GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Unrelated to this thread but…
Has anyone experienced hard swollen lumps after gh injections? just started to happen after 3 weeks on GH. I think my inj landed in the dermis. This is by no means related to GL’s products
This does happen from time to time. I have had customers tell me they switched to IM injections and the bumps did not repeat with that route of administration.
Unrelated to this thread but…
Has anyone experienced hard swollen lumps after gh injections? just started to happen after 3 weeks on GH. I think my inj landed in the dermis. This is by no means related to GL’s products
needle length and angle of injection? if its 3/8'' or smaller you cant pin less than perpendicular (straight in) if you want to guaruntee sub q. If I run out and need to use a 1/2 inch ill pin at 45 degrees
Hard bumps from needle injections aren't unique to hgh but subQ injections alone. Happens alot to diabetics
I would like to bump the hype train for getting 400-500mg/ml test cyp, 500mg/ml deca, and 500mg/ml eq on the menu. Even test-U at 300-350mg/ml would be nice for us cruising peeps. Thoughts? @GoodLyfe
I would like to bump the hype train for getting 400-500mg/ml test cyp, 500mg/ml deca, and 500mg/ml eq on the menu. Even test-U at 300-350mg/ml would be nice for us cruising peeps. Thoughts? @GoodLyfe
I advised those interested in higher concentration oils post a poll so GL can get an idea on how many wanted one ever did. A sign there probably isn't nowhere near enough interest for him to bother.
needle length and angle of injection? if its 3/8'' or smaller you cant pin less than perpendicular (straight in) if you want to guaruntee sub q. If I run out and need to use a 1/2 inch ill pin at 45 degrees
Use 1/2 inch 29g, pinned IM last night and it worked beautifully.
Sorry to keep throwing things at you but many many many members and people use Test E / Mast E for their trt protocol. I think you would have a huge seller at 200/200 T/M ratio. I would def be a buyer.
I beg to differ. There are more issues with test E than C overall. Idk why people even use it

Besides... Test U all the way for TRT lol
A test base or tren base would be cool, npp 200 would cut down on oil like with having the primo 200 does. I’d be on board with a higher deca and EQ as well. Just having the option for high concentrations with most things when ordering like SoCo or Colonial had would be icing on the cake, but I know it ultimately boils down to business.
You should really redo it.... Not an ideal poll. He can't do it of all the compounds
Roger, I was just making that one to see if there was any interest I guess. Any compounds you would suggest? I know npp 200 would be good. And I know there is a threshold you can make them at without the gear crashing