Good experiences with women. Do they exist?

One of the reasons I think we end up in similar situations with women, good or bad, is because we are attracted to a certain type of person. We might have range, but when it really comes down it, most of us are drawn to a certain type.

For some of us, the certain type of chick that we are attracted to always do that same thing the last chick did. You wonder why and then finally figure out, because you keep going after the same type of chick.

Personally, it took me a while to figure out that I kept ending up with these girls that most people would never have known were insecure. They were fun and gorgeous, but man they had some insecurities. As many of you probably know, girls with insecurities do all kinds of dumb shit that makes life difficult.

I switched up my type when I realized I kept going for the same. I found equally beautiful confident women that were just so much easier to get along with and didn’t come with all the drama.

If you keep ending up in the same situation, it might be time to switch it up. You know what they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.