How effective is recomping on PEDs?

Let‘s say you’re in a good position for recomping (not close to your genetic muscular limit and carrying a moderate amount of bodyfat), how effective is recomping?

I think of recomping as eating around maintenance calories and staying at roughly the same bodyweight while simultaneously gaining muscle and losing fat. Basically shifting your body‘s energy storage with the help of PEDs.

For context, I’m 5"9' and 190lbs at 18-20% bodyfat. I‘ve started my cycle consisting of 200mg Test E and 300mg Tren E last week and I would prefer to try recomping instead of going the classical route of bulking and cutting. How much longer is it going to take to achieve similar results, assuming your training and diet is on point?
Recomp at that weight, with that bodyfat should be easy on cycle. It would also be fairly easy not on cycle though.

IMO with half decent genetics, I would just use 300mg of test, and run a ghrp/ghrh combo. Even just ghrp-2 and make it simple. Eat better, lift heavy, and do cardio. 16 weeks test, 4 weeks on/2off of ghrp repeated. You'll be amazed at what can be done just eating well, and training. Since you're already on cycle, might as well.

Save the tren for when you build a base.
of a poor man's Ryan Terry but a lot of people wouldn't know what he looks like.
I would think a lot of people on Meso follow bb competitions and compete themselves, so I bet they know who he is.
You've got high standards and good taste, if that's who you want to look like (even just a little bit), that's for sure.
Im sorry but u guys look like shit. Learn to lift and eat right.
I'd be a bit nicer about it, but yeah. The skinny guy needs to eat eat eat. The big guy has a really really odd a ninja turtle or something. His body fat doesn't appear to be super high, but his torso is abnormally wide. Is he standing in front of a fun house mirror?

In any event, these call for full on bulks and cuts. The recomps here probably won't be effective.
I'd be a bit nicer about it, but yeah. The skinny guy needs to eat eat eat. The big guy has a really really odd a ninja turtle or something. His body fat doesn't appear to be super high, but his torso is abnormally wide. Is he standing in front of a fun house mirror?

In any event, these call for full on bulks and cuts. The recomps here probably won't be effective.
Sorry not gonna sugar coat it. Ones fat the other looks like he never pickd up a weight. Both are on gear...
Sorry not gonna sugar coat it. Ones fat the other looks like he never pickd up a weight. Both are on gear...
150 mg trt..
no gear there bud
Sorry not gonna sugar coat it. Ones fat the other looks like he never pickd up a weight. Both are on gear...
My man..
where your fucking pic!!
Lot of mouth .
throw it up..
tell me how I can be more like you..
I'm done replying to an ignorant prick like you man..
Again I'm happy woth myself..
Also I alwayz though sites were here for guys to help each other?
Not cut them down big mouth!!
I tried being a gentlemen regardless of your insults..
Hard to do when dealing with an Imbecile..
Dude im 2 years on gym haha, what do you expect me to look like buddy?

At 5 years u will be my force mating range

I don’t expect you to look like anything particular after 2 year.

I also don’t expect you to run your mouth like an absolute authority on all things gym and PED while looking like that and only been in the gym 2 years. But here you are.
Dude im 2 years on gym haha, what do you expect me to look like buddy?

At 5 years u will be my force mating range

You're 2 years on gym and yet you're taking 700mg of gear without having built a solid base first. And instead of opening your eyes and ears to learn some things from other guys experiences (the good and the bad ones) you're shitting all over through logs when you think someone is taking too much gear while being disrespectful towards them. I hope you realise soon this kind of behaviour is totally off, respectfully.
Dude, half the dudes here are crazy. If you dont see that ur one of them. You do you bro. Time will tell if im delusional
How about stop commenting and start reading for a change. You keep judging people’s physique and steroid use since joining while contributing zero substance so far.

First off I don’t condone/agree or disagree to people’s use because that’s none of my business but that’s just me. You on the other hand, have been voicing out your thoughts while abusing drugs yourself which is hypocritical and annoying to be honest.

Get off your high horse and spend more time on nutrition and training instead.