GODT240 super promo--Pharma grade HGH 240iu only 264$

I have a question for those of you that have extensive experience with both generic and pharma hgh, did you experience significance lethargy and puffiness with genetic than pharma? I am running godtropin right now at 6iu a day and loving the pumps. However it doesn't clear up my skin like humatrope did, I don't get the awesome mental well being either and my face has really swollen up in a bad way, makes me wonder if It is because of the impurity of generic compare to pharma or whether genetics are made of peptides with traces of GH( that is what some members were saying in another forum). Please bear in mind that I am not criticising godtropin but rather want to know if this is the difference between actual pharma or generic! Please share your thoughts on this, thanks.
Ive used both and i experienced the same effects.ive switched back and forth from Norditropin to generic.I use a diuretic to deal with the sides.
Maybe @Roger rabbit can help you out with this. Is this your dandelion root cure Rabbit?

Dandelion root and also celery seed extract or pills work great as a mild diuretic if your trying to get the puffy look off and its natural, much better than the medical pills.

awesome I will give that a go, I really don't want to go back to pharma as it costs a fortune to run and extreme bloating is the only thing that is bothering me about generics.
Those are good results nice.So im not sure what else a source can do after shipping fast,packaging was good,and product is priced very well.Think so far so good.
Just be consistent is all we can ask for now and that's a lot. We will see when I get igf1 next month also and will continue to use his product as long as its good like this