GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

How much bac water are you guys mixing with the Semaglutide to dose it in .25 mg increments?


DHB has been treating me well. I can see why they call it tren-lite, I’ve been maintaining my strength on a cut. I will say it’s a bit odd to not feel like I’m losing my mind like on tren. May be looking more vascular but it may be placebo im not sure yet. Haven’t been on it that long yet
Sounds intriguing lol. I think that’s the only thing that’s stopping me from running tren. But you say no insanity with DHB
Sounds intriguing lol. I think that’s the only thing that’s stopping me from running tren. But you say no insanity with DHB
Literally no mental sides from DHB (at least from my experience thus far, YMMV). Im on 560 DHB right now, I slowly upped it. Still not getting any sides though which is nice.

I won’t speak badly about tren. I think everyone should try it at least once at a lower dosage to see how it affects them. I know a guy who can run 700mg of ace a week and you wouldn’t even know it. He’s as calm as a cucumber. While other guys can’t handle 200mg a week without snapping at people.

I’m sort of in the middle. I start getting paranoid around 350/wk but I can still sleep and eat….at 420/wk (ace) I start getting confrontational and I’m much shorter tempered. Plus heartburn starts setting in.
At 560/wk I can’t sleep, terrible heartburn, high resting heart rate, I get very paranoid, possessive, and mean.

Try tren and dhb separately and see which you like more. Personally, I feel nothing beats tren for just brutal strength and gains.
Literally no mental sides from DHB (at least from my experience thus far, YMMV). Im on 560 DHB right now, I slowly upped it. Still not getting any sides though which is nice.

I won’t speak badly about tren. I think everyone should try it at least once at a lower dosage to see how it affects them. I know a guy who can run 700mg of ace a week and you wouldn’t even know it. He’s as calm as a cucumber. While other guys can’t handle 200mg a week without snapping at people.

I’m sort of in the middle. I start getting paranoid around 350/wk but I can still sleep and eat….at 420/wk (ace) I start getting confrontational and I’m much shorter tempered. Plus heartburn starts setting in.
At 560/wk I can’t sleep, terrible heartburn, high resting heart rate, I get very paranoid, possessive, and mean.

Try tren and dhb separately and see which you like more. Personally, I feel nothing beats tren for just brutal strength and gains.
Definitely want to try it. Just don’t want to be snapping at people left and right lol
Definitely want to try it. Just don’t want to be snapping at people left and right lol
Start low and you’ll be good man. Get some GL tren ace and do 50mg EOD (175mg/wk) after about 2 weeks you’ll have a definite idea of how it affects you and can increase or decrease your dosage.
Definitely want to try it. Just don’t want to be snapping at people left and right lol
I played around with 15 - 50mg / day my first go. Honestly, I think 25-30 / day was optimal for me in terms of visible sides.

I wasn’t happy with how bad my bloodwork looked after only 6 weeks, so may never touch the stuff again.
I played around with 15 - 50mg / day my first go. Honestly, I think 25-30 / day was optimal for me in terms of visible sides.

I wasn’t happy with how bad my bloodwork looked after only 6 weeks, so may never touch the stuff again.
There’s that too, we’ll see. No rush but want to experiment and see what my body really responds to
Started test cyp/npp/dhb cycle today. Going to be running 400/300/200 weekly split eod. Heated all the oils together in the pin to try and avoid potential pip from dhb, will see how it goes over the next 2-3 days. Npp from another source, but GL dhb in mct and test cyp in grape seed. I have heard grape seed can have some anti inflammatory benefits…. Any of you fellas have an opinion on liver/cycle support with the dhb. Opinions on it has been back and forth in terms of liver toxicity. I know some clinical studies have show an increased weight in the liver on test subjects.
Started test cyp/npp/dhb cycle today. Going to be running 400/300/200 weekly split eod. Heated all the oils together in the pin to try and avoid potential pip from dhb, will see how it goes over the next 2-3 days. Npp from another source, but GL dhb in mct and test cyp in grape seed. I have heard grape seed can have some anti inflammatory benefits…. Any of you fellas have an opinion on liver/cycle support with the dhb. Opinions on it has been back and forth in terms of liver toxicity. I know some clinical studies have show an increased weight in the liver on test subjects.
You should use NAC daily anyway, but if you’re not then add it in. 600mg twice a day should be more than enough for on cycle, half that for daily off cycle use.
You should use NAC daily anyway, but if you’re not then add it in. 600mg twice a day should be more than enough for on cycle, half that for daily off cycle use.
Yes, running 300mg daily… Adding 600mg Tudca daily as well. Thx Yuppie. Idk if I had some crazy placebo, but had crazy night sweats last night, no more than 12 hrs after my first pin lol. Haven't had sweats like that in 10 years, when I was hooked on opiates.
Anyone running the DHB MCT oil? Im having crippling pip. Cutting it with test 300 CSO. Been trying 50:50, so Ike 1cc test/1cc DHB.

I think Im gonna try like .3cc solo DHB shots….or maybe subq. My whole glute/shoulder turns red and swollen, literally can’t move it. I have some goodlyfe primo, might just water the DHB down to like 50mg or less per pin
Is it this source’s 300? Only asking because it may be that causing the pip. Reading through here and now that I’m on my third injection of the 300 in MCT, holy fuck is this the worst pip I’ve had. Knots in my legs bad enough I don’t want to bend them. Third is worse than the first two for some reason as well. I may have a few bottles of the 300 that sit in the safe because I’m not sure I can push through this to even train.
Is it this source’s 300? Only asking because it may be that causing the pip. Reading through here and now that I’m on my third injection of the 300 in MCT, holy fuck is this the worst pip I’ve had. Knots in my legs bad enough I don’t want to bend them. Third is worse than the first two for some reason as well. I may have a few bottles of the 300 that sit in the safe because I’m not sure I can push through this to even train.
Stupid question. But have you tried warming the syringe beforehand to break the oil down a little bit?
Is it this source’s 300? Only asking because it may be that causing the pip. Reading through here and now that I’m on my third injection of the 300 in MCT, holy fuck is this the worst pip I’ve had. Knots in my legs bad enough I don’t want to bend them. Third is worse than the first two for some reason as well. I may have a few bottles of the 300 that sit in the safe because I’m not sure I can push through this to even train.
I’m running this source’s test E 300 1ml mixed with another sources dhb 100 2.5ml.
Pip is totally bearable. Hasn’t hindered anything.

