GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I recently posted a thread about how quest messed up my friend’s bloodwork and multiple forum members bloodwork as well. It’s quest
Oh god, I just setup my appointment with them for the first time, thought maybe combovers experience was just a random coincidence. Usually go with Labcorp but quest is much closer. Regretting my decision.
Yessir same vial. Ill send a sample to Jano just to clear things up. I don't doubt your oil, but quest, that's another question. Sucks too cause I'd like to have an idea where I'm at.

Going from 525 to 944 on the same protocol does not compute.
Estrogen at 62 with T at 525 does not compute and isn't consistent with my previous bloodwork.
I mean, I would absolutely love to have another Jano report from a customer on my oils. If you were, are, using the same vial and your blood test results are different, seems like a no brainer as to what the variable is here.
Either the lab messed up, or you messed up your dosing which the latter seems un-likely.
Oh god, I just setup my appointment with them for the first time, thought maybe combovers experience was just a random coincidence. Usually go with Labcorp but quest is much closer. Regretting my decision.
I wonder if it's regional...
I've always used quest because they're closer and always way cheaper. But fuck man, it's almost pointless if the results are a crap shoot.

I should have just posted these tests in the bloodwork section questioning quest and left the source out of, my bad gl.
I wonder if it's regional...

I use quest a few times a year and have for many years. My results are always perfectly in line with the lab reports I get from my urologist’s office who has a in house laboratory being as they are actually a university facility. I pull labs with my urologist 2x a year. Personally I’ve never questioned my quest reports and until this thread never seen anyone blame them for their poor results. Not saying it couldn’t happen but I mean they have one job and them getting blood work wrong would be a very serious issue and could lead to the patient being misdiagnosed for something.
I've always used quest because they're closer and always way cheaper. But fuck man, it's almost pointless if the results are a crap shoot.

I should have just posted these tests in the bloodwork section questioning quest and left the source out of, my bad gl.
Nah man, it’s my gear, I’m part of the equation. You did nothing wrong.
I mean, I would absolutely love to have another Jano report from a customer on my oils. If you were, are, using the same vial and your blood test results are different, seems like a no brainer as to what the variable is here.
Either the lab messed up, or you messed up your dosing which the latter seems un-likely.
Um...I think you meant to say that this is HIS fault. C'mon man, what kind of source would you be if you didn't blame your buyers?
Free test results came in.
Is that high for total test being in range (944)?

View attachment 251386

No. It’s not terrible though for having a score of 944. Mine sit a couple hundred points higher than that just on trt of 150mg. I’m sure you’ve been asked before but what do your base labs look like? Do you perhaps have labs while running another ugl? I ask that last question because I once got westward testosterone from the pharmacy and I only had a score in the 3x range but plenty others score higher while using it. I now know that if the pharmacy ever gives me westward to give it right back to them. Just doesn’t work for me personally and I can’t explain why.

I’m thinking you are just a poor responder. The body is a weird thing. On trt I typically score around the 8x range. When I blast I score more around the 5x range, but years ago I used 700mg from a ugl and I scored 7000 (10x). I have a crap load of labs which gives me a better understanding where certain doses will put me. It’s good that you are pulling all these labs and seeing how your body responds.
Touchdown of GSO test U. I will test it as part of my pre blast blood work. 4 weeks from now. 180mg a week. It will be about the equivalency of 165 test C
Lol to the dork saying not to hear your syringe with tap water because it’s not “sterile”

Like you wouldn’t was a cut / wound under tap water?

I’m a diesel mechanic and I have all kinds of shit in open cuts, never had an infection.
Sink water is the least of your concerns ding bat
No. It’s not terrible though for having a score of 944. Mine sit a couple hundred points higher than that just on trt of 150mg. I’m sure you’ve been asked before but what do your base labs look like? Do you perhaps have labs while running another ugl? I ask that last question because I once got westward testosterone from the pharmacy and I only had a score in the 3x range but plenty others score higher while using it. I now know that if the pharmacy ever gives me westward to give it right back to them. Just doesn’t work for me personally and I can’t explain why.

I’m thinking you are just a poor responder. The body is a weird thing. On trt I typically score around the 8x range. When I blast I score more around the 5x range, but years ago I used 700mg from a ugl and I scored 7000 (10x). I have a crap load of labs which gives me a better understanding where certain doses will put me. It’s good that you are pulling all these labs and seeing how your body responds.
I have quite a few bloods, first bloods on GL. Taking .3 of test c 250, twice a week, has typically put me between 900-1100.
.5 twice a week typically ~1500.

I am human, it's possible I missed a pin, but very unlikely, especially during a cycle, I pin first thing in the morning as part of my routine and I have reminders on my phone for where to pin lol. Who knows, I'll test again at this dose and see what happens.

I saw you mention that you were in Tren at this point too? Did you get the ultra sensitive e2 test? The regular one comes back fucked on Tren.
Yessir, ultra sensitive.
I will have blood results in a week from Quest I will post up. Currently 6th week on a healthy cruise. Still making gains and actually hitting PR’s I couldn’t breakthrough on blast
Running GL’s Test E with a little GL Deca (for the joints lol)
Unrelated to this thread but…
Has anyone experienced hard swollen lumps after gh injections? just started to happen after 3 weeks on GH. I think my inj landed in the dermis. This is by no means related to GL’s products