GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

hows your libido? jw
Libido definitely got progressively lower throughout the cycle. It wasn't completely gone though. I still had a decent amount of sex drive just not as much as when I'm running test only. Tbh it helped me focus more on my workout and less on girls in the gym.
Not a big deal but I jsit have to ask.
Why are the bottles that I got with a previous order smaller than my most recent?

I’d say it was an illusion the newer bottles I got are clearly bigger. Again I’m not even mad, just want to know if anyone has noticed this with different orders.
" not even mad" why would you be mad regardless of the size of the bottle? As long as the quantity and quality are there correct? Sorry not trying to argue just sounded weird to say. Maybe I read into it too much. Good luck
Thats what im never asked me for a wallet. And by "denied payment" i mean i kept filling in the blanks and hitting next. And i eventually hit next and it said payment denied. But never in the fill in the blanks did it ask for an addy. Im familiar with btc transactions im just using a new process that im not familiar. Only conclusion i could come up with is....would it put coin in my cashapp wallet first then id have to transfer??? Idfk
Sorry if this has been answered. Is your cash ap verified? Did you have to prove your identity? Do you have a cash ap card? Is your bank linked? In my state you can go to speedway gas station and put cash on your cash ap for I think 1$ for up to $500 transaction. Then click buy bitcoin and type in the amount and bam its in your cash ap btc wallet. Then you click withdraw on your btc and then it asks for wallet address you would like to send to and amount. DO NOT buy btc on cash ap if your account isn't verified. It will let you purchase it but not send it somewhere else until you verify your identity. It's been many years for me but i had to send pics of myself holding my ID card and some other stuff.. took about 3 days to verify my account. Nowadays of I want coin I can get on cash ap get btc send to my wallet then to whomever I would like from there and it takes about 3 min and cost maybe 3 or 4$ per $1000. Feel free to inbox me if you are still trying to get things figured out. If I'm to late sorry haven't been on in awhile so I'm weeks behind catching up on some reading. Good luck
Yeah sounds like Test C will be better for you. Unless you're really wanting to use E for whatever reason, you could switch to a higher gauge needle like a slin 1in 28/29 gauge and increase your injection frequency to reduce the amount of oil per injection.
Yeah definitely going’s to try cyp this time. Crazy thing is just like youve said i even tried micro dosing but even then it was uncomfortable, it would be a smaller pip but still hurt. I used to think I’d never had a pip because I’ve always been lucky when it came to drugs agreeing with me, not this time lol.

Waiting for anadrol to be back on stock then its game on….
Second order. Ordered mid day wed & just grabbed from mailbox! First time running deca wanting to put on a good amount of tissue. Hopefully I don’t get the anxiety I see alot of people saying it gives em. Thanks GL!
What would be the general consensus here on test to nandrolone ratio?
Was planning to run 500 cyp with 300 deca but the more I read the more I see a lot of people running TRT test with higher nandrolone. Any input is appreciated
What would be the general consensus here on test to nandrolone ratio?
Was planning to run 500 cyp with 300 deca but the more I read the more I see a lot of people running TRT test with higher nandrolone. Any input is appreciated
My next cycle will be test mast nandrolone. I’m going to run my test at a higher trt level. Since hyperprolactinemia seems more likely to be induced by uncontrolled estrogen it just makes sense to try and eliminate that factor out of the equation. However, I’m still nearer so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Guys another question regarding to pip issues with test enanthate. Is mct oil supposed to be thinner? Would you guys recommend me to switcht to that when I switch to test cyp and order mct instead of cso? Which one is known to cause less irritation or is it user dependant again?
Guys another question regarding to pip issues with test enanthate. Is mct oil supposed to be thinner? Would you guys recommend me to switcht to that when I switch to test cyp and order mct instead of cso? Which one is known to cause less irritation or is it user dependant again?
I've never used cso, but pretty sure mct is thinner from reading about cso. I've used gso and mct and prefer the thinner mct. On his test E 300 and zero issues.
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Guys another question regarding to pip issues with test enanthate. Is mct oil supposed to be thinner? Would you guys recommend me to switcht to that when I switch to test cyp and order mct instead of cso? Which one is known to cause less irritation or is it user dependant again?
I haven’t used mct I’ve only used GSO and CSO, but the test E left me with a welt like a contusion. I didn’t lose faith in GL, switched to test c and it’s been smooth sailing for almost a year now. I think there’s just a few of us that don’t handle something in the raw well. Idk.
What would be the general consensus here on test to nandrolone ratio?
Was planning to run 500 cyp with 300 deca but the more I read the more I see a lot of people running TRT test with higher nandrolone. Any input is appreciated
Assuming you don’t have too many cycles under your belt…
Third cycle I believe I did was test 500, Deca 400 weekly for 10 weeks I think and 40mg dbol daily first 4 weeks. Grew like a weed and got very strong.
If I could go back and do things differwny I’d change the way I ate during that cycle. I ate enough calories just not the right calories.
Diet is key…..
What would be the general consensus here on test to nandrolone ratio?
Was planning to run 500 cyp with 300 deca but the more I read the more I see a lot of people running TRT test with higher nandrolone. Any input is appreciated
I’ve always done 400 Cyp and 200 Deca. Heavier cycles a while back were 600 Cyp and 300 Deca.
What would be the general consensus here on test to nandrolone ratio?
Was planning to run 500 cyp with 300 deca but the more I read the more I see a lot of people running TRT test with higher nandrolone. Any input is appreciated

My suggestion, and I am no expert, would be to start with the dosages being the same. Since you were planning on running 300mg of nandrolone, I'd just run the test dose equally at 300 and see where that gets you.

I would also suggest running NPP instead of Deca, presuming this is your first run with deca, you don't really know how your body will tolerate it and any potential unwanted sides could be cleared quicker with npp than deca due to the much shorter half life.
" not even mad" why would you be mad regardless of the size of the bottle? As long as the quantity and quality are there correct? Sorry not trying to argue just sounded weird to say. Maybe I read into it too much. Good luck
" not even mad" why would you be mad regardless of the size of the bottle? As long as the quantity and quality are there correct? Sorry not trying to argue just sounded weird to say. Maybe I read into it too much. Good luck
I was only asking cuz I thought there was a chance it was less then 12 ml which is the amount listed for vials on paste bin. I assumed it was just an illusion.

I would not have been mad if it was only 10 ml which is standard amount for most vendors. His product is top quality and TA is literally unbelievable. I’ve made more then a few purchases and not once have I waited more then 3 days.

I just was asking cuz maybe goodlyfe made 10 ml bottles in the past and were sent by mistake. Obviously not likely. It was jsit one of those things I wanted see the answer . coming from him

Ps- Again this is a stand up source. I just had to ask and hear it from him and even if they had been just 10 ml I wouldn’t have cared. Goodlyfe is the best source on here. I’ve made some pretty impressive gains running his oils and orals. I’m beyond impressed and I will continue to support this thread as long as I can!
Regarding the test e,
Test E 250 in GSO is made. It hasn’t been sent for testing yet though.

Moving forward Test E will be 250mg standard. Trying to see if I can lower the concentration a bit to help the folks that are having pip from the E
Hey GL, do you have any 300mg/ml left? Currently pinning JP's 400mg and no issues, wouldn't mind stocking up some good 300 at all.
Regarding the test e,

Hey GL, do you have any 300mg/ml left? Currently pinning JP's 400mg and no issues, wouldn't mind stocking up some good 300 at all.
He has said in the past to check his pastebin, as he constantly updates it. I think he posted one a page or two back.
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