Interesting as this says PVDF is good with BB
Cheap and effective. Can also get them anywhere else. Thermofisher stuff is on Amazon.
For reference, PVDF is NOT compatible with high BB. I ruined a big batch of Test U with 300mg/1/30 Test U/BA/BB in C8 just yesterday. Only 50ml of 500ml went through the filter, and it clouded on filtration. Filter melted shut is what it looks like. Should have just waited for my trusted filters to arrive
PTFE is best bet. Failing that Nylon. Failing that Cellulose Acetate (will be slow as shit, and if you up your vacuum past 0.06MPa to compensate you WILL crack your bottle or tear the filter). But really, don't be like me. Just get PTFE even if it's sometimes out of stock.
Bottom is a good guide on compatibility AND cleaning up your gear with a methanol elution.
And this one says no data available

Here is the detailed information about Chemical Compatibility And Plastic Suitability of Finar

I've used PVDF paper with that glass filtration setup using 2/30 with no issues
EDIT: Disregard the above. Found this one that says it is marginal. Best thing for risk tolerance is to use PTFE filters.
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