How effective is recomping on PEDs?

Let‘s say you’re in a good position for recomping (not close to your genetic muscular limit and carrying a moderate amount of bodyfat), how effective is recomping?

I think of recomping as eating around maintenance calories and staying at roughly the same bodyweight while simultaneously gaining muscle and losing fat. Basically shifting your body‘s energy storage with the help of PEDs.

For context, I’m 5"9' and 190lbs at 18-20% bodyfat. I‘ve started my cycle consisting of 200mg Test E and 300mg Tren E last week and I would prefer to try recomping instead of going the classical route of bulking and cutting. How much longer is it going to take to achieve similar results, assuming your training and diet is on point?
We all started somewhere, I was soft looking but quite strong kid at 16 years old I weighted about 190 pounds then got skinny because I felt insecure about myself. Then I started doing dips and pullups and recomped in to 185lbs quite lean. Life improved, got much better results with girls at 19-22 years old. Later on I started lifting seriously and got to a 200lbs legit 12% and I was able to bench press 300lbs natural. This was done in 3 years consistent no skipping gym time and more importantly eating right.

By 23 I jumped the gun and hopped on steroids. I have been all over the place. Reached my dream goals of PR's bench 400, squat over 500 and so on. I have been all sizes and shapes in from 23 to 27. I'm not some monster like some guys here on meso, but I have been a big boy at 250lbs before. I'm constantly in the 230's zone on a cruise.

Now I'm at the point of downsizing a bit for health reasons. I have issues I need to sort out. So I have to get down to 220lbs or 100kg first. It's not as easy as it sounds.

Just wanted to say it's very important to understand such transformation takes time at least 2 years maybe 3 and maybe 5 or even 10 for some individuals. It's not one cycle and your set for life kinda thing. No it takes a lot of effort and willpower, but in the end hard work pays off.

Final and important thing is take care of your health. Stay healthy and make it a priority or it might bite you in the ass later on in life. Nothing can buy you health not even money. So stay safe and don't abuse. Play smart and you will win.
"No it takes a lot of effort and willpower, but in the end hard work pays off."

I'd unfortunately have to argue that's not always true for many people here. Many people into bodybuilding/juicing will be forever chasing some specific physique goal and either ultimately fall short or destroy themselves in the process. Or simply waste a fuckton of time in the process. We have no way of verifying anything you said about your numbers in youth without pics, but if true you definitely had better genetics than vast majority of gymgoers. Slight majority of dudes at my gym are on PEDs, and I never see msot of them doing any traditional compound lifts with barbells or dumbbells, but exclusively using machines and cables. To each their own though.

Ultimately, everyone needs to set realistic goals and not let emotional thinking or irrational body dysmorphia get the best of them. Sometimes that might mean bulking and sucking up the "feeling fat" aspect. Sometimes that might mean bulking slowly to prevent cutting for multiple months on end. Sometimes that might mean changing gear doses depending on both blood work and monthly/yearly timetables.

Most of what people say about fitness is a scam. Only thing you can be sure is not a scam is progressive overloading, eating clean, sleeping good, creatine, caffeine, and (if you choose) juicing and checking health markers. But even with all of that including the roids, genetics will, for better or worse, still be a signficiant differentiator
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We all started somewhere, I was soft looking but quite strong kid at 16 years old I weighted about 190 pounds then got skinny because I felt insecure about myself. Then I started doing dips and pullups and recomped in to 185lbs quite lean. Life improved, got much better results with girls at 19-22 years old. Later on I started lifting seriously and got to a 200lbs legit 12% and I was able to bench press 300lbs natural. This was done in 3 years consistent no skipping gym time and more importantly eating right.

By 23 I jumped the gun and hopped on steroids. I have been all over the place. Reached my dream goals of PR's bench 400, squat over 500 and so on. I have been all sizes and shapes in from 23 to 27. I'm not some monster like some guys here on meso, but I have been a big boy at 250lbs before. I'm constantly in the 230's zone on a cruise.

Now I'm at the point of downsizing a bit for health reasons. I have issues I need to sort out. So I have to get down to 220lbs or 100kg first. It's not as easy as it sounds.

Just wanted to say it's very important to understand such transformation takes time at least 2 years maybe 3 and maybe 5 or even 10 for some individuals. It's not one cycle and your set for life kinda thing. No it takes a lot of effort and willpower, but in the end hard work pays off.

Final and important thing is take care of your health. Stay healthy and make it a priority or it might bite you in the ass later on in life. Nothing can buy you health not even money. So stay safe and don't abuse. Play smart and you will win.
I can confirm.

When I first met Lukiss, he was the skinny kid that was curling in the squat rack, taking up the bench presses to do bodyweight dips.

Fast forward a few years later, Lukiss is looking like the European version of Zyzz. Definitely added some size, veins popping out of his shoulders, making all kinds of gains.

But yeah like with anything great, it takes time, dedication, and consistency to build a good physique, and muscle maturity.
I can confirm.

When I first met Lukiss, he was the skinny kid that was curling in the squat rack, taking up the bench presses to do bodyweight dips.

Fast forward a few years later, Lukiss is looking like the European version of Zyzz. Definitely added some size, veins popping out of his shoulders, making all kinds of gains.

But yeah like with anything great, it takes time, dedication, and consistency to build a good physique, and muscle maturity.
Thanks bro, still I never was shredded like you. Always been a bit bulkier and softer you know. Gotta work with what you have and improve yourself by gaining experience. Definitely that last part is well said and true, I couldn't put it so well like you did. Respect bro.

"No it takes a lot of effort and willpower, but in the end hard work pays off."

I'd unfortunately have to argue that's not always true for many people here. Many people into bodybuilding/juicing will be forever chasing some specific physique goal and either ultimately fall short or destroy themselves in the process. Or simply waste a fuckton of time in the process. We have no way of verifying anything you said about your numbers in youth without pics, but if true you definitely had better genetics than vast majority of gymgoers. Slight majority of dudes at my gym are on PEDs, and I never see msot of them doing any traditional compound lifts with barbells or dumbbells, but exclusively using machines and cables. To each their own though.

Ultimately, everyone needs to set realistic goals and not let emotional thinking or irrational body dysmorphia get the best of them. Sometimes that might mean bulking and sucking up the "feeling fat" aspect. Sometimes that might mean bulking slowly to prevent cutting for multiple months on end. Sometimes that might mean changing gear doses depending on both blood work and monthly/yearly timetables.

Most of what people say about fitness is a scam. Only thing you can be sure is not a scam is progressive overloading, eating clean, sleeping good, creatine, caffeine, and (if you choose) juicing and checking health markers. But even with all of that including the roids, genetics will, for better or worse, still be a signficiant differentiator
Isn't it with many things in life? Do you always get what you want and dream of or sometimes you just have to find that middle ground and settle?

I believe it's all about balance, even if I use this word a lot, I truly believe in it. You have to teach yourself lots of things before finding it. Hell whole life is one big lesson. You never stop learning. Why we make mistakes? So we can learn and improve next time.

You think my goals were not more ambitious? Yeah, I wanted to look like Arnold or John Cena when I started roids. Now I'm happy that I realized how much I truly want. I found my happy place, it wasn't overnight. I'd argue my genetics are nothing special, maybe slight advantage in strength but nothing special. Bench press was my weakest lift, I was insecure, but now it's the strongest. Why? Because I wanted it bad. It changed in time.

People these days want too much and fast, fast, fast because of social media. Nobody wants to sweat their ass off for years anymore. Everyone cries and says how natural gains suck, yet they never put enough effort. Thinking steroids will solve all the issues and then you see them guys on gear and they wonder why they looking like soft balloons compared to you. Because they don't have knowledge and experience. They were naive and expected steroids to do it all for them. Not how it works.
Recomp only works if you’re de trained or untrained. For trainees with consistent bodybuilding routine, normal gain and cut phase works best in my humble opinion.

The real question is, have you actually done proper bulks and fat loss phases or have just recently started taking this seriously? If you’re still a newbie in terms of muscle maturity and training/ped experience then recomp might work.

I think this should get pointed out much more often. A lot of "recomps" we see are people who used to be in good shape, got sloppy, and then got back in shape again. Muscle memory is one helluva drug. IMO there's a reason all of the good recomps we see are from people who have a great foundation and simply stopped lifting. I'm yet to run across a skinnyfat or morbidly obese person that pulled it off.
Gotta work with what you have

This has been the hardest but most valuable thing for me to accept. I simply do not have the frame or genetics to be a "mass monster" without pushing the limits with drugs and health + spending a decade doing it. I don't have natural tren strength; endurance has always been my specialty. I spent years trying to force this uphill battle and I was miserable.

I have very broad shoulders and a small waist. My legs are decently sized with little effort. I started training more in line with how my body was naturally programmed to be proportioned, and the gym has been fun again. Also took a huge step back on my PED dosages and feel healthier. I'm in my late 20s and if I can look like a poor man's Jo Lindner by the time I'm 35, I would say I met my goals. (No desire to be that low of bf either)
This has been the hardest but most valuable thing for me to accept. I simply do not have the frame or genetics to be a "mass monster" without pushing the limits with drugs and health + spending a decade doing it. I don't have natural tren strength; endurance has always been my specialty. I spent years trying to force this uphill battle and I was miserable.

I have very broad shoulders and a small waist. My legs are decently sized with little effort. I started training more in line with how my body was naturally programmed to be proportioned, and the gym has been fun again. Also took a huge step back on my PED dosages and feel healthier. I'm in my late 20s and if I can look like a poor man's Jo Lindner by the time I'm 35, I would say I met my goals. (No desire to be that low of bf either)
Very interesting choice for an idol, even if you qualify w/“poor mans”

Ngl, what made him famous when he was still around was that he was very shredded year round and still held onto respectable mass for a 6’2 guy. He didn’t even do recreational drugs like zyzz did. Also did the best he could with bloods, but ultimately had to keep pushing more and more drugs. How much of that are you trying to aspire to?
Thanks bro, still I never was shredded like you. Always been a bit bulkier and softer you know. Gotta work with what you have and improve yourself by gaining experience. Definitely that last part is well said and true, I couldn't put it so well like you did. Respect bro.

Isn't it with many things in life? Do you always get what you want and dream of or sometimes you just have to find that middle ground and settle?

I believe it's all about balance, even if I use this word a lot, I truly believe in it. You have to teach yourself lots of things before finding it. Hell whole life is one big lesson. You never stop learning. Why we make mistakes? So we can learn and improve next time.

You think my goals were not more ambitious? Yeah, I wanted to look like Arnold or John Cena when I started roids. Now I'm happy that I realized how much I truly want. I found my happy place, it wasn't overnight. I'd argue my genetics are nothing special, maybe slight advantage in strength but nothing special. Bench press was my weakest lift, I was insecure, but now it's the strongest. Why? Because I wanted it bad. It changed in time.

People these days want too much and fast, fast, fast because of social media. Nobody wants to sweat their ass off for years anymore. Everyone cries and says how natural gains suck, yet they never put enough effort. Thinking steroids will solve all the issues and then you see them guys on gear and they wonder why they looking like soft balloons compared to you. Because they don't have knowledge and experience. They were naive and expected steroids to do it all for them. Not how it works.

Thanks bro, still I never was shredded like you. Always been a bit bulkier and softer you know. Gotta work with what you have and improve yourself by gaining experience. Definitely that last part is well said and true, I couldn't put it so well like you did. Respect bro.

Isn't it with many things in life? Do you always get what you want and dream of or sometimes you just have to find that middle ground and settle?

I believe it's all about balance, even if I use this word a lot, I truly believe in it. You have to teach yourself lots of things before finding it. Hell whole life is one big lesson. You never stop learning. Why we make mistakes? So we can learn and improve next time.

You think my goals were not more ambitious? Yeah, I wanted to look like Arnold or John Cena when I started roids. Now I'm happy that I realized how much I truly want. I found my happy place, it wasn't overnight. I'd argue my genetics are nothing special, maybe slight advantage in strength but nothing special. Bench press was my weakest lift, I was insecure, but now it's the strongest. Why? Because I wanted it bad. It changed in time.

People these days want too much and fast, fast, fast because of social media. Nobody wants to sweat their ass off for years anymore. Everyone cries and says how natural gains suck, yet they never put enough effort. Thinking steroids will solve all the issues and then you see them guys on gear and they wonder why they looking like soft balloons compared to you. Because they don't have knowledge and experience. They were naive and expected steroids to do it all for them. Not how it works.
Agree with pretty much everything.

If you were a gatekeeper that “held all the power”, what body composition for a given height range would you say is appropriate to start gear? Do most gear users start when they reach your standard, or do most start before reaching it?
Very interesting choice for an idol, even if you qualify w/“poor mans”

Ngl, what made him famous when he was still around was that he was very shredded year round and still held onto respectable mass for a 6’2 guy. He didn’t even do recreational drugs like zyzz did. Also did the best he could with bloods, but ultimately had to keep pushing more and more drugs. How much of that are you trying to aspire to?

I never said he was my idol because I don't idolize other men. I also never said I was aspiring to be him. I could've said I'd want the proportions of a poor man's Ryan Terry but a lot of people wouldn't know what he looks like. It's not that deep brother.

But the whole point of my comment was that I got into PEDs thinking I wanted to be so big I had to walk through doors sideways, and over time I realized that the general direction of men's physique is ideal to me (personally) and aligns way more with my body type and preference. That seems to be close to the line where you start giving up a lot of athleticism and health in exchange for monster size and strength. I was an MMA guy most of my life, wrestling and fighting at 135lbs max. I still jump in the gym from time to time and it's very taxing on the body coming back with an extra 45+ lbs on my frame. I used to run 6 miles a night with my elevation mask on the hardest setting every night. No chance in hell that's happening anymore.

Just cuz I'm bored, to be fair, Jo was pretty competitive in his last show. I think he could've won but his posing was bad. It's like he was ready for a 5 minute IG photoshoot and you could see him running out of breath and having to reset more than the other guys on stage towards the end.

And as far as the young death- he definitely stayed too lean for too long. Lots of clen use and I read somewhere that he drank 2-3 pots of coffee a day? HOWEVER, and this is just food for thought... I remember a video of him saying his doctors told him that he was having less-than-ideal reactions to his 4+ vax / booster shots. The video has been removed of course but I imagine that he put his body in a vulnerable and unhealthy state with the bodybuilding lifestyle, then pounding out boosters every month was the icing on the cake. Nonetheless RIP.
I will find out how effective recomping is in two weeks is go time.

The plan is to use minimal dosages and keep things under 1000mg total.

Recomp needs more mgs than a cut for it to be effective

If you take a look at Chase Irons first time bumping the HGH to 18ius and gear around 4 grams you will see what recomp can do on a heavy cycle i want to find out what it can do on under 1 gram.