train a muscle once or twice a week for recomping?

How many times per week to train a muscle group in a bulk/recomp

  • Once per week

  • Twice per week

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New Member
Science seems to say train everything twice with high volume but big guys seem to train them once.
What's the deal here is twice better for novice trainers maybe and once for more experienced guys?
I do Westside Barbell training. Most muscle groups are hit more than once a week. Many flexible protocols online if you're interested, geared for strength & hypertrophy.
I do a squat-abs/chest-tris/back-bicep split twice a week (so 6 day program).

Heavy Compound
Another Compound
Superset 3 accessories

All of them are 5 sets (3x6-8 for heavy weight, 2x dropped weight focused on form).

Squat solidly going up, repping 5 plates. Bench is bench, seems to only go up with my weight and falls right back down when I cut. Back is alright.

Hovering at 230lbs, definitely sub-10.

I tinker my program a lot (ie my back blows out a lot, so I have to be careful on overloading my leg days), sometimes I feel like I can push more so I'll throw in more accessories or do something like adding a different day's accessory (ie adding biceps to leg days so now I'm doing biceps 4x a week).

Really have to finetune it because any small changes I make make a big impact on how I feel after 2-3 weeks of running it, so I have to balance my 'let's fucking push more' with 'okay my body is running haggard and I need a rest week sooner than usual'.

For the most part though, my lifts aren't anything special. Just exercises I've felt worked the muscle groups the most, just do whatever. Ie i stopped doing lat pulldowns and now I do pull ups. I do a weird tricep extension like a skier with 2 cables because it seems to get a nice burn. I do incline db curls now instead of regular db because I don't fucking know, so I can entertain these dumbass questions

other than that, dont do deadlifts because it blows my back out, i squat wide and shallow for the same reason on heavy, and barbell hack squats are fucking awesome
who are you asking? this day and age its all "science based" yet nothing has really changed besides people are pussys in the gym and rely on science told me so.

send it or go home
The OG split I started on was a: 3 day on, 1 day off, repeat. That would turn into 3 days on, 2 off, repeat when started needing more rest (day 1) chest/ tricep (day 2) back / bis (day 3 legs / shoulders. Didn't know at the time 1st started but it does allow close to 72 hours between working muscle groups and does follow working big muscles 1st.
Now I just do every muscle group once a week bc want to fully recover and it works with my schedule.
I used to do every muscle group twice a week bc would try to do a heavy workout and a more pump focused workout (maintain and prime for next week). That way can still say 'going up in weight every week'
I do a squat-abs/chest-tris/back-bicep split twice a week (so 6 day program).

Heavy Compound
Another Compound
Superset 3 accessories

All of them are 5 sets (3x6-8 for heavy weight, 2x dropped weight focused on form).

Squat solidly going up, repping 5 plates. Bench is bench, seems to only go up with my weight and falls right back down when I cut. Back is alright.

Hovering at 230lbs, definitely sub-10.

I tinker my program a lot (ie my back blows out a lot, so I have to be careful on overloading my leg days), sometimes I feel like I can push more so I'll throw in more accessories or do something like adding a different day's accessory (ie adding biceps to leg days so now I'm doing biceps 4x a week).

Really have to finetune it because any small changes I make make a big impact on how I feel after 2-3 weeks of running it, so I have to balance my 'let's fucking push more' with 'okay my body is running haggard and I need a rest week sooner than usual'.

For the most part though, my lifts aren't anything special. Just exercises I've felt worked the muscle groups the most, just do whatever. Ie i stopped doing lat pulldowns and now I do pull ups. I do a weird tricep extension like a skier with 2 cables because it seems to get a nice burn. I do incline db curls now instead of regular db because I don't fucking know, so I can entertain these dumbass questions

other than that, dont do deadlifts because it blows my back out, i squat wide and shallow for the same reason on heavy, and barbell hack squats are fucking awesome
You seem very advanced then.

How on earth do you recover from all that?calories?Age?
I do twice now with low volume, low reps beginning of the week and lower weight higher reps the second time i train a muscle at the end of the week.

Push(quads included)Pull(hamstrings included)Off-Push-Legs-Pull-Off but with overall low volume as i find it hard to recover training everything twice.

On cruise i like to do a Bro Split

I feel you on deadlifts blew my back out doing a warm up with two plates.
The OG split I started on was a: 3 day on, 1 day off, repeat. That would turn into 3 days on, 2 off, repeat when started needing more rest (day 1) chest/ tricep (day 2) back / bis (day 3 legs / shoulders. Didn't know at the time 1st started but it does allow close to 72 hours between working muscle groups and does follow working big muscles 1st.
Now I just do every muscle group once a week bc want to fully recover and it works with my schedule.
I used to do every muscle group twice a week bc would try to do a heavy workout and a more pump focused workout (maintain and prime for next week). That way can still say 'going up in weight every week'
That's what i do now twice a week every muscle group once heavy and once more controlled higher rep but had to cut volume down as it was hard to recover and pushing food was not an option as im to fat right now.

When shit gets to hard i always dial back to a once a week bro split.
Exactly, find what works for you and not someone else. It takes experimenting, time and experience, but you will ultimately find out what's best for you if you are smart enough.
Inspirational as always!

So as i see it most people do twice a week some do higher volume some do less volume at the end of the day it's all over the place and it does not seem like what science makes it out to be a one size fits all.
Inspirational as always!

So as i see it most people do twice a week some do higher volume some do less volume at the end of the day it's all over the place and it does not seem like what science makes it out to be a one size fits all.
Yes, it's because everyone is different. Some can get away with once per week injection with Testo C/E and others need to twice or even thrice weekly to avoid side effects and achieve more stable Testosterone levels. It depends on many factors, but one of the most important is your SHBG and how sensitive you're to estrogen.

There is also choice of esters available, I use undecanoate for this very reason. For example I cruise on Testosterone 250mg/weekly and I only do one single injection per week with insulin syringe. Hell, I could even do every 10 days if I wanted to because of this very long ester and release of hormone is much slower, but a lot more steady. It fits my needs perfectly and I find it not to be much weaker than cypionate or enanthate in terms of effects.

P.S. the only reason I do once every week vs every 10 days, is because it is easier for me to plan it. I don't tie myself to specific day, rather I just know I need to inject once per week, so say I missed it on monday I can do it on tuesday and then the next monday or tuesday again rinse and repeat.
Yes, it's because everyone is different. Some can get away with once per week injection with Testo C/E and others need to twice or even thrice weekly to avoid side effects and achieve more stable Testosterone levels. It depends on many factors, but one of the most important is your SHBG and how sensitive you're to estrogen.

There is also choice of esters available, I use undecanoate for this very reason. For example I cruise on Testosterone 250mg/weekly and I only do one single injection per week with insulin syringe. Hell, I could even do every 10 days if I wanted to because of this very long ester and release of hormone is much slower, but a lot more steady. It fits my needs perfectly and I find it not to be much weaker than cypionate or enanthate in terms of effects.

P.S. the only reason I do once every week vs every 10 days, is because it is easier for me to plan it. I don't tie myself to specific day, rather I just know I need to inject once per week, so say I missed it on monday I can do it on tuesday and then the next monday or tuesday again rinse and repeat.
Is your SHBG higher with TestU than other esters?