I work for a appliance company we dont fucking charge someone for the shipping network and storage. Especially since other sources are not doing that who the fuck is gonna go with your product when we can just go to the next guy...
So you buy the shit from the manufacturer and ship to the us and then send to the customer. All that should be in the price per gram. Unless your selling this shit for pennies
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