GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

When did other sources get the ok to come advertise in other sources threads?
Fuck those cat people are annoying as fuck.

After the massive Meso ban and the rise of QSC some sources decided they could do whatever they like. I mean why not? There are no gate keepers any longer and QSC is allowed to publicly scam with no repercussions. For many years if a source left their thread they were slapped right back in there. Times are different now that’s for sure.

GL and the cat crew seem to be friends or on very good terms so I’m sure GL doesn’t mind but it was a dick move for a source to come in and advertise they have what GL’s customers are seeking since GL doesn’t atm.

It’s no secret goodlyfe and I used to knock heads. Again, times are different now and I’ve come around. How could I not? He respects the old ways, test everything and can easily be persuaded to add something to his list. Mainly I respect him because he respects the board and didn’t do as he pleased when the gates came tumbling down around here.
It’s no secret goodlyfe and I used to knock heads. Again, times are different now and I’ve come around. How could I not? He respects the old ways, test everything and can easily be persuaded to add something to his list. Mainly I respect him because he respects the board and didn’t do as he pleased when the gates came tumbling down around here.

I sincerely appreciate that Bware. Thank you.
I haven’t experienced any PIP with Test E. Currently running 400 npp, 900 EQ, 1g Test E a week injecting everyday. Normally when running a g of test acne flares up but this time acne isn’t even an issue.
Probably because your running almost a gram of EQ and your e2 is in the gutter lol
I haven’t experienced any PIP with Test E. Currently running 400 npp, 900 EQ, 1g Test E a week injecting everyday. Normally when running a g of test acne flares up but this time acne isn’t even an issue.
Jesus your running 2500 mgs a week ? Is that you in profile pic ? What’s your weight ?