GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

What will be the dosage/quantity/price for your new oral AIs
There are several of us that can't. . but I can in other places on Meso. . so . . .WTF?? Life w/out emoji's is . . hard.
I understand why sources lost the privilege to leave emoji’s. An emoji is a very simple gesture however a gesture nonetheless that can influence someone’s behavior, especially in favor of a source.
I understand why sources lost the privilege to leave emoji’s. An emoji is a very simple gesture however a gesture nonetheless that can influence someone’s behavior, especially in favor of a source.
I guess I get it? Not the hill I'm gonna die on .. . .but if an emoji influences your gear use. . .and I'll just stop myself right there. . .
I guess I get it? Not the hill I'm gonna die on .. . .but if an emoji influences your gear use. . .and I'll just stop myself right there. . .

Most hate hearing it as it’s a broken record but this place isn't a source board and it’s actually great to see Millard stripping sources of status and things that may help them influence others. Go check out PM if you want to see the difference and experience a source board. Sources come and always go here and unfortunately 99% of the time they go it's because they fucked up. Whether that be by scamming, busted, quality control, etc. In every source thread you will always find a few members who idolize the source. They hang on his/her every word. Take a look in QSC thread. It’s sickening. While I get that it’s kinda petty to strip a source such as GL of something as simple as the action to use an emoji I also completely understand why sources should not have the same abilities as members do because they are not members. Members contribute to this place, or they should. There is a brotherhood amongst us and we look out for each other and this place. Sources are drug dealers here for one reason and will eventually disappear like a fart in the wind. Sounds harsh but stick around for a good while and you’ll see what’s what. Goodlyfe has become a good source and other sources should take note but there needs to be a line drawn in the sand. When these sources fuck up they need to be held accountable and it makes it hard when some idolize him, shill and protect him.
Test E 250 in GSO is made. It hasn’t been sent for testing yet though.

Moving forward Test E will be 250mg standard. Trying to see if I can lower the concentration a bit to help the folks that are having pip from the E


PIP'S part of the game Brother. I'll admit testE batch 4 has me feeling like a lil Pippy Longstalkings Bitch but I keep limping on. Batch 4 also tested at 327 so I understand its gonna be pippy. But I chose E over C for the higher mg. Regardless I respect your decisions and will remain loyal. After probably 15 orders I have zero complaints with GL. He's TOP NOTCH in all aspects. I appreciate you my dude!
Okay so I’m one of the people who had crippling pip from test e. First time in my life i wanted to throw out a vial but had to get through it. Anyways i know its not a source issue because nothing else i ever bought from GL did that now reading that some people had similar problem would switching to 250 test c solve the issue? What should i pick tor the next order? I always pick gso btw.
You're a new member and you sound new so Im gonna assume you're a rookie. We all started as rookies. To answer your question...higher concentrate = more of other solvents required = more pip. So yes a 250 should be less pippy than a higher mg. As a rookie....maybe technique could be causing pip, maybe virgin or "newish to the game" muscles?? Your muscles "being pinned" will eventually get used to your regimen. You will also get used to pinning and your technique will improve as well., study, research, ask questions, listen, etc. This is your health and life your tampering with. Hormones are no joke. I researched diligently for over a year before I pulled the trigger in 2010, and 13 years later I'm still researching and learning. AAS doesnt only affect physical attributes but also your heart, major organs and mental health. You can easily do PERMANENT damage if you are careless and reckless. Id like to add that NOTHING IS A FUCKING MAGICAL SWOLE POTION!!! You HAVE to work hard! Be safe...lift smart...and grow. I'd also do plenty of macro/calorie/diet/ type research as well. It will only help you fine tune your overall goals
You're a new member and you sound new so Im gonna assume you're a rookie. We all started as rookies. To answer your question...higher concentrate = more of other solvents required = more pip. So yes a 250 should be less pippy than a higher mg. As a rookie....maybe technique could be causing pip, maybe virgin or "newish to the game" muscles?? Your muscles "being pinned" will eventually get used to your regimen. You will also get used to pinning and your technique will improve as well., study, research, ask questions, listen, etc. This is your health and life your tampering with. Hormones are no joke. I researched diligently for over a year before I pulled the trigger in 2010, and 13 years later I'm still researching and learning. AAS doesnt only affect physical attributes but also your heart, major organs and mental health. You can easily do PERMANENT damage if you are careless and reckless. Id like to add that NOTHING IS A FUCKING MAGICAL SWOLE POTION!!! You HAVE to work hard! Be safe...lift smart...and grow. I'd also do plenty of macro/calorie/diet/ type research as well. It will only help you fine tune your overall goals
You forgot the most important part: Ladyboys can't contract HIV.

(Thumbs up)
You're a new member and you sound new so Im gonna assume you're a rookie. We all started as rookies. To answer your question...higher concentrate = more of other solvents required = more pip. So yes a 250 should be less pippy than a higher mg. As a rookie....maybe technique could be causing pip, maybe virgin or "newish to the game" muscles?? Your muscles "being pinned" will eventually get used to your regimen. You will also get used to pinning and your technique will improve as well., study, research, ask questions, listen, etc. This is your health and life your tampering with. Hormones are no joke. I researched diligently for over a year before I pulled the trigger in 2010, and 13 years later I'm still researching and learning. AAS doesnt only affect physical attributes but also your heart, major organs and mental health. You can easily do PERMANENT damage if you are careless and reckless. Id like to add that NOTHING IS A FUCKING MAGICAL SWOLE POTION!!! You HAVE to work hard! Be safe...lift smart...and grow. I'd also do plenty of macro/calorie/diet/ type research as well. It will only help you fine tune your overall goals

You forgot the most important part: Ladyboys can't contract HIV.
Update on GL dhb. Pin had npp/test cyp/dhb mixed 1ml/.7ml/.7ml in glute. Barely any pip 24 hrs after, 48hrs nothing at all. Test cyp was grape seed, dhb in mct. Split another pin into both delts at same volume, and literally nothing. Had a slight burn for a few hrs after shot, but a good burn. Loving it GL