GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Not getting into the syringe, or to the near the needle. I’ve seen many people submerge the whole syringe needle first.
Ive been doing this for years. Running hot water over the barrel, right from the faucet. Never had an issue.
Ive been doing this for years. Running hot water over the barrel, right from the faucet. Never had an issue.
This right here. Not bad practice at all. Needle is secure and capped obviously. Hot water over syringe only, water never touches the capped needle or where needle locks onto syringe.
No risk and definitely makes the push easier.
Ummm if any were to somehow get into the syringe … are you really that dumb ?!
Let them live their life how they want. To each their own.

It’s the same effect if you just warm the oil in the vial before drawing and you’re not risking contaminating the tool you’re sticking in your body. That’s just me though.
You make a valid point...

So what, do y'all just run the entire vial under hot water? Couldn't that fuck up the gear, or?
I use a wax scent warmer. It doesn’t get hot enough to ruin anything.

I am curious about the logic you followed here though. Hot water over gear in syringe is okay but you have concern doing the same thing in a glass vial would ruin it?