Good Combo with Winny

Ya I don't mind everybody's gotta learn. Dbol oral 30mg ED. Dbol because I personally find it builds the most strength and size vs sides of any oral. Everything else looks okay to me without breaking it down too much as your still many months away from doing any cycle
Dbol is famous and time tested for reasons! Always the best oral to start with unless gyno prone
Gotcha. 30 mg/daily for Dbol in place of Anadrol. Any downsides to running Dbol for a 12-week period? I was told that with Anadrol that it was so harsh on the liver that running it 12 weeks wasn't the best idea.

Guess the only other part to break down is how much of the Anastrozole or Aromisin to take and how often.

No do not run any Oral ever for 12 weeks. 6 weeks to kick start the cycle is all you need. As I stated 12.5mg of aromisin EOD or .25mg of adex EOD
Oh man, oh man. Will rack this one up to a learning experience as I've been on an oral now for 12 weeks. Just used my last pin and finish the Durabolin and Sustanon, so now to wait 20 days to begin PCT. Am very glad that I chatted with you today. Only wish it had been sooner.

Thanks much, RodgerThat (and others).
damm you need to quit using and start reading before you do any more cycles, you have made mistakes that could really hurt you in the long run , and I am talking simple mistakes that even a beginner should know ..

Gotcha. 30 mg/daily for Dbol in place of Anadrol. Any downsides to running Dbol for a 12-week period? I was told that with Anadrol that it was so harsh on the liver that running it 12 weeks wasn't the best idea.

Guess the only other part to break down is how much of the Anastrozole or Aromisin to take and how often.

Realize that I've been slow on the uptake, ironwill, but fortunately there have been a few guys on here offering positive feedback on how to correct my mistakes. Between that advice and reading (that I should've done before) I'll be on the right track. Thanks for your concern.
If I don't want to inject eod, it sounds like I have two choices then. Is this correct?

Winny (50 mg/daily)
Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly)
Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin


Anadrol (50 mg/daily)
Test Enth (1 cc twice weekly)
Deca Durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin

The first cycle would get me some mass but more cut than having huge gains. The second one would get much substantially more mass (gains). Both, with the proper estrogen blockers, would make the muscle mass firm/hard.

Previously, I asked about running one of the above two cycles. I had a question that I forgot to ask though. Whether one is on Winny or Anadrol, you would run the oral for no more than 4-6 weeks? For the injectables, what is ideal? 12 weeks? Thanks for your help in answering these questions.
Liver problems and disease. Google and it's easy to find. probably first page that shows, will have it.
What dosage would be ideal weekly for the Test Enth ? 500 mg? That would be twice weekly. How about for Deca? Saw that they sell amps of 100 mg/ml, but wanted to make sure how much I should be taking per week.

dianabol (30 mg/day)
Test Enth 250 mg (1 cc twice weekly)
deca durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin
What dosage would be ideal weekly for the Test Enth ? 500 mg? That would be twice weekly. How about for Deca? Saw that they sell amps of 100 mg/ml, but wanted to make sure how much I should be taking per week.

dianabol (30 mg/day)
Test Enth 250 mg (1 cc twice weekly)
deca durabolin (1 cc twice weekly)
Anastrozole or Aromisin
Are you on TRT? If not then Nandrolone is a poor choice. If you want more you will be better off adding more testosterone.

What happened with the winstrol?