Good Combo with Winny


New Member
Would anyone have advice on what combo would work best to get cut but have a fair amount of muscle mass?

Winny 50 mg/daily
Sustanon 250 twice a week
Durabolin 250 twice a week


Winny 50 mb/daily
Test Enth twice a week
Deca Durabolin twice a week

Thanks in advance for your help.
To cut you need to diet. Deca in any cycle is going to cause most to hold onto a bit more water than without it so personally I wouldn't run it if you are talking about stepping on stage type of lean.

Any type of AAS the main goal of it is to increase muscle mass by increasing protein synthesis.

The biggest difference between those two options for me would come down to how long do you want to run it and how often do you want to inject yourself? You should hold a smaller amount less of water with running Sustanon over Test E but it wouldn't be a huge difference. Sustanon will also be more stable running it at least every other day. Test E you could stick with just 2 shots a week done with Deca. 2 shots a week is better than 3.5 for most as it can become a pain in the ass, literally.
What is your AAS history here? What are your stats? Why choose deca (joint issues)? What's your training and diet currently like?
Thanks all of you for your responses. Very kind.

Not sure what you mean by AAS history. I'm just shy of 5'8" and 188# on the cycle that I'm currently on. I peaked at 197# but that was short-lived. Between traveling and getting gastritis I have lost a lot of my gains. And my musculature is not hard and firm like it was in previous cycles. I train 4 days on and one day off, covering all in those 4 days. Through one set of 4 days, I superset, and on the next I max out. The one thing I noticed about this cycle relative to any of the past is the lack of good muscle firmness. In previous cycle, I have been ravenous. Not this time. I would normally eat lots of protein but mixed with lots of veggies/greens. Probably getting 200 g of protein daily but has been a struggle this time.

One main thing has that I know that I have gyno this time. It's a mild to perhaps moderate case, and I didn't know that I should be taking anastrozole. Think my estrogen production has been way too high, and I've never run a PCT. Am sure that is at the root of my problems this cycle.

Assuming the right PCT and setting myself up to keep estrogen levels from getting too high next cycle, what would you guys suggest for a stack next time around?

The other gentleman indicated that I should be taking sustanon 250 more often? I've taken that twice a week (Monday and Thursday). Test Enth less often?

Thanks in advance for all of your good advice.
AAS history as in how many cycles and what were they. You must pct and use AI or you might as well never cycle cause your just gonna lose what you gain. Test sust best eod test e best 2x a week.
First stack was in 2012 with Oxandrolone and forgot what was the combo was with that but gains were insufficient so went to Anadrol and it rocked my world but with huge side effects.

All in all since 2012, 5 cycles, with an Anadrol/Sustanon/Durabolin (NPP) really being the first. Varied with with Winny and the same other two last Fall with good results. Have never been on PCT, believe it or not, and only on the first took Anastrozole. Foolish, I know. Always 3-6 months in between the next.

Understood about PCT and running Al during cycle. Not sure what is meant by EOD. Each cycle have been on Sustanon 250 (two vials at 10 ml - taking 1 ml per injection, two injections per week for 10 weeks).
Eod means every other day. Ya I would pct get bloods done 3 weeks post pct and wait 6 months train natty before going on again
You mean to tell me that, with the Sustanon 250, I should have been taking 1 cc or 1 ml of that every other day throughout the cycle? You'd go through lots of vials that's for sure. I was only doing two injections per week, which got me through the two vials. The alternative is Test Enth and only twice a week?
One other thing - running the Clomid/Nolva combo for PCT for up to 6 weeks with a good diet and go work out regimen will help prevent loss of gains?
No you keep the same weekly amount you just inject more frequent. I.e if you were using 2ml a week then inject .5ml eod

Yes it will help prevent muscle lose to have a good diet proper pct and good training. Clomid for 4 weeks and nolva for 5 weeks is what I laid out for you.
Understood with respect to how frequently to inject. Keeps it in the bloodstream since it's faster acting. Lots of injections and soreness. Lol. But it can be done.
Thanks very much, Rodger That. Really do appreciate it. One last question - if given the choice, what is better to run as part of a stack and for what reason - Deca Durabolin or just plain Durabolin? Any reason to wait 6 months vs. 3 ?
By plain durabolin do you mean NPP cause there's no different in effect just difference in pinning frequency. If you are gonna pin eod go npp if you are pining 2x a week go deca. Wait 6 months cause you've screwed with you endo system quite a bit and it can use a nice long break and it's a good chance for you to get your natty training and diet on point so you can still gain off cycle
Yeah. NPP. Ok - understood on how often per week you would inject with one vs the other. I probably do need a nice long break. I train pretty hard, so that's never an issue and my diet is good. I just have a hard time believing that Clomid/Nolva taken as directed could help me keep most of what I have no if I do the other things right. But the Clomid should keep my testosterone levels high and the Nolva will bring my estrogen levels back in balance (and they most certainly are not right now).
If I don't want to inject eod, it sounds like I have two choices then. Is this correct?

Winny (50 mg/daily)
Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly)
Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin


Anadrol (50 mg/daily)
Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly)
Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin

The first cycle would get me some mass but more cut than having huge gains. The second one would get much substantially more mass (gains). Both, with the proper estrogen blockers, would make the muscle mass firm/hard.
It's really not gonna make a huge difference what Oral you use. I recommend not winny though. Your only as firm and hard looking as your body fat allows regardless of compound choice if you are 16% bf you won't look firm and hard. I would go dbol with the deca and test and make it a real bulk.
Rodger That,

So what you're proposing is the following:

Dianabol (as an oral? in what dosage daily?)
Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly)
Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin

Think that I got that right. Sounds like a good combo. What's the advantage of dbol vs. the others?

Owe you much for all the advice. I did things backwards and am doing the reading and research now. Bad mistake on my part. Hope you don't mind all of the questions.
Ya I don't mind everybody's gotta learn. Dbol oral 30mg ED. Dbol because I personally find it builds the most strength and size vs sides of any oral. Everything else looks okay to me without breaking it down too much as your still many months away from doing any cycle


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